There is no joy in possession without sharing.


Proposed Land Swap
In the December 15th Zoning Meeting the Board Of County Commissioners met and decided not to allow GL Homes to bypass the usual Development Approval Process for a proposed land swap. If approved in the future the land swap will result in more than 1,200 new homes rising on farmland in the West Boca Agricultural Reserve Area. The company also would build an additional 250 homes allocated for workforce housing in the area.
Commissioner Sachs Visits West Boca High School for Government Ethics Day
Commissioner Sachs and Mayor Scott Singer, answer questions from students about government ethics.
Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority Proposes New Way To Generate Income

Vice-Chair Sachs would like to announce that there are two new programs that will generate millions of dollars. One program is to further separate the metals from the ash and sell the metals which would generate around a million dollars per year. The ash could also be sold. The second program is to sell Renewable Energy Credits or "RECs." A REC is an accounting method for the environmental attributes of renewable energy. The SWA's REFs produce power from combusting solid waste. The SWA plans to register its RECs with certain companies that market them. RECs have a value that can be monetized. This can generate tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional revenue and keep
costs down for the public.

The First Transit Ambassador, Nicky Brown
There is a special person who rides the Palm Tran buses every day. He watches out for anyone who might need assistance and has become an "ambassador" of sorts. After consulting with Palm Tran's Director Clinton Forbes, Commissioner Sachs made it official. Mr. Nicky Brown was presented with a Proclamation proclaiming him as the Official Palm Beach County Transit Ambassador. "Sometimes ordinary people do extraordinary service to our community." Ambassador Brown is to be commended for his service.

New Commission Seat

The 2020 Census data revealed that Hispanics make up the fastest-growing population in Palm Beach County. This growth coupled with the required decennial redistricting process for Palm Beach County Commission districts revealed an opportunity to create a Hispanic-dominant district. "I am proud to be one of the commissioners to vote on this new seat. It is only through inclusion and diversity that our county will continue to prosper and grow"

Dear Commissioner,

I have time on my hands, I would like to volunteer to help others in our community. Where can I find volunteer opportunities in the county? 

I will be starting a "Volunteer Brigade" in January for those who want to give their time and talent to others. Stay tuned as we announce the meeting date in January.
Your County Commissioner,
Maria Sachs, Commissioner
Palm Beach County
Fighting For You!
Commissioner Maria Sachs | Palm Beach County Commission - District 5