Just a few thoughts for the month of November.
First, I am thankful to see the awesome response by our MBA churches and Georgia Baptist churches in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. It was exciting to see so many seek to show the love of Christ to those that were suffering from the storm.
Second, the Georgia Baptist Convention will be held at First Baptist Statesboro this year from November 10-12. I want to encourage you to make efforts to attend. Come and be encouraged in the inspiration service Sunday night. Be challenged with the preaching conference on Monday and rejoice with what God is doing through Georgia Baptists at the convention on Monday and Tuesday.
Third, this is an election year, and no matter the outcome of the election, know that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. His kingdom is unshakeable, and his plans, purpose, and agenda are on track. His rule and kingdom transcend all the kingdoms of this world.
Finally, in November, we celebrate nationally Thanksgiving. As Christians, we have much for which to be thankful. We are to be “giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light. He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. In him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:12–14, CSB). If you have been redeemed, forgiven, reconciled, and brought into God’s kingdom you truly do have much to be thankful for.