The Northeast Village PDX Quarterly Meeting in December drew well over forty members and volunteers to hear reports from each committee, the treasurer, and the chair. We heard the accomplishments and challenges in 2020 and projections for 2021, we engaged in breakout groups and we saw a demonstration of a new way to form connections within our community.

This demonstration showed how people could easily find others within the Village who have common interests and then could connect with each other to share those interests. This became the highlight of the meeting, with people showing great interest in it. It works like this:

  •  The Membership Directory on our website (click here and log in) has an excellent search function, whereby one can now search for members and volunteers by interests as well as by neighborhood.

  • When one clicks on the Interests field in the search form, a long list of various interest areas appears, and by choosing one or more, those people who have indicated that choice as one of their interest areas will be listed, along with their email address and phone number.

  • One can then connect with those people by e-mail, phone, or set up a get-together via Zoom. You can also select a neighborhood in the search form, to see if there are people nearby with your area of interest.

  • Each one can easily indicate their areas of interest in their profile on the website, and thus become searchable by others.

To get started, each person in our Village was asked to indicate three areas of interest, and these have been added to the directory. Over time, they can add other interest areas, edit their original choices, or suggest new interest categories to be added.

With the pandemic limiting the ways people can connect, do things together, converse, celebrate … this new capability should be of great help. More information will be provided over the coming weeks about this new tool and how to use it. Stay tuned, and give it a try.

--Todd Coward, Chair, Governing Council