Bryan Orander, President, Charitable Advisors
Board members, Move your ED/CEO toward market rate compensation
Serving as a nonprofit executive can be an extremely rewarding role. It gives you the opportunity to be visible in the community as the face of your organization and, in some cases, the face of your cause. You have the support of staff and board team members who rally around a cause you all believe in. You are able to interact with high level government, funding, and community leaders as you work to advance your mission. You are on the frontlines of making a difference for individuals and the community.
On the other side, as I have observed over many years, being the executive director of a small nonprofit is one of the toughest jobs out there. Imagine being the bookkeeper, chief financial officer, chief program officer and evaluator, social media leader, special events coordinator, facility manager, IT technician, HR representative, legal counsel, trainer, community representative, legislative advocate, chief collaborator, purchasing manager, grant writer, board meeting and board committee organizer and facilitator — all in one. And, by the way, how are those individual donor visits coming along?
While different organizations bring unique situations and challenges to the role, the burden of serving as the chief everything officer, with limited support from a small program staff or few board members, is often lonely and overwhelming.
The past 18 months have created a visible shift in the general employment marketplace. While we do not fully know how it will impact the nonprofit sector, employees are re-evaluating their priorities and seeking more “life and family” in their work/life balance. And compensation is rising faster than anyone would have expected as employers seek to attract and retain employees.
As you look to 2022, it is a crucial time for board leaders to reinforce or establish a solid working partnership with your executive director/CEO. Talk about the current employment marketplace and what that means for your leader and their staff. Most ED/CEOs won’t likely leave their jobs for several thousand dollars more in salary if they feel supported and appreciated by their board.
Gut check: For too long, there has been a tendency for board members and the public to discount the value of nonprofit leadership roles. There’s a prevailing belief that “helping” roles should be paid less than comparable jobs in other sectors. Instead of respecting the skills and abilities demanded for leadership roles and focusing on attracting resources to ensure they’re paying staff appropriately, some board members see it as their role to “get a deal” when hiring. This approach is not a good recipe for developing a healthy workplace culture or investing in the long-term success of your organization. The mission call can only override an unsupportive board for so long.
Charitable Advisors was pleased to release our 2021 Central Indiana Nonprofit Salary Survey Report earlier this year. The full report, which can be downloaded at no charge, provides a great starting point to assess where you stand on compensation for your staff. And, if necessary, it also provides the tools to begin adjusting toward a competitive pay rate for your leader.
The survey information was gathered during the spring of 2021, so keep in mind that the market already has moved up a few percentage points since then. Every organization should be striving to pay at least the median or midpoint, not average, for an organization their size.
We also recorded a helpful webinar to assist in applying the salary survey to your efforts. Watch
As always, please contact Bryan Orander or 317-752-7153 with questions or comments.
Bryan Orander, President
Leadership Opportunities
Current Charitable Advisors Searches
CEO, Outreach, Inc.
Outreach is seeking an experienced and collaborative leader, grounded in their Christian faith, with a heart for lifting up and serving others. More Information
Stone Belt's mission, in partnership with the community, to prepare, empower, and support persons with developmental disabilities and their families, to participate fully in the life of the community. More Information
Dir. of Community Investment - Arts Council of Indianapolis
Oversee grantmaking investments for artists and arts organizations including general operating support, professional development grants, project support, capacity-building grants, and the fellowship awards. More Information
Connect to Effect – February 17, 2022
Building an Equitable Economy for All Hoosiers
Prosperity Indiana's annual Summit
Energizes and inspires more than two hundred community development professionals every year!
On February 17, 2022, you will build relationships and an equitable economy through policy, programs, performance, and philanthropic investments. This Summit balances theory and practice by catalyzing asset-building strategies, affordable housing opportunities, and system change to impact racial, health, gender, age, and economic disparities within Indiana's rural, urban, and suburban communities.
We want to recognize board leaders
For most board members, board leadership roles come with a commitment and investment of time and resources to support a cause they care about. However, for the individual who steps up to serve as board president or chair, the role comes with the assumption of overall responsibility for the nonprofit and guiding the organization’s path forward.
As we continue to share news of board leaders who have taken the helm, we encourage you to recognize and thank these individuals for tackling the role, because as a community member you recognize the value of his or her investment to help keep the sector strong.
If you want to announce your organization’s new board leader, please send name, position and a head shot HERE.
We are open to other ways we can support and recognize board leaders. Send us your thoughts or tell us a story about a board leader who has made a difference in your organization. Share your ideas with Bryan Orander, president.
Dr. Patrick M. Rooney
Executive associate dean for academic programs, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI
Patricia McKinnon
Attorney, McKinnon Family Law, PC
Looking for a new ED/CEO leadership role?
Charitable Advisors has supported 31 nonprofit leadership searches since early 2019.
With more transitions on the horizon, we are building a leadership talent database of experienced nonprofit leaders to make the process more efficient and effective for both candidates and employers.
If you are thinking about or planning to change roles in the next year or sooner, please consider submitting your resume and answering a few questions, in confidence.
Who else needs to know this information?
Tell your staff, board of directors and colleagues about Frontline Perspectives by forwarding this email.
Charitable Advisors | 317-752-7153 |