Issue: 11 November 2019
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
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45 th  Fall Aging Conference a SUCCESS!

On behalf of the Steering Committee for this year's Fall Aging Conference, I'd like to thank everyone who attended or exhibited this year!  We had above average attendance of over 450 attendees and sponsors/exhibitors!!!  We will be distributing $4,000 each to MASWA and SPSWA!!!

If you attended or sponsored and haven't taken a few minutes to take our survey, I'd like to encourage you to do so now:

Finally, I'd like to thank the amazing Steering Committee from this year:

Brielle Khalar, Co-Chair - Ecumen
Rachelle Lavalier, Registration - Ebenezer
Allison Bakke, Program - Above & Beyond Senior Services
Ian Bruess, Sponsor/Exhibitors - Episcopal Homes
Christina Graese, Facilities - Commons on Marice
Georgene Connelly, Secretary - Waters of Plymouth
Paul R. Blom, Chair - Fall Aging Conference
PresidentPresident's Note

Happy Thanksgiving All!
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather with family and friends and reflect on the blessings of the last year. Many of us experience renewed hope and faith during the Thanksgiving holiday because we turn our eyes to what is most important in our lives. Sometimes we forget how important the work is that we do. It is not only important for our clients but also in support of the families who are making tough decisions. They look to us for answers and direction. They may find it more difficult to find things to be thankful for this year than in years past. 

You offer hope
You offer care
You reassure
You educate
This industry has taught me so much.  I am grateful to all of you who have helped me learn and who continue to share your knowledge.  I have been challenged this year in ways that I feel have weakened me, but I have no doubt will also strengthen me. I have been honored to serve as the President of MASWA and to have been supported by such a great group of people. I am just fine, but for personal reasons, I am relinquishing my role as President of MASWA at this time. Georgene Connelly, President Elect, has graciously volunteered to take on the additional responsibility at this time. I appreciate her help and flexibility very much!  I am thankful for each of you who continue to dedicate yourself to making the lives of seniors better. They will remember you because:
Your words are important
Your kindness does matter
Your eyes speak volumes
Your efforts are appreciated
 My best wishes to you all,

Judy Decker
HolidayParty MASWA Holiday Party

Thursday, December 5, 2019
3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
7345 Country Club Dr
Golden Valley, MN 55427
United States
More information to come!
Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association

P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426