NJSPE Would Like to Welcome Its New 2017 New Members:
Frank T. Antisell, PE
Anthony Lorenzo Cafasso
Matthew J. Chaber
Avery Huan Church
Julian Sean De La Cruz
Lino A. DeAlmeida Lino III, PE
Jeanne R. Dunn Jeanne, PE
Matt Durik
Carlos Elia
Kevin P. Goodwin, PE
Calvin J. Gould
Evan Michael Hansen
Kevin Huertas
Matthew Kapica
Christian Lee
Beth A. Pochtar, PE
Miguel Soriano
Keith Thadikaran
Julian Whitt
Jon Zukowski
NJSPE Offers FULL Day of Continuing Education
January 24th at the Crowne Plaza, Cherry Hill
January 31st at the Palace at Somerset Park
Offering 6 PDH Credits for Professional Engineers in NJ; 5 in PA and 5 in NY
pending NY approval
Registration will open at the end of November! Be on the lookout!
Program includes:
Lawrence P. Powers
Co-Chair - Construction Law Department,
Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas, LLP
Accreditation: 1 PDH credit, NJ, PA, NY
- Smart Driving Cars: Implications for Transportation Engineers
Alain L. Kornhauser, PhD, Chair, Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, Princeton University
Accreditation: 1 PDH credit, NJ, PA, NY
- A Look at Today's Energy Market
Vincent S. Wagner, P.E.
Retired - Siemens Power Generation
Accreditation: 1 PDH credit, NJ, PA, NY
- Dredging of the Manasquan River Complex
Michael J. Marano, P.E. - Project Manager & Sr. Supervising Engineer, WSP, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Accreditation: 1 PDH credit, NJ
North Jersey Society's Annual Holiday Party -
How an Engineer became Mayor and the Challenges He Faces
- at the Hibiscus Restaurant in Morristown
5:30 Reception, 6:30 Dinner
$30 for you or $45 for you and the "significant other"
As professional engineers, we are dedicated to protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public above all else. Should this extend to the political spectrum? Come to our Holiday Party and listen to Al Smith, tell us about his journey "How an engineer became mayor" and explore this timely topic.
Fellow engineers and their friends gather for a good time - all are welcome, but RSVP is a must!
Respond to Rich Olsen at
or 973 765 0337 by December 4
Hibiscus is located in the Best Western Hotel, 570 South Street, Morristown.
Visit their website: hibiscuscuisine.com for directions and information.
If you have received your renewal for next year and are paying by Purchase Order or Voucher, please send all paper work to NJSPE for a signature. You can mail it to NJSPE, 414 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611 or you can fax it to 609-393-9891. Thank you for your membership!
PEC News
Save the Dates: 2017-18 Schedule
2/19-2/25/18 |
National Engineer's Week
2/22/18 |
The 42nd Annual - Construction Unity Dinner and Executive Committee Meeting
Pines Manor - Edison, NJ
3/21/18 |
Sol Seid Student Interviews Scholarship Committee Meeting
Pines Manor - Edison, NJ
4/20/18 |
The 44th Annual Awards Bonhag
Dinner Dance
Grand Marquis, Old Bridge, NJ
Winter/Spring: Technical Seminars/Membership Meetings Dates & Topics
will be updated once confirmed - Notices will be emailed and posted on our website.
2017-18 - Updated Annual Sustaining Firm Membership Dues and Individual Membership. Support notices will be emailed and can be paid and updated via mail or on our website.
New BMP Added to the New Jersey Stormwater BMP Manual - Blue Roofs
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has recently posted a new chapter to the NJ Stormwater BMP Manual. This chapter is 9.8 - Blue Roofs.
As with the revised and new chapters posted over the last few years, this new chapter incorporates the new format engineered to clarify design requirements, explain functionality, and illustrate the movement of stormwater through a particular BMP, along with new graphics, enhanced tables, simplified charts, and improved examples. All artwork was prepared by staff to reflect the current requirements and enhance the text with multiple views of key components.
Will Climate Change Revive an Old Idea: A Regional Coastal Commission
NJ Spotlight
Could climate change lead the state to embrace an idea it shunned more than three decades ago: creation of a coastal commission?
The prospect of establishing a strong regional entity to plan and adapt to the chronic flooding and rising sea levels expected to leave much of the Jersey coast vulnerable was floated yesterday at wide-ranging conference on the Shore of the Future at the War Memorial in Trenton.
Top 10 Accessories for Engineers
It's difficult to choose just ten essential accessories for engineers, partly because there are so many subfields of engineering. An essential item for one engineer may be completely useless for another.
So, I looked to the long-running BBC radio series, Desert Island Discs
for inspiration. In this program, guests (called "castaways") are asked to select eight albums, one book and one luxury item to take with them to a desert island. We'll stick with the desert island theme, but our ten items are going to be a bit more practical.
New Jersey colleges invest in STEM with new facilities
Investment in science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) programs and facilities have grown exponentially in recent years as the job growth in this sector is expected to rise, and area universities have decided to make the investment into STEM students with state-of-the-art complexes. The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)and Hudson County Community College (HCCC) both opened new STEM facilities this fall, and both received grant funding to further STEM education.
Environmental Justice: The New Civil Rights?
NJ Spotlight
Calling it the civil rights issue of their time, environmental justice advocates yesterday backed a new bill to ensure low-income and minority communities have the tools to fight projects that increase pollution in their neighborhoods.
The legislation, to be introduced by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), aims to expand protections to communities burdened by developments that cause environmental problems and impact the health of residents.
Mark your calendar now for the 2018 Professional Engineers Conference. This conference will be held July 17-23 in Las Vegas.
From Recovery to Resilience
Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Sandy provided important lessons and warnings about the vulnerabilities of cities and towns prone to sea-level rise and flooding. Now the floods brought on by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria are sending the same messages.
When natural disasters strike, licensed professional engineers are vital to helping communities recover and rebuild. While ensuring that critical infrastructure is brought back online in a manner that protects the public health, safety, and welfare is a top priority, professional engineers are also focused on building resilience into their design solutions and practice for long-term safeguards.
spoke to professional engineers who are focused on engineering resilience issues in local governments, higher education, and private practice.
NSPE Urges NRC To Investigate Failed Nuclear Project in South Carolina
NSPE is calling for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct a thorough and complete investigation into the events leading to the shutdown of construction of two nuclear reactors in South Carolina.
According to multiple sources, including media reports and statements by licensed professional engineers familiar with these events, Westinghouse Corporation and other contractors allegedly used unqualified and unlicensed individuals to design aspects of two nuclear reactors at the V.C. Summer site, placing the public health and safety at risk.
Call for Presentations 2018 Professional Engineers Conference
The National Society of Professional Engineers is now accepting presentation submissions for consideration for the
2018 Professional Engineers Conference July 17-23, at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Professional Engineers Conference attracts more than 400 professional engineers and industry leaders from across the United States and internationally for two full days of professional development and networking. The 2018 Professional Engineers Conference will include at least 25 one-hour sessions, presentations by national leaders, and commercial exhibits.
Vatsal A. Shah, PE
President |
Mark J. Janiszewski, PE
Past President |
Michael J. Bennink, PE
President-Elect |
Robert V. Kiser, PE
Vice President |
Joseph A. Mancini, PE
Treasurer |
Katherine Childers, PE
Secretary |
Brian Van Nortwick, EIT
NJSPE Director at Large |
Robert J. Thiel, PE
NSPE Delegate (two-year term 2016-2018)
Lawrence Powers, Esq.
Counsel |
Joe Simonetta, CAE
Executive Director |