News from the Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative | November 2021
Join our next webinar:
e-cigarettes and youth

Join our November webinar to explore current trends in youth access and usage of e-cigarettes, with guest speaker Wendy VanderZanden, executive director of Community Action for Healthy Living, the tobacco-free alliance for northeastern Wisconsin.

10-11 am
Thursday, Nov. 11
Mark your calendars for the 2022 WI Cancer Summit

Join us next fall for the 2022 Wisconsin Cancer Summit! We are excited to begin planning a return to our in-person Summit. We'll announce our 2022 theme and registration in an upcoming issue of ENGAGE -- stay tuned for more, and mark your calendars today!

2022 Wisconsin Cancer Summit
Oct. 19-20, 2022
The Edgewater Hotel, Madison, WI
"Connection is the key": Lessons learned from the 2021 Wisconsin Cancer Summit
Thank you to everyone who attended the all-virtual 2021 Wisconsin Cancer Summit, Oct. 20-21! The slides, main session recordings, and related resources are now available on our 2021 Summit recap page.

What were your most inspiring take-aways? Here are a few highlights of what Summit attendees are saying:

  • The Summit speakers gave me concrete examples of how to continue this work during the pandemic.

  • [Joshua Wright's] presentation was a good reminder that building authentic relationships means we have to adapt our timeline to the community's needs, and not our organizational needs.

  • [Kirsten Norslien] helped me think of the ways my own team has adjusted to the realities of the pandemic. I don't think we stop to recognize and honor that work nearly enough. What we've lived through and how we've dramatically changed some of our work is really remarkable. 

  • Dr. Jasmine Zapata [keynote speaker] was so full of light and hope it was impossible not to feel buoyed to continue working towards a shared, brighter future without cancer and cancer disparities. 

  • This was by FAR the best discussion of inclusion and diversity that I have attended. It left me inspired to connect. 

  • The mental health session [with speakers Tamara Plath and Tanya Scheidegger] helped to legitimize many of the struggles I and my co-workers have experienced. I was so grateful for the time spent on this presentation. Thank you. 

  • The Summit helped to reinforce and broaden my understanding and appreciation of the pandemic's impact on cancer control and prevention. Very well done. 

  • Mostly, the Summit gave me a great feeling that so many people are working towards this, and that there are always more innovative ways to get where we want to go. 

  • Connection is the key -- we heard that from many speakers, in different ways. Thank you!

To view speaker slides, recordings, or the resources shared during the Summit virtual chat, please visit our 2021 Summit recap page. And mark your calendars for next year's Wisconsin Cancer Summit, Oct. 19-20, 2022!
Health insurance marketplace open enrollment has begun
Expanding access to high-quality health insurance means more Wisconsinites can get the timely health care they need.

We can help make this happen by promoting the 2022 health insurance Marketplace's open enrollment period, which started Nov. 1, 2021, and runs through Jan. 15, 2022.

Health insurance coverage will begin Jan. 1 for people who enroll by Dec. 15, or Feb. 1 for those who enroll between Dec. 16 and Jan. 15.

Outside of the open enrollment period, people need a qualifying event, such as the loss of existing health insurance, in order to apply for coverage. You can help to raise awareness of the open enrollment period with the resources available at or from our partners at Covering Wisconsin.

Increasing the availability of and access to comprehensive health insurance coverage is a strategy of the Wisconsin Cancer Plan's Chapter 1: Health Equity.
Wisconsin's Statewide Health Assessment needs your feedback
After a two-year community engagement process, the draft 2020 Wisconsin Statewide Health Assessment (SHA) is open for public comment!

You are invited to review the full draft report -- or the parts of the report that are most relevant to you and your community -- and share your thoughts with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services by using this survey. The survey will close Nov. 19, 2021.

The SHA report is designed to assess the current health conditions, determinants of health, and community assets in our state and to collect information about barriers and opportunities for community health improvement.

The SHA report is based on input from thousands of community members and organizations from across Wisconsin. The final version will be used to create and support solutions for better health, with strategies and measures for collective action by public health partners across our state.

Review the draft report and share your feedback today.
Partner Announcements
A short list of funding opportunities, calls for proposals, and other announcements from our members and partners.

To submit an announcement for an upcoming newsletter, please email us.
Submit your proposal for the 2022 Wisconsin Health Literacy Summit
Wisconsin Health Literacy is currently accepting proposals for 60-minute breakout sessions and/or poster presentations for the 2022 Wisconsin Health Literacy Summit, April 4-6, 2022, in Madison, WI. Application are due Monday, November 8, 2021. Presenters will be notified of their selection by December 19, 2021.

New funding opportunity from Stand Up to Cancer
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) invites applications for the SU2C Colorectal Cancer Health Equity Community Engagement Grant. This grant supports grassroots-level engagement to increase colorectal cancer screening rates to 80% among minority and traditionally underrepresented populations. 

