November News and Updates
APSAC's Top Stories
Register Today for APSAC's 2020 Colloquium in New Orleans!
Join us in sunny San Diego in January for our Advanced Training Institutes!
Register Today For our 2019 Forensic Interview Institute in New Orleans!
Read the NEW! APSAC Alert!
Learn More about the NEW! APSAC Online Course!
Now Open!
Register for the 2020 APSAC Colloquium
Have funds in your budget that need to be allocated before the end of the year? Register your team now for the APSAC Colloquium in New Orleans, June 7 through 11, 2020!

APSAC's 27th Colloquium will offer pre-conference advanced training institutes and advanced training workshops, research sessions, micro sessions, information/discussion roundtables and research posters addressing all aspects of child maltreatment. This year's theme is: Strengthening Practice through Knowledge: Promoting Excellence in Prevention, Investigation and Intervention in Child Maltreatment.
A New Resource from APSAC!
Introducing the 2018 APSAC Research to Practice Brief Compendium!
APSAC believes that high-quality research translation has the potential to help bridge the gap between research and practice. APSAC is proud to share our inaugural  Research to Practice Brief Compendium , containing translational summaries of original research published in  Child Maltreatment , our peer reviewed journal. Please share this publication with colleagues, students, and anyone who might find it useful.

In 2018, APSAC partnered with a University of Michigan graduate class to turn the Research to Practice Brief into an assignment with the opportunity for professional review and publication. Six students briefs were published. including the student briefs produced in the classroom partnership. The 2018 Research to Practice Brief Compendium includes all APSAC Research to Practice Briefs produced in 2018, including student briefs produced in the classroom partnership!

Want to help APSAC Grow this Project?
If you are interested in bringing Research to Practice Briefs as an assignment to your classroom, volunteering to write Research to Practice Briefs, or volunteering to review student work (APSAC members with terminal degrees only), please contact   Bri Stormer , APSAC Manager of Publications and Special Projects.
Sharpen Your Skills at APSAC Institutes this Winter
Join APSAC in Sunny San Diego in January for our Advanced Training Institutes
APSAC invites you to join us in  San Diego on January 26, 2020  for two informative   Pre-Conference Institutes   in cooperation with   The Chadwick Center‘s 35th International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment . Choose between two informative institutes; " Forensic Interviewing Non-English Speaking Families" with Maria Rosales-Lambert and "Don’t Wait until Puberty: Support Healthy Sexual Development and Address Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children" with Dr. Jane F. Silovsky. CE Credits will be made available through the Chadwick Center.
Improve Your Skills with APSAC's Advanced Forensic Interview Institute in New Orleans
APSAC is proud to offer our last of three Forensic Interview Training Programs in 2019! We have a few seats left in our Advanced Training Institute, December 11-12 at the Family Justice Center (FJC) in New Orleans. This institute is aimed at experienced interviewers committed to excellence and continuous improvement of fundamental skills.
Include APSAC in your Annual Giving Plan this #GivingTuesday | December 3, 2019
APSAC will join the global celebration of non-profit organizations and the communities who support them this #GivingTuesday , December 3, 2019 . Kick off the giving season by helping APSAC continue to meet the needs of professionals engaged in all aspects of services for maltreated children and their families. See what your donation to APSAC can support.

Renew Your Membership Today
Give the gift of an APSAC membership this giving season. Access every issue of the APSAC Advisor, discounted registration to APSAC Colloquia, and be the first to hear about our training and networking opportunities. 

APSAC members can receive 10% off of their membership for each new member they recruit - Recruit 10 new members and your membership is free! Contact   [email protected]   with the names of members you've recruited to receive your discount! 
APSAC Offers Training Support
Want to bring high quality professional education to your state? The APSAC training team offers customized training to fit your needs!
Jim Campbell Training Coordinator for more info. CEUs available!
Do you have news to share? Send your news and accomplishments to [email protected]
APSAC Publications
New!  APSAC Alert  Volume 10, Issue 4:
Responding to Sudden Infant Death

APSAC is pleased to bring you our latest edition of the  APSAC Alert!  This edition, authored by Vincent J. Palusci, MD, MS, FAAP, provides a summary of recent research and best practices for responding to sudden infant death. We hope you find this useful. APSAC members can now access decades of past editions of the  APSAC Alert  and  Advisor   from the  APSAC Members Area .
Spotlight on the APSAC Online Course
Registration Coming Soon!

