Important News for Our Clients
November Insights
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. Maya Angelou
We are all familiar with the adage that it is better to give than to receive, but recent studies have found that giving can actually improve your health, help you live longer, and increase your happiness. As we near the holiday gift-giving season, remember that sometimes the best gifts aren’t things, but time together that creates lasting memories. Many of you have given to aid those affected by recent natural disasters, but if you have ever wondered whether your donations are really having an impact, read the article below on the best ways to help after a disaster. If you would like to have more so you can give more, try living like the millionaire next door (see slide show below). These aren’t really “secrets” but principles that have helped many achieve their goals. Finally, the brief video below can provide some perspective on the recent volatility in the stock market.
I am grateful for your trust in me. I hope you enjoy spending time with those who mean the most to you. Happy Thanksgiving! 

Articles of Interest 

It just feels good to help others , but did you know it’s also good for your health? Studies prove what your parents taught you: It really is better (and healthier) to give than to receive.

It’s hard to see people suffering from the devastation of a natural disaster . This article may help you better understand how to your contributions can do the most good and give you confidence that you are truly helping. 

When we think of millionaires we typically think of people who obviously have a lot of money, but there are many millionaires who don’t look the part. These “invisible rich” live by a few principles that we can too, if we’re willing to delay some immediate gratification.

We can’t control the ups and downs in the stock market, but we can control how we react . This video will put recent market volatility into perspective and give you confidence that staying the course is usually the best reaction.
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 | Capital Investment Management, Inc. |410-997-6755| |
 Investment Advisory Services Provided By Capital Investment Management, Inc.
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