Area26 news & updates
November 2020 | Issue 15
Let me win, but if I cannot win,
Let me be brave in the attempt.
From the Editor...
Welcome to the November issue. We are now wrapping up the the Virtual Fall program, and getting ready for Winter. We have had lots of athletes all over the Area participating in workouts with their teams or with other Area athletes on Zoom or in other ways.

We will feature several of these programs in this Issue.
Sport of the Month...
The most important choice you can make TODAY.

The official Election Day is November 3rd. If you have not yet voted, PLEASE do so. It is your right to help decide who runs our country, and how the laws are made. Special Olympians (and their coaches, volunteers, and mentors) are a bigh Voting Block. Make your wishes and wants known to the government by exercising your vote on or before Election Day. You can still vote by mail, by drop-box, or in person, but please DO vote!!

Take a picture when you do and submit it to us and we will include it in a special I voted photo edition. Here are some "early returns"...
Christian Graham
Kyler Reese
Chris Robinson
Nathalie Beck
Patrick Farrell
David Kellett-Forsyth
Zach Fowler voted in person Friday - this is the line he stood in.
Virtual Activities Update...
Area 26 Community,

Thanks for hanging with us virtually this season! Our coaches and volunteers have really enjoyed getting to see your smiling faces on a weekly basis. While we are working up a schedule for winter virtual opportunities, we will see a drop in some practices between Thanksgiving and the New Year. Definitely keep an eye on the website & facebook pages to figure out what's going on. If you're part of a Fall/Winter sport, stay tuned for relevant communication from your coaches. 
Highlights for November

A few special items on the docket for this month:
  • BASH Boxing- Join us for our second BASH class on DATE, TIME (wait from Alex) 
  • November Crafting Collab with Virtual Companions- Get more info and Register here for the event on November 1st...

Fall Fitness Combine Completion

All of you who are active in the Combine, remember that final scores are due by the end of TODAY (November 1st...) and that the Virtual Awards Ceremony is on the 7th!
"Keep moving athletes!!...."
Additional Activities- Don't forget about Yoga, Bootcamp, Dance Party and more that occur each week! ((
Pre-recorded classes continue...
If your schedule makes it hard to meet our live virtual events and practices, check out what we have to offer for exercises you can fit into your busy schedule!
As the seasons shift, let's make sure to not let the cold weather get us down. Let's stay fit and active together, even if we're confined to our living room! 
Fit-5 Fitness Pals Monthly Update...
The Fit5-Five...Chris, Tom, Dave, Max and Kyler have been keeping up the energy to set the best example for Area 26. Here they are at it again this month!!
Kyler Reese connects - the ball is outta here

Tom Merz jumping the LOOONG Three
Chris Robinson stretching to success!!
Max Hershberger - in beast mode!
David Kellett-Forsyth in Foot-Drill-Mania!!
You can still check out their Workout Video on our YouTube Site by clicking the button.
Staying Active is the key for now!!
While staying physically active and fit is definitely a focus, we all need to keep busy doing things that matter and things that are just FUN. Here are some pictures of our Area members and how they are using the time...
YOUniquely Fit Online fitness workout...

Coach Mike and Coach Brian host two weekly sessions on Tuesday and Thursday.
Ameer Malik treadmilling the day away!
Jennifer Mitchell completes a 1500 meter open water swim in the Potomac River at National Harbor on September 26th.
Swatting Sam Selnick at the Plate...
...Sean Minnick Rounding Third...
---and Stephen James heading for Home!
GMU Green Machine practice w/Coach Jeff Eskridge.

Jeyoon Cho, Jeffrey Eskridge, Patrick Farrell, Zach Fowler, Patrick Kelly, Tyler O’Hara, Kyler Reese, Travis Smith, Coach Leo.... and one-lady cheer squad Viv Alonso
Eagles together with Patrick DeLapp for a workout session
GMU Swim Team Zooming to fitness...
Some of the swimmers even celebrated Crazy Hat/Hair day!!...
Suzan Basoglu
Meredith Cripe
Coach Debbie Bennett and Kevin Bennett
Hoang Phan
Ryan Gutkowski
Erica Zhong
Stephen James
Jennette Simon
Veronica Brown
Sean Minnick
Gabe Mayuga
Pat Kelly
Warhawks Volleyball Combine team...
Kia Hill, Coach Barry, Sean Minnick, Kyler Reese, Hoang Phan, Tammy Kiser, Max Hershberger, Alex Mitrouchtchenkov, Head Coach Alina, Jeff Cogswell and Ben Fowler
We love to have your inputs - so keep busy and...
Stay Healthy, Stay Active!!
Revealing the Champion in all of us...
Athletes Corner
  • by Jeff Cogswell

Hello Area 26!!

My name is Jeffrey Cogswell. I got involved with Special Olympics when I was 8 years oll, and I am now 31. I started out playing basketball for FPYC coached by Bill Monday. Through the years I have also participated in golf, flag football, volleyball, and softball.
    With my passion and knowledge for sports and my disabilities and understanding of the other athletes and their disabilities, I am happy to represent Area 26 Special Olympics. I have gained a lot of skills and understanding of the different sports over the years from some very talented coaches. I feel they have helped me gain the skills that I need and earn the respect I also get when I am out on the court/field/event. This truly makes me feel humble and I owe a world of thanks to all that have helped me get to where I am today – THANK YOU !

    I am an individual just like any other, yes I have disabilities – I have cerebral palsy and epilepsy. I know what my physical limitations are but I do my best not to try and let that hold me back from doing what I strive to want to do. My parents and siblings have always treated and included me in everything from day one, never treated me any differently but made sure my safety was first and most important. I think this is what has really stuck most in my heart, how growing up I did not get treated different because of my disabilities. I was treated just like any other kid. My family is my biggest supporting group that has helped me through leaps and bounds in life – thank you and I LOVE YOU !

-Talk to you all next month,
Hail and Farewell
The Area 26 Council is happy to welcome returning Councilmember Barb DeLisa. Barb was on the Council previously for several years, and continued as Medical and Bowling Coordinator. She is back, and we are excited to have her with us again!!
Upcoming Events
November: Fall Virtual Program transitions to Winter.
Please continue to share information about this newsletter and website with those you know in the community so that we can better share the wonder of our special athletes and volunteers. To sign up to receive the newsletter, go to our webform Newsletter Subscription
Area 26 Points of Contact
Area 26 Council

Elaine Tilton

Chuck Adkins-Blanch
Jeff Cogswell
Patrick DeLapp
Barb DeLisa
Billy Duquette
Bruce Fingerhut
Jay Hoffmeier
Veronica Jennings
Nancy Julia
Abby Lacy
Katherine Martin
Jeff McGiboney
Nancy Robbins
Paul Tierney
Bernie Woolfley
Area 26 Special Olympics |
Season Directors
Elaine Tilton, Fall/Winter

Nancy Julia, Spring/Summer

Barry Tilton

Volunteer Coordinator
Bruce Fingerhut

Medical Coordinator
Barb DeLisa

Senior Director, Potomac Region
Veronica Jennings
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