Sammy Starts Soccer Author meets 106.7
Our Founder, Rachel Calabrese, had the honor of being interviewed by Sue Tabb and Kendra Petrone for their Exceptional Women Podcast, that aired on Sunday 10/06/2024.
During the interview, Rachel discussed her newly released children’s book, Sammy Starts Soccer, as well as the mission behind ConfiKids.
Exceptional Women is the leading program dedicated to women, co-hosted by Sue Tabb of Morning MAGIC and Kendra Petrone. The show has received multiple prestigious accolades, including numerous Gracie Allen Awards from the Alliance for Women in Media.
If you missed the interview head over to this link below and you can listen to the entire interview.
Sammy Starts Soccer
Written By Rachel Calabrese
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As Sammy starts his soccer career, he quickly learns it’s not just about playing the game.
Being a team member means sharing, supporting, and being a part of the whole. A lesson Sammy will never forget!
32-page book with illustrations.
Proceeds from this children’s book will benefit ConfiKids directly.
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