Learn more and apply by Friday, Nov. 19, 2021, at 12 pm ET.
Questions about the program guidelines, eligibility requirements, and application materials can be directed to the SU2C Advocacy Office at or 424-283-3671.
COVID-19 Vaccine Community Outreach Grant Program
The COVID-19 Vaccine Community Outreach Grant Program applications are due Nov. 14 for new applicants.

The Department of Health Services is seeking organizations that are recognized as a 501(c)3 organization, a project sponsored by another 501(c)3 organization, a K-12 school or district, or a local/tribal government entity that are committed to reducing socioeconomic or health inequities in Wisconsin. DHS will support grantees with technical support, educational resources and materials, and public health guidance. Organizations that work with marginalized or medically underserved populations are encouraged to apply.

Submit Nominations to the 80% in Every Community National Achievement Awards
The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable is seeking nominations for the 2022 "80% in Every Community" National Achievement Awards, a competitive recognition program that honors colorectal cancer screening success stories.

Nominations for individuals or organizations and self-nominations are accepted. The top nominee will receive a $3,000 donation to support their efforts. The nominations deadline is Nov. 19, 2021.

COVID-19 and Cancer
People in active treatment for cancer can be at greater risk of severe infection from COVID-19.

We keep track of articles, studies, and other resources that can inform your work related to COVID-19, vaccine promotion, and the effects on patients with cancer. See below for recent highlights:
  • People with cancer are at high risk for COVID-19 complications. Families can protect loved ones with cancer by getting the COVID-19 vaccine. For example, in this cohort study, patients without immunity were far less likely to get COVID-19 when their family members were vaccinated. Promoting COVID-19 vaccination among caregivers and household members is a key strategy in protecting patients with cancer and decreasing transmission within families.

  • Guidelines on optimizing COVID-19 vaccination in patients with blood cancers.

  • People with cancer are at increased risk for severe COVID-19 infection. ASCO's COVID-19 registry uses data from across US oncology practices to examine outcomes for patients with cancer who get COVID-19.

Empathy for the Unvaccinated (Wisconsin Medical Journal)
  • "As those of us in healthcare continue to struggle with the ongoing COVID pandemic, this editorial caught my eye; it reinforces how we shouldn't be in the business of placing blame for illness, regardless of health care or lifestyle choices. Those of us in oncology know this all too well, but it was helpful to me to apply it to those members of our community who are unvaccinated against COVID." - submitted by Noelle LoConte, MD

  • This helpful patient-centered handout offers easy-to-understand answers to common questions, such as, "Should people with cancer and cancer survivors get the COVID-19 vaccine?" and "What if I am in active treatment?"
Virtual Support Groups for Patients and Caregivers
Gilda's Club Madison offers free virtual support groups for adults, teens, and kids living with cancer, and caregivers. View the referral flyer to learn more.

Lung Cancer Resource Center
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month! Explore new resources to use in your work, from the National Lung Cancer Roundtable.

Precision Medicine Resource Library
The Association of Community Cancer Centers has developed a comprehensive precision medicine resource library to help put personalized cancer care into focus—transforming the complex into something clear, actionable, and impactful. These trusted, tangible tools are designed for multidisciplinary providers and their patients.

Public Awareness of Alcohol as a Risk Factor for Cancer
The latest HINTS Brief from the National Cancer Institute examines alcohol's impact on cancer risk and offers a helpful data snapshot that can inform your work.

Alcohol Outlet Density Measurement Tools
CDC developed this toolkit to assist states and communities in measuring alcohol outlet density—a key risk factor for excessive drinking and alcohol-related harms.

Impact of Climate Change on Health
Climate change affects the social and environmental determinants of health - such as clean air, safe drinking water, access to food, and reliable housing. Learn more in this infographic from the National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation.

Find more resources in our Interactive Resource Center.
Upcoming Events
All In: Data for Community Health - 5th Annual National Meeting
Hosted by All In: Data for Community Health
Nov. 8-10, 2021
State of Obesity 2021: Better Policies for a Healthier America
Hosted by Trust for America's Health
Nov. 10, 2021
National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable "80% in Every Community" Conference
Hosted by the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable
Nov. 15-17, 2021
Advances in Lung Cancer Treatment and Care: Long-Term Survivorship Is Now a Reality
Hosted by the National Lung Cancer Roundtable
Nov. 17, 2021
Self Care: Awareness, Acknowledgement, Action
Hosted by the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation
Nov. 18, 2021
Pancreas Cancer Awareness Night
Hosted by UW Carbone Cancer Center
Nov. 18, 2021
OUT: The National Cancer Survey, Gender-Expansive Report Launch
Hosted by the National LGBTQ Cancer Network
Nov. 18, 2021
Find more upcoming events on our Member Events Calendar.
Reducing the burden of cancer
for everyone.