November - December 2018  



Creative Nature Workshop

November 14 
10:30 a.m. 

1½ hours, up to 1 mile. 

Cape Cod has a long history of attracting artists and writers. Become part of this legacy by bringing your sketchbook or journal to Fort Hill to join park ranger and writer  Dani Cessna. 

High Head Dunes and Cranberries Hike

November 20 
2:00 p.m.
1½ hours. 

Work off some calories and look for wild
cranberries to bring to Thanksgiving! We will climb up and down some steep sand dunes to reach a large cranberry bog area. 

Learn about the parabolic dunes and the natural and cultural history of cranberries on Cape Cod. Wear sneakers or boots, and bring water and a bag or container for collecting cranberries (quantity will depend on this year's crop). No restrooms available in meeting location. 

Meet in the bike trail parking lot at the end of High Head Road, off Route 6, in Truro (stay left and continue on the dirt road).
Explore and Learn Tables
Weekends from November 17 through
 December 23
10 a.m - 3 p.m
Daily from December 26 through January 1
10 a.m - 3 p.m. 

Find out about the national seashore through hands on, self-guided activities. Topics vary, and range from seals and shells, to butterflies and horseshoe crabs. 

Salt Pond Visitor Center, 50 Nauset Road, Eastham.
Winter Wildlife Walk

December 19
 4 p.m.
 1 hour, up to 1 mile

 Join a ranger for a walk around Fort Hill just before
dark. Look for the tracks and sign animals leave behind. 

We may even get a look at some of Cape Cod's wildlife! Wear warm clothes and good walking shoes, and bring a flashlight for returning to our car. 

Meet at the lower parking lot at Fort Hill, 70 Fort Hill Road, Eastham.
Salt Pond Stroll

December 20
1 p.m.

1 hour, up to 1 mile. 

Join a ranger for a leisurely walk around the marsh and enjoy
its wondrous landscape. 

Salt Pond Visitor Center, 50 Nauset Road, Eastham.

Perspectives - Seeing Cape Cod National Seashore Through Art
 Photographs by Kekoa Rosehill and Katie Trudeau will be featured at Cape Cod National Seashore's Salt Pond Visitor Center in November. 
This exhibit, "Reflections of Off-Season Cape Cod," will feature unique landscapes and macro views of the lesser-known seasons of the Cape. 
A public reception for Katie and Kekoa will be held on Saturday, November 3, from 2 to 4 p.m at the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham. 
Check at the visitor center for details on future exhibits.

Into the Deep

November 25
1:30 p.m

120 minutes.

This documentary explores the history of America's whaling industry,
and alerting us to the dangers of exploiting our natural resources.

Salt Pond Visitors Center Auditorium
101 Dalmations

December 30
1:30 p.m.

80 minutes

 This original animated version has charmed audiences for generations
with its irresistible tail-wagging stars,memorable music, and a wonderful blend of fantasy, humor, and adventure.

Salt Pond Visitors Center Auditorium


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Consider giving a gift membership to a friend or family member - a great way to support our magnificent Seashore !

Remember the Friends in your end-of-year giving. Your contributions mean more than ever.

Go to "Donate" at  

Give a gift in mem ory of or in honor of a special person in your life.
When shopping at Amazon, use the Amazon "Smile" program and select Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore as your charity.


for a list of Friends' volunteer opportunities, or link directly to the Park's volunteer site.







A message from our new president
Hello Friends,

Pat Ryder here. I'm the new President of the Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore. 

My parents purchased property in Eastham the year before I was born, 1946, so I have been a regular visitor or resident of Eastham my entire life. 

We were always here over the July 4th week, and went to the fireworks at Veterans Field in Chatham. We'd swim in the bay as planes dropped bombs on the "bang boat", the SS James Longstreet. 

We enjoyed tossing coins to boys swimming off MacMillan Wharf in Provincetown. We loved the penny candy store in Orleans. I remember when Arnold's was Gertrude's Beach Box!

I have lived in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Maryland, and Texas. In my middle years, I spent 30 years in nursing, primarily as a psychiatric registered nurse. 

Fast forward to now - Dick and I have been living in Eastham, full time, year round, since 1993. We are volunteers with the Park at Old Harbor Life-Saving Station at Race Point in Provincetown. 

We loved the Seashore, so we joined the Friends!
I look forward to a great year with the Friends. I hope to see you all at our programs, both summer and winter.
                                            Pat Ryder
News from the Friends 
Friends' members volunteered 2,400 hours of service in the last year. 
Ann and Frank Dobek, David Mullen, Fred Streams, Patty Shannon, Debbie Rimkus and Jessie Melching help clean up Herring Cove and Long Point Beach in Provincetown. 
Volunteers host the Friends' information kiosk at many community events. 
Savoring the Long Summer 
Days at Herring Cove


Music in the Park: 
Friends with Friends 
Volunteers at Work  
CrabGrass Band performed as Salt Pond Visitor Center in August.

S o did Monica Rizzo, the Washashore Cowgirl at another free summer concert sponsored by Friends.
Cape Symphony Wows 
the Outer Cape Again
For the third time in as many years, the Cape Symphony performed a memorable concert at the national seashore's outdoor amphitheater at Salt Pond Visitor Center. 
On a perfect summer night under a rising near-full moon, approximately 2,000 guests joined Artistic Director and Conductor Jung-Ho Pak and the symphony; members of the U.S. Air Force Band directed by First Lieutenant Phillip Emory; and special guests for an evening of Broadway pieces, patriotic tunes, and scores from major motion pictures filmed in national parks. 
This is the second year that Friends has sponsored this extraordinary evening of music.