The APSAC Online Course will feature 25 national experts and their experience in the field of child maltreatment! Learn more about the APSAC Online Course, including special registration of only $25 for Members!
*Special pricing extends to 12/31/19
APSAC Member News
Early Bird Registration is Closing for The University of Oklahoma Health Science Center National Symposium on Sexual Behavior of Youth
Changing Perspectives, Changing Lives
February 25-27, 2020
Norman, OK

Early bird registration closes on November 25 for the 2020 National Symposium on the Sexual Behavior of Youth , featuring presentations by many national experts, including APSAC members Janet Rosenzweig, Trish Gardner, and Stacie LeBlanc! The aim of OUHSC's National Symposium on Sexual Behavior of Youth is to equip professionals to understand and support healthy sexual development and identify problematic sexual behavior early and intervene. This conference is geared toward the following professionals: psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, marriage/family therapists, physicians, nurses, juvenile justice and court professionals, law enforcement, judges, and allied professionals who work with youth with problematic sexual behavior.
APSAC State Chapter News
The First WIPSAC State Chapter Regional Conference

On  October 18, 2019  the  Wisconsin Professional Society on the Abuse of Children  hosted a conference, “Better Understanding the MDT Response to Child Maltreatment.” Matthew Torbenson, a Deputy District Attorney for Milwaukee County spoke about the prosecution of child maltreatment using prior cases to illustrate what elements of the crimes he must prove and how that information was gathered. Dr. Kristen Iniguez, a pediatrician at Marshfield Clinic specializing in working with child abuse victims outlined what her child abuse evaluation entails and how it can be useful to investigations. Tim Grove and Tana Koss discussed how multi-disciplinary teams can be successful using the principles of trauma informed care.

For more information on how this conference was planned and how APSAC can help you with a state conference contact   [email protected]
Read the Latest Issue of the CAPSAC Consultant
The Fall 2019 issue of  The Consultant , the California Professional Society on the Abuse of Children's (CAPSAC) quarterly newsletter, is now available. Inside this resource, you'll find:
1. Announcements of upcoming events and trainings
2. An application for the Paul Chrissy Graduate Student Research Grant
3. “Grandparent-Headed Families: A Vulnerable Population” by Susan J. Kelley, PhD
4. Call for Nominations for the Neal Snyder Outstanding Service Award
2019-2020 Webinar Series in Partnership with the New York Foundling
APSAC & The Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protect io n , a program of the New York Foundling kick off our webinar series with a program from Dr. David Finkelhor!

Trends in Childhood Adversities: Has Trauma Been Increasing?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
12:00 PM ET - 1:00 PM ET

Dr. David Finkelhor will review and try to make sense of trend data showing declines in various forms of some of the most serious childhood adversities along with less reassuring data about children’s mental health, and the numerous books and articles warning about the increasing stressors and perils of modern childhood. He will also try to situate and evaluate the efforts on behalf of prevention and mental health promotion in the context of other social forces acting on childhood to see if we can draw any encouragement from our efforts. This is the first in a series of 6 webinars; Registration for this webinar is free!
Resources to Inform Your Practice

A Resource for Parents from Raliance

CANTASD , the Child Abuse and Neglect Technical Assistance and Strategic Dissemination Center, a program of the US Children's Bureau
  • Digital Dialogs are your chance to join the national conversation about child abuse and neglect. Chick here to register for upcoming Digital Dialogs and to see the slides and materials from recent Digital Dialogs.   

  • A series of podcasts on child safety to share with parents whose children of all ages participate in organized sports.
The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
1706 E Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43203
877-402-7722 | 614-827-1321