Photo taken by Jessica at the Thanksgiving party
November 19, 2023
Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things;
let this be known throughout the earth.
- Isaiah 12:5
International Admissions
Applications Open for 2024-2025
Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are open! Spread the word among your friends, family, and community about the opportunity to join the VCS community. For questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Student Wellness
Student Involvements
We are very proud of our students who actively participate in various clubs, programs, and extracurricular activities. Their ongoing dedication to personal growth enriches their experiences and contributes to a positive impact within the VCS community.
Vicky with her fellow Chinese Club officers
Lisa at the Fall Choral Concert
James playing bass cello at the Sound of Autumn
Chelsea with other Heath & Wellness Fellow Members
Discipleship Track
Every first week of the month, students, including some of our international students, meet up during lunch to discuss topics of faith in the Discipleship Track. VCS Spiritual Formation provides the space for students to deepen their relationship with God.
International Student Leadership Program 2023-2024
The International Student Leadership program provides student leaders with opportunities and resources to grow, learn, and take on leadership roles that will positively impact the VCS International Student Program and the entire school community.
Events & Celebrations
Thanksgiving Celebration
Our annual Thanksgiving Celebration was held on November 17th as we came together to express gratitude for God’s blessings. Thanks to the dedicated efforts and preparations of the International Student Leadership team along with the International Student Program staff, the event was filled with joy and laughter. Activities such as games, writing thank-you cards, and a delightful Thanksgiving dinner made the celebration truly memorable.
Fall Ball
With more than 1000 participants at the Fall Ball held at Levi Stadium, our students created fun memories together.
November Birthday Celebration
Special birthday wishes to Eric, Nick, Amy, Harry, and Daniel!
Lisa and Emily presenting their beautiful birthday board drawing
Grateful for the International Department staff's constant care and support of our international students!
Homestay Corner
We appreciate our homestay families who extend their love and care to our international students. Our Wonderful Host Parents, we wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
Vicky and Celina enjoyed their time with their host family at the Winchester Mystery House, a Halloween party, and their host sister’s CMT event.
Franklin playing the bass guitar at home
Paul planting Texas onions in the garden with his host dad
Kevin, Jackson, Nathan, Jordan, and Louis experience the odd gravitational rules and illusions at the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz
At the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Amusement Park
Applied English & Bible Fundamentals
Nate, Neville, and Paul presenting on the 4th of July
Emma, Harry, and Jordan presenting on Easter
Mrs. Seo visited the class on November 13th and spoke on the importance of extracurricular activities to help the students effectively plan for the upcoming summer
Our wonderful senior international students, Steven, James, and Chelsea visited as guest speakers on November 15th and shared their experiences at VCS
Update from an International Alumnus at USC
I'm Chloe Wang, a recent graduate from Valley Christian in 2023. I must confess that transitioning from the familiar grounds of high school to a completely new college campus was a source of apprehension for me. Still, after three months of adjusting to college life, I've found myself settling into it.

LA is a beautiful and dynamic city, and USC encourages students to be creative and strive for new things. The motto, 'Palmam qui meruit ferat,' derived from Latin, states USC's values and commitment to recognizing merit and rewarding hard work. I'm deeply influenced by this proactive school culture and constantly stepping out of my comfort zone. Even while I look back on my memorable high school moments, I continue to move toward the future. Fight on!
Working on a research project with her group
City view from her dorm
USC football game
Dining Hall
Homestay Opportunities
Our homestay families play a crucial role in shaping positive experiences for our students. We value and appreciate their impact on the lives of international students and we want to expand our homestay network. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you are interested or know other caring families that might be interested.
Breakfast Social
for Parents and Relatives
We’d love to invite our international student parents and relatives who are local to this special gathering. Mark your calendar for Saturday, December 2 from 9:00-10:30 am. RSVP to [email protected] no later than 11/21.
Traveling Internationally over Chrismas Break?
You may need an updated I-20 to travel outside of the US over the break. Check with Mrs. Biasotti before you leave for the break.

Important Dates

  • 11/20-21 Distance Learning Days
  • 11/22-26 Thanksgiving Break | Happy Thanksgiving!
  • 11/28 Senior Class Picture Day
  • 11/30 UC & CSU Application Deadline
  • 12/2 Breakfast Social (for Parents and Relatives)
  • 12/4-8 Christmas Spirit Week
  • 12/8 Student Christmas Event (Students, watch for an email sent before Thanksgiving!)
  • 12/12-15 Review Days
  • 12/18-21 Finals Week
  • 12/21 End of Semester 1