November 2018
EuroPris Interview
Erich Mayer

General Director of Federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice , Austria
EuroPris Board Member since June 2018
In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges for the European prison and correctional services at the moment?

There are two developments, which set a challenge for European prison administrations: On one hand, the treatment of inmates, which becomes increasingly difficult due to language barriers. On the other hand, the adequate treatment of the mentally ill inmates in the penal institutions. An additional challenge both for the prison administration and for the prison staff is radicalisation – of any kind. I personally think that we can overcome all the aforementioned challenges only through mutual cooperation. 

Feature article:
Successful family intervention in Ukraine
Boy: “I wanted to put this misunderstanding with my parents to an end.”

Dutch researcher Annemieke Wolthuis and colleague Yulia Yanchik conducted a research in three Ukrainian correctional juvenile institutions. They tell about the Family Conference method that was initiated by the Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine to improve contact between young detainees and their network. They also reflect on the theoretical basis of Family Conferencing and the interviews with participants.

Call for contributions – feature articles

Did your service accomplish something recently? Or has your research impact on prison practice? The EuroPris community wants to know about it!

In each newsletter we give room for a 2-4 page feature article describing solutions to practical problems, recent research and in-depth analysis of common prison challenges. We want to encourage you to send us ideas for articles to [email protected] for publication during 2019.  
EuroPris News
Registration still open! - Workshop on prison work and vocational training

The programme for the European Prison Regime Forum in November is now finalised. There will be both academic presentations as well as practical examples from the prison field. The main themes will be successful reintegration, how to realize continuity and how to measure outcomes. The Forum takes place in The Hague 28-29 November .

For programme and registration click here .
Workshop report - Improving practice for foreign nationals
Prison, probation, academic and NGO representatives of over 20 European countries gathered at The Hague in October for a successful EuroPris/CEP Workshop on foreign nationals in prison and probation. Presentations covered current research findings, policy and operational practice in working with this increasingly significant group. It was combined with a panel discussion on the different levels of foreign nationals in prison and probation and the underlying reasons for these differences. A second panel was on resettlement options for expelled foreign prisoners.

For full workshop report and presentations, click here.
Transfer of prisoners in focus in FD 909 meeting
The annual EuroPris expert group meeting on EC Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA meeting was held in Brussels in September. The event was attended by experts from 23 Member States as well as representatives from the European Commission. Individual presentations were given by France and Romania on the transfer of prisoners and the Netherlands and UK gave individual presentations on the care and transfer of mentally disordered prisoners in relation to FD909. 

Presentations are available at the EuroPris website .
A full meeting report will follow in due course.  
Highlights from EuroPris Knowledge Management System
Every week EuroPris received queries from member countries, and in this section we will highlight several KMS reports from the last months:

Call for papers -
3rd Global Technology in Corrections Conference 
EuroPris and ICPA in cooperation with the Portuguese Reintegration and Prison Service will organise in the first week of April 2019, the third Global Technology in Corrections Conference. EuroPris and ICPA challenge technological companies, researchers and public sector experts to present new insights or ideas, innovative solutions or interesting pilot projects on how technology can be useful in corrections, both inside and outside the prison walls. During this conference we focus on challenges within three major themes. Do you want to take the challenge?

For more information and submission of papers, click here .
Barcelona Summer course – Criminal justice in a polarised society
The Criminal Justice Platform (EuroPris, CEP, EFRJ) will organise a new 3-day summer course from 2-5 July in 2019 .

The overarching topic will be Criminal Justice in a Polarised Society. In the coming months the concrete topics for the three workshops will be developed and more information will follow.


Click here to view the flyer.
Other News 
Revision of the European Prison Rules
The European Prison Rules are under revision. The purpose is to create a more comprehensive and logical structure and revise some of the rules, primarily the ones on Solitary confinement, Women, Complaints, Inspections and monitoring, Foreign nationals, Adequate staffing level, Use of restraints and Records and file management . Some changes can be expected in the Preamble in order to align them to the most recent judgments of the European Court of the Human Rights and the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (The Nelson Mandela Rules). 

Dutch awareness tool: How to know if a prisoner is being radicalised? 
With funding of the EU, the Dutch Custodial Institution Agency has developed a brochure that supports prison guards in recognizing signs of radicalisation leading to extremism. The tool is specifically designed for those professionals that are in direct contact with detainees. It is easy to read thanks to illustrated theoretical foundations, catchy pictograms and examples. The tool is based on scientific knowledge and international expertise and is applicable to all kinds of extremist prisoner behaviour.

To download the brochure, click here .
Best practices wanted - Programmes for women prisoners
Penal Reform International is seeking information on rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for women in prison, i.e. best practices that implement the UN Bangkok Rules on Women Prisoners. This information will be used to develop guidance on gender-specific programmes to assist stakeholders in implementing the Bangkok Rules - to be published by PRI and the Thailand Institute of Justice. Input from a variety of countries and contexts, in any language, is welcomed. For further information and to submit information click here .

