More Articles and Free Books!

Hope you are enjoying November so far!

Below you will find information on the next Teleseminar, ways to win free resources, and free articles and/or resources.

Enjoy the upcoming holidays!


Mosaic Alliance Conference Call with Grant Sowter (11/16)!

Have you ever met someone who planted a church that survived and even thrived? These are rare people. It is a challenging prospect!

Have you ever met someone who planted a church which planted several churches that are thriving? This is even more rare and remarkable.

At 1 p.m. (P.S.T.) on Tuesday, November 16th, you are welcome to join us for a conference call with Grant Sowter, a church planter who has helped start several churches in New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii. Join us for a conversation on entrepreneurial leadership, innovation, and reaching out in post-Christian world.

Normally these Mosaic Alliance conference calls are reserved for those who are in levels 2 or 3 of the Mosaic Alliance, but we have opened this one up for anyone who would like to join us.

If you are interested, R.S.V.P. with belinda@mosaic.org.

Teleseminar with Anne Jackson (11/30)!

Join us on Tuesday, November 30th from 1-2pm (PST) for a free teleseminar with Anne Jackson!

Anne is an author, speaker, and social change activist who lives in the Nashville, Tennessee area. Her book, Mad Church Disease - Overcoming the Burnout Epidemic (Zondervan) released in February 2009. Her latest book, Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession and Grace (Thomas Nelson) released in August 2010.

Anne has traveled around the world telling the stories of hope found in the least likely of places. She is a contributing writer to various blogs and magazines as well as a speaker advocate for Compassion International. Anne was a cyclist on the 2010 Ride:Well Tour, a cross-country cycling tour in June and July 2010. The goal of the trip is to raise awareness and funding for water wells in Africa through the Blood:Water Mission water initiative. Since 2008, via online campaigns and speaking engagements, almost $1 million dollars (contributed directly to each respective non-profit) has been raised for charitable causes.


Win a Copy of Anne's Newest Book!

This month, you can win a free copy of Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession, and Grace by Anne Jackson.

To win a copy, email belinda@mosaic.org with "Permission to Speak Freely" as the subject and include your mailing address in the email (winners must have a U.S. address). The first 20 people who email Belinda will receive a free copy. For those who do not win, we will email you some free online resources.

To purchase a copy, go here!

A Sneak Peek & The Website

Consider Not Like Me as a Christmas gift for your pastor, for your ministry leaders, or for those in your small group!

Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World helps people of faith effectively love, serve, and reach people overlooked by the church.

Purchase a copy here!

A Sneak Peek:

Table of Contents

Foreword by Erwin McManus

Introduction - The Art of Woo: Overcoming the Christian Stereotype

Chapter 1 - Curry Favor: Winning People and Influencing Friends

"Field Notes by Ed Stetzer"

The Website:

www.NotLikeMe.org includes insights and articles with practical ways to love, serve, and influence those with whom we might differ or disagree. www.NotLikeMe.org also includes short films, small group materials, sermon transcripts, assessments, and other resources for a sermon series and your small groups..

Here are some recent posts:

"An Interview with Eric"

"The Online Release Party Interviews" (includes Erwin McManus, Alan & Debra Hirsch, and many others)

"Action or Words?" by David Sandler (a Mosaic overseas worker in Haiti)

"Ed Stetzer's Leadership Interview (featuring Not Like Me)"

Eric Bryant