November 2016
In This Issue
Thyroid Seminar
Holiday Giving
Mary Clare
Just BE Retreats 2017
Free Coaching Workshop
October was THE BEST!
Take Note
Stay Connected!

Grateful + Attitude= Gratitude. The Studio BE Pilates family is deeply grateful for our community, our collective wellness and the love and friendship we share together. We know that a grateful attitude contributes to good health and wellness. 
November is a time of gathering, of honoring those things that we hold dear and celebrating togetherness. 

In the studio this month we are welcoming a fun new way to get your spirits up, your body moving and your mind charged.  We have a special seminar on Thyroid Function. We are devoting ourselves to two charity's for the holidays, Our Neighbors Child and Good Shepard Housing.  We've also gained new life coach Elena Sonnino who will be presenting a seminar on December 3rd in the studio. 

Thank you for sharing your abundant love and support for breast cancer fighter Tara Pannell

I am so thankful for the spirit of community we experience daily at Studio BE. The love, the compassion, the generosity. This month of Thanksgiving I will set my intention of gratitude to our wonderful family at Studio BE.

Peace, Love & Pilates

Carla & The Studio BE Pilates Team

Piloxing with Shannon!

Join Shannon at the barre for a powerful mix of Pilates, Boxing and Barre method. It's a work out that will energize you and sculpt your body. 
BE In The Know! Thyroid Function Seminar

BE Generous
Two ways to share your generous spirit  this holiday season!
We are delighted to partner again this year with Our Neighbors Child to help underprivileged children in our community feel the joy of Christmas. We will have a giving tree in the Studio from November 17 to December 10. 
Choose an ornament with a gift request on it from our giving tree, shop for the gifts, bring them back to the studio and we will deliver to Our Neighbors Child for distribution to the families. 

We've also partnered with Good Shepherd Housing 
to provide gift cards to families 
entering their housing to provide a "kick start" to stable housing and secure finances. 
We are currently collecting gift cards for the following:
  • Safeway
  • Giant
  • Shoppers Food and Warehouse
  • Wegmans
  • Wal-Mart
  • Target
  • Costco
  • Amazon
  • Gas Stations
These gift cards will be collected through December 19, 2016 and can be dropped off at Studio Be. Through your generous support, you can help continue to transform the lives of families in need
GSH provides stable housing and other services for more than 1,000 working class families each year in over 80 housing units. 83% of which are families with children. 


Our star pupil and front desk person shows how healthy and active 66 can be!

My Journey to a Healthier, Happier Me
For many years, I experienced painful back problems.  Finally, in the Spring of 2013 I had back surgery.  After four (4) months of rehabilitation and physical therapy, my physical therapist recommended that I transition to Pilates to continue strengthening my core.  I had no idea what Pilates was.  So, I "Googled" Pilates.  I really did not understand what it was; but, I was determined that I was going to strengthen my core.  I did not want a repeat of the cascading of events that brought me to surgery.
I proceeded to "research" local Pilates studios and read the staff biographies.  I quickly settled on Studio BE Pilates - the staff qualifications were quite impressive!  With some trepidation, I started my Pilates journey September, 2013.  Since I was doing physical therapy two (2) days a week, I started doing Privates two (2) days a week.
For me, Pilates is a wonderful mind-body challenge - I love challenges.  Pilates requires me to focus on what the instructor is asking and then try to get my body to respond accordingly.
This past January, I added Mat to my schedule.  I am now doing Mat two (2) days a week in addition to my two privates.  Mat has helped me to continue to make progress in my Privates.  I realize that I am now able to access parts of my body that I never knew I had.  Who knew I have external and internal obliques!
For me, the best part of Studio BE, besides improving body awareness and feeling the best that I have in many years, is the new family of friends that I have made.  The clients and instructors are the BEst!  When "life" happens, I always know that this is my "safe" place.
Since beginning Pilates my lifestyle has changed - I have lost a significant amount of weight; I am able to do things that I never thought would be possible for me do again; our family menu has changed - all organic and no genetically modified foods.   Pilates has started me on this wonderful journey of physical, emotional and spiritual growth.


Women's Retreat 
Casa Om
April 30-May 6, 2017
Six spaces available

Show gratitude for your self and treat your soul to a retreat like no other. Join Carla & Shelly in Puerto Morelos this spring. We're making magic in Mexico!

Click on Workshops tab

Find Flight In The Fight 
Get a head start on 2017 with Five Ways to Find Flight in the Fight
December 3, 2016, 12:30-2:00 pm at Studio BE Pilates

Join life coach Elena Sonnino for this FREE small group workshop to jumpstart the new year with concrete tools to be present and purposeful in your daily life! 

Not only will this interactive workshop that includes yoga-movement, discussion, and journaling prepare you to Find Flight in 2017 - you'll leave with strategies to get grounded even during the busy holiday season. 

Elena will share life coaching tools that are essential to find flight in the fight: breath, stillness, gratitude, intentions and story dissolving. 

Are you ready to get a head start on 2017? Learn more and RSVP HERE: http://www.elenasonnino.com/studio-be-find-flight-in-the-fight-life-coaching-workshop/

Questions? Email Elena at findflight@elenasonnino.com

OctoberBEst Was A Treat!

Thank you to all who joined us for OctoberBEst weekend! We had so much fun, piloxing, at the barre, on the equipment and mat classes, giving away swag & treats from our friends and wellness partners and sharing our upcoming retreat with you. 

Beauty Counter-Wendy Wade
Lou Lou Boutiques
Peet's Coffee

Congratulations to Jenna who won the basket of feel goodness! 
Take Note: New Scheduling Softward

We will soon be switching from Mindbody Online  to a new software program  We will let you know when the change happens to that scheduling your classes and privates will be smooth and easy.