P hoto (left to right): Brian Carlstrom, Superintendant of the Cape Cod National Seashore; Jung-Ho Pak, Artistic Director of the Cape Cod Symphony; Phillip Emory, 1st Lieutenant of the U.S. Air Force Band.
News from the Seashore
Preservation Work Slated for Several Historic Seashore Buildings
The Cape Cod National Seashore has competed successfully for the National Park Service Northeast Region project funds in 2019 to undertake several historic building preservation projects that will maintain these structures while reducing the seashore's deferred maintenance backlog.

The former  Nauset Coast Guard Station at Coast Guard Beach will receive an exterior facelift, including painting, as well as structural repairs and drainage improvements to prevent water intrusion.

Work to stabilize the  Penniman Barn has gotten underway. This project will be accomplished by National Park Service preservation specialists and contractors.

And one of the seashore's most iconic historic buildings,
Highland Light, will undergo a year-long rehabilitation to repair moisture issues that have caused tower bricks to crack and spall and metal 
components to corrode. 

This $1.2-million project includes restoration of venting, removal of exterior coatings and application of a breathable coating, masonry repairs, repair and replacement of metal elements and new windows on the lantern deck. 

This project follows an intensive analysis by NPS preservation specialists into the root causes of the cracking and spalling that has occurred over the past several years.

Seashore Makes Media Improvements

This year has been a productive one for the Cape Cod National Seashore's interpretive media program. 

The new park movie, Standing Bold, premiered in June, new exhibits at Province Lands Visitor Center were installed in time for the building's April reopening. In addition, three new outdoor exhibits were installed on the observation deck at the Marconi Site in Wellfleet, and two new exhibits were installed at Coast Guard Beach. 

National Park Service entrance fees funded the new film and the exhibits at Province Lands and the Marconi Site. The exhibits at Coast Guard Beach were funded by Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore through a generous donation from the Margolis Family.

Herring Cove Beach North Park Lot Construction Underway

Work has begun on the project to relocate the Herring Cove North Parking Lot at Herring Cove Beach, Provincetown.

The lot was extensively damaged during the 2011-2012 winter season. Storms and erosion every year have continued to wash away most of the north lot and revetment. 

The project involves moving the parking lot back 200 feet inland to balance three objectives: relocate all structures to account for projected future erosion, sea level rise, coastal flooding during storm events, and long-term sustainability; restore natural systems to the greatest extent possible; and retain the recreational experience Herring Cove visitors are accustomed to.
New Exhibits at the
 Province Lands Visitor Center

And at the revitalized 
Eastern National Store at Province Lands

Farewell, Jody
We wish Jody Anastasio, longtime supervisory park ranger,  the best in her new position as education specialist at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. 

Jody served as supervisor of North District Interpretation and Province Lands Visitor Center for 10 years. Prior to that she worked for several seasons as an interpreter stationed at Salt Pond. 

J ody and her operation have had a long and productive relationship with Friends of the CCNS at Old Harbor, where Friends funded interior furnishings, and Province Lands Visitor Center, where a donation from Friends allowed the visitor center to remain open during the 2013 federal sequestration. Jody worked hard to acknowledge and help visitors understand the value of Friends.
The Friends will miss her!  

Jody's knowledge of the people, history, ecology, and hidden treasures of the Seashore's North District made every question, every conversation an experience that led to a deeper understanding and appreciation for this special place.
Jody also had a creative streak, which she used to help the Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore develop interesting programs and bring new people to the Friends.

Jody made sure that all of the volunteers had the training and support necessary to be good ambassadors for the Park. Her even-tempered personality and ready smile were always welcomed.
Fundraiser Progress

In 2018, the Friends raised funds to help rehabilitate this wonderful trail before it deteriorates to the point of closure. 

Right now, we are at 55 %  of the way toward our goal. 

Won't you consider an additional gift in your year-end gifting?

You can donate. Please click here
Pictured are FCCNS Board Members (left to right) Mark Wisneski, Pat Canavan, Jesse Mechling, Pat Ryder, Donna Cary and Jane Fisher alongside the banner announcing the project.
Give a gift membership 
and support Friends

When thinking about the upcoming holiday season, please consider giving a gift membership to Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore (FCCNS). 

Your friends and family members will appreciate being counted among the dedicated individuals committed to supporting Cape Cod National Seashore in preserving and protecting its incomparable resources.

As a Friends of Cape Cod National Seashore member, your gift recipient will receive:
  • Mail delivery of a personalized card announcing your gift, plus a membership card that affords a 15% discount at the Eastern National book & gift stores at park visitor centers;
  • A packet of five stunning note cards featuring photographs by local, professional photographers of some of the lighthouses in Cape Cod National Seashore available exclusively through the Friends;
  • A FCCNS "Welcome to Cape Cod National Seashore" postcard-style magnet and a window decal;
  • The premium associated with the level of membership you purchase;
  • A subscription to our e-communications with upcoming events and timely updates on FCCNS activities (optional);
  • The satisfaction of knowing that membership in Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore helps to preserve Cape Cod National Seashore for current and future generations.
Gift memberships start at $35 and are tax-deductible. Print & mail the membership form you'll find on our website under the "Membership" tab postmarked by December 10 to ensure delivery of announcement and note cards by December 22. 

The fine print: This offer not available for direct purchase on-line. Please call 508-957-0729 and leave a message with a phone number and a convenient time for a call back. We will return your call within 48 hours to take your order.

As a special thank you, you the gift giver will also receive a special set of note cards and our sincere appreciation for your support.