Hemp Alerts & Happenings
A monthly newsletter brought to you by the Colorado Department of Agriculture.
Establishing Records and Reporting Acreage
with USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
All producers licensed to produce hemp under an USDA-approved State or Tribal plan are required to report hemp crop acreage to FSA. Before a producer can certify their hemp acreage to FSA, they must receive a farm number. This farm number is also required to participate in USDA programs.
Producers should start with scheduling an appointment with their local FSA office to ensure quick service. Before the appointment ask what documents are needed to help to make the most of your appointment. Have available an official tax identification (Social Security number or employer ID) and a property deed. If you do not own the land, be sure to have your lease agreement. If your operation is incorporated or an entity, FSA may need proof of your signature authority and legal ability to sign contracts and other documents with USDA. Once you have established your farm record you are ready to file an acreage report.
In addition to being a requirement as a licensed hemp producer, filing acreage reports with USDA is an important part of determining your eligibility for key programs, including price support, disaster relief, and conservation programs. A crop acreage report documents all crops and their intended uses and is an important part of record-keeping for your farm. This report is needed to access many USDA assistance programs. You can file acreage reports by filling out the FSA-578 form. Your local USDA service center staff can help you file by providing you with maps and deadlines to simplify the reporting process. Producers can also use FSA’s self-service portal, FSAFarm+ to securely view or print maps.
To file an acreage report, you need:
- An FSA map of your farm or ranch, and your tract and field numbers
- Information on the crops you intend to plant (including varieties and strains)
- The intended use of your crops
- The number of acres of crops you are reporting
- Approximate crop boundaries, planting patterns and dates, irrigation practices, and producer shares
- Your hemp license number (name on license must match the acreage report name)
License holders must designate the location and number of lots intended to be planted. For FSA purposes, the term “lots” refers to the specific subfield located within the field on the tract. The lot concept provides the flexibility to growers to manage risk, therefore, lots may be subsections of a field, without the physical boundary, as is required for other crops. Growers must report each variety or strain as a separate “lot.”
The deadline to file your annual acreage report for hemp is July 15. To find your local office, go to: farmer.gov/service-locator.
On Friday, November 19, 2021, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the Cross Pollination Work Group will be virtually meeting to discuss minimizing cross pollination between hemp and marijuana. Click here for more information and to access the Zoom link. On Monday, October 25, 2021, the Cross Pollination Work Group met for the first time. Click here to view the recording.
On Friday, December 3, 2021, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the hemp program will be hosting a virtual Fall 2021 Hemp Symposium. Topics include: demonstration of the improvements to the Hemp Online Portal; certified hemp sampler program; and a summary of the Colorado State Hemp Management Plan, Hemp Rules, and the Hemp Bill. As there are many changes coming to the regulation of hemp in Colorado, the hemp team STRONGLY encourages all registrants to attend the Symposium. The Symposium will be recorded and placed on the hemp webpage (www.colorado.gov/hemp under General Information). Click here for the meeting agenda and to access the Zoom link.
On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am, the Hemp Advisory Committee will conduct its regular meeting virtually. Click here for the agenda (forthcoming) and to access the Zoom link.
Mid-December 2021, the hemp team will have a special edition Hemp Alerts and Happenings Newsletter emailed to you to highlight the upcoming changes to the regulation of hemp that will be effective January 1, 2022. Keep your eyes on your emails!!
As the year draws to a close, the hemp program is looking back at the overall numbers for the calendar year. These numbers are from January 1, 2021, to November 4, 2021. While the hemp program has experienced a decline in the number of registrations, the hemp inspection program saw a significant increase in the number of samples collected. Please note: These numbers will change slightly as 2021 draws to a close.
Ag Energy Efficiency Program
Do you have high energy bills? Let us help with free customized energy saving recommendations! The Colorado Energy Office’s Agricultural Energy Efficiency program can provide a free energy audit (valued at up to $5,000!) and free assistance to obtain project funding!
Colorado hemp producers are now eligible to participate in the no obligation, FREE Agricultural Energy Efficiency program. The program provides a free energy audit that lists energy savings recommendations and free assistance with applying for project rebates and state and federal grants.
Please note that the state’s ACRE3 grant program recently received a funding increase and up to $500,000 per applicant is now available! Specific eligibility requirements for hemp producers to participate:
- Can’t grow marijuana
- Must show proof of hemp registration with Colorado Department of Agriculture
- Energy audit can’t be completed within 30 days of a scheduled hemp harvest
- Annual agricultural energy bills must total $4,800 or more (transportation energy expenses don’t count)
305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021