Deadline is 1 December .
Now available! Multimedia dossier on aging in prison
On 1 October, the International Day of Older Persons, the International Committee of the Red Cross regional delegation in Paris published a multimedia project focusing on older prisoners. The increase in the elderly prisoner population is a challenge for prisons, which often are not adapted to these detainees’ specific needs. The dossier contains insights of a workshop organised in France previously this year. Mobility loss, dementia, sensory impairment, loss of family ties are some of the issues that were underlined. Recommendations are detailed in order to improve responses to older prisoners' specific needs and can be found in the workshop report .
Opera for change – reintegration in Portuguese prisons
Mozart’s ‘Così fan tutte’, performed by prisoners? The Opera in Prison Project is part of the Portuguese Reintegration and Prison Services intention to provide purposeful activities in Portuguese prisons, in this case prisoners from one of Portugal´s largest juvenile prisons. The project brings together officers and inmates as well as their families and friends, who jointly sing or build a scenic decor.

Read the full Reuter reportage here .
Restorative justice - CoE recommendation adopted
On 3 October 2018, the new Council of Europe Recommendation concerning restorative justice (RJ) in criminal matters was adopted. Many victims and offenders are being excluded from RJ. This results from low levels of awareness of RJ among the populations of member States and, in some countries, from a lack of national policies, funding or coordination of its use. There remains a role for all policymakers, practitioners and other professionals involved in criminal justice to promote, enable or use RJ. It is necessary to promote new, innovative approaches and uses of restorative justice, including ways in which RJ is used within the criminal justice system, but also externally to the criminal procedure.

Click here  to find more information, including the links to the recommendation and its commentary.
EuroPris Expert Groups
Real Estate and Logistics
In October, the Real Estate expert group met in Stockholm, hosted by the Swedish Prison and Probation Service. The group presented actual developments in their services on topics such as  such as t echnology, facility management delivery models, custodial fixtures and fittings, designing accommodation, energy management, sustainability, modern methods of construction. The group is currently working on two reports: Designing for Rehabilitation & Designing for Women in Prisons, they will be available on the EuroPris website by January 2019.

Presentations and notes from the meeting are available here.
Heads up - E-learning course on treatment of foreign prisoners
Dr Roisin Mulgrew and Isabelle Storme of EuroPris/CEP expert group on Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation have created an E-learning module to improve the treatment of foreign prisoners based on the Council of Europe Recommendations. The module is part of the ‘EU-CoE HELP Radicalisation Prevention Project’ and takes staff through various key topics with quiz, animations and discussion sessions. The module will be provided in different European languages, starting with English. The E-learning module will be launched in December. 
Education in Prison
The expert group on Education in Prison met in September in Bratislava, hosted by the Slovak Prison Service. In the past year the group mapped the current status of prison education in Europe. 22 Prison Services responded to a questionnaire that was evaluated by the Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research. At the September meeting the group compared the Council of Europe Recommendation with the current practice of prison education. The findings of this work will be presented to the Penological Council of the Council of Europe in 2019.

Click here to view the notes from the meeting.
Project News
Radicalisation online courses now available
Following a multi-level radicalisation prevention approach the R2PRIS toolset targets all types of violent extremism. The toolset comprises three risk assessment tools focusing on risk and vulnerability in the prison population: 1 ​HV Helicopter View; 2 FBOG Frontline Behavioural; Observation Guidelines; 3 IRS Individual Radicalisation Screening. Prison professionals can now get free access to the R2PRIS introductory course on prison radicalisation.

For registration and more information, click here .
Improved practice for elderly and ill prisoners
During the International Conference on Palliative Care in Brasov, Romania, the MenACE project was presented to an attentive audience consisting of health professionals from Romania, Moldova and several other countries. The conference was hosted by Hospice Casa Sperantei, one of the project partners. The project is now in the late piloting phase where training of trainer sessions and e-courses on prison health, geriatrics, palliative care and mental health are being tested.

More information is available on the project website
Upcoming Events
European Prison Regime Forum (Read more)
28-29 November - The Hague, Netherlands

Radicalisation (closed door) Workshop
14-15 March 2019 - Brussels, Belgium

Technology in Corrections Conference ( Read more )
2-4 April 2019 - Lisbon, Portugal

8th EuroPris Conference & Annual General Meeting
20 May 2019 - Agia Napa, Cyprus

24th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services 
21-22 May 2019 - Agia Napa, Cyprus

Criminal Justice Platform Summer Course
2-5 July 2019 - Barcelona, Spain
Document Library
  1. Updated State of Play: EU Framework Decisions 909947829;
  2. Competent Authorities for Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA and 2009/829/JHA;
  3. Country factsheet on prison sentence execution - View here
  4. Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Workshop - View Report and Presentations here
  5. Education expert meeting - View Notes here
  6. FD 909 expert meeting - View Presentations here
  7. Real Estate expert meeting - View Presentations here and Notes here
  8. Article: Promising family interventions in Ukraine View here
European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS)
P.O. Box 13635
2501 EP The Hague