KNN Connection | November 2020
School Spotlight
Interprofessional Education Program Brings Together Students
from Two or More Health and Social Programs to Learn
The MCW Kern Institute for the Transformation of Medical Education’s interprofessional education (IPE) program brings together students from two or more health and social care professions to learn with, from, and about each other in preparation for collaborative practice in medicine. Traditionally, IPE activities at MCW focused on knowledge acquisition rather than interpersonal interactions and team dynamics. This meant students did not get an experience that mirrored working environments in medicine.

To create the collaborative IPE program the Kern Institute sponsors today, Erica Chou, MD, developed a core IPE thread and formed partnerships within MCW and with Marquette University, Concordia University Wisconsin, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Columbia College of Nursing/Alverno College, and Gateway Technical College.
KNN News
Take5 Video on Strategies to Support Learners Seeking Help
This Take5 video and accompanying one-page handout linked below provide practical things faculty can do to support learner help-seeking. Take5 videos are 5-minute or less videos that present 5 learning points related to a particular faculty development topic. The KNN Mayo Team is grateful for the support of the Kern Family Trust and Kern Family Foundation to help amplify the reach and enhance the practical impact of this type of scholarly work.
Take5 - 5 minute video on strategies faculty can use to support learners seeking help.
Take5 Handout- Supporting Learners Seeking Help
Dell Medical School Reducing Stigma Educational Tools (ReSET)
The Dell Medical School's ReSET modules are interactive online learning activities specifically designed to reduce the stigma of patients with opioid use disorder. The content includes original video content of people with lived experiences in recovery and incorporates important topics including how stigma reduces access to care, and steps participants can take to eliminate stigma including appropriate language and motivational interviewing. It also has a section on medications for opioid use disorder.

The content is appropriate for all health professionals including learners at any level of training and practicing professionals. There are also free continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, social workers, and pharmacists! The project was grant-supported by AAMC so it is freely available.

To access the ReSET modules you will need to register by clicking the Register button in the upper right-hand corner of the website linked below. Registering with Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin, gives you access to all current and future free courses. Registering also puts you on the mailing list - and Dell Medical School will update you as courses are added.
The Transformational Times is the WEEKLY e-newsletter published by the Kern Institute to deliver stories of hope, character and resilience from our virtual community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bookmark the web page linked below to access the weekly issues.
KNN Updates
Board Bulletin
Click below to learn about the KNN Board discussions and highlights from October.
KNN Collaborative Initiatives
Click below to learn more about what is happening with the KNN Collaborative Initiatives.
KNN Meetings this Month
Please check your outlook calendar for meeting details.
Week of November 2nd

Professionalism in Medicine Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, November 3rd | 1 - 1:45 PM CST

Accelerator Writing Group Meeting
Friday, November 6th | 8:30 -9:30 AM CST

Holistic Admissions Meeting
Friday, November 6th | 11 AM - 12 PM CST

Clinical Learning Environment Collaborative Project Meeting
Friday, November 6th | 3 - 4 PM CST

Week of November 9th

Staff Leadership Team Meeting
Monday, November 9th | 1 -2 PM CST

KNN Virtual Panel: Medical Education through the lens of Human Flourishing
Tuesday, November 10th | 8 - 9 AM CST

Discussion with Joan Tronto, PhD,
Professor of Political Sciences, University of Minnesota, expert in caring and democracy 
Thursday, November 12th | 11 AM -12:30 PM CST

Board Retreat
Friday, November 13th | 10 AM - 1 PM CST

Faculty Development Collaborative Project Meeting
Friday, November 13th | 1:30 - 2:30 PM CST

Week of November 16th

Character Meeting
Wednesday, November 18th | 10 -11 AM CST

Accelerator Writing Group Meeting
Friday, November 20th | 10 - 11 AM CST

Week of November 23rd

Caring Meeting
Monday, November 23rd | 9 -10 AM CST

Week of November 30th

Accelerator Writing Group Meeting
Monday, November 30th | 3 - 4 PM CST

Clinical Learning Environment Collaborative Project Meeting
Wednesday, December 2nd | 11 AM - 12PM

KNN Virtual Panel: Medical Education through the lens of Human Flourishing
Wednesday, December 2nd | 2 - 3 PM CST

Holistic Admissions Meeting
Friday, December 4th | 10 -11 AM CST

Faculty Development Collaborative Project Meeting
Friday, December 4th | 11 AM - 12PM CST

For more information on KNN meetings and initiatives, please contact Tara Fikejs at
KNN Program Office News
Launch of Refreshed KNN Website

The KNN Program Office is excited to share the launch of a refreshed Kern National Network website. The KNN Program Office began working on the website refresh this summer and partnered with KNN faculty and staff leaders to outline the content for the refreshed site.

As always we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please visit the site when you have a chance and let us know your thoughts.

KNN Program Office Welcomes New Team Members
The KNN Program Office has welcomed three additional members since January 1, 2020. Bonnie Miller, MD, MMHC, a former KNN Board member, now serves as the Senior Director for KNN Academic Communication effective July 1, 2020. Bud Beatty, PhD, began his work as the Senior Director for KNN Evaluation on September 1, 2020. Kimara Ellefson, National Director for KNN Partnerships began her work with the KNN on October 1, 2020. 
Noteworthy Events & Resources
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Character Assessment in College Admission Guide
In summer 2020, the Making Caring Common Project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education released a guide for character assessment in college admissions. The guide includes best practices and accompanying resources. The goals of the guide are to:
  • Offer new, potentially powerful ways for college admission offices to integrate and assess student character and other non-cognitive skills and capacities as part of the admission process
  • Provide concrete tips and tools for colleges doing this work
Noteworthy Resources
Dyrbye, Liselotte N.; Leep Hunderfund, Andrea N.; Winters, Richard C.; Moeschler, Susan M.; Vaa Stelling, Brianna E.; Dozois, Eric J.; Satele, Daniel V.; West, Colin P.

Margot Kelly-Hedrick, MBE; Madeline M. Rodriguez, MD; Anne E. Ruble, MD, MPH; Scott M. Wright, MD; Margaret S. Chisolm, MD

Catherine R. Lucey, MD; S. Claiborne Johnston, MD, PhD

An ABMS and NBME Symposium, Chicago | September 22, 2019
GRIT for Women in Medicine: Growth, Resilience, Inspiration & Tenacity 2021
September 16-18, 2021
Colorado Springs, CO
Kern National Network | | website
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