Issue: 1 November 2016
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
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  Meeting                President's Note ip               Thank You to Vendors & Sponsors    

                             2017 Meeting Sponsorships Available


Enjoy this month's updates, highlighting all the fun we have had!  As a friendly reminder, we have uploaded the monthly presentations   to the website!  Please log in to the MASWA website  as a member to view the presentations. Thank you for being a member and large supporter of this great organization. 

MeetingMembership Meeting

Please Join Us....
....For our Second Annual
MASWA Membership Holiday Networking Social
MEMBERS: In place of our December monthly membership meeting MASWA will be having a membership holiday networking social - TOTALLY ON US!
WHEN:     Monday, December 12th      3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
WHERE:  Schuller's Tavern 7345 Country Club Drive Golden Valley 55427
WHAT:     MASWA Member Social with Networking, food, fun and Prizes!
WHO:       MASWA Members and Potential Members - Bring a Guest!
WHY:       Holiday Fun & a Chance to Connect with Colleagues -
Did we say Great Door prizes?


Beth Nemec - Lifesprk

Sara Laube - Living Life Home Care

Mary Rempfer - Liberty Oxygen

PresidentPresident's Note
Linda Debner
Has this been a gorgeous fall season, or what? I'm following the habit of my cats and I'm finding all the sunbeams I can, and that's where I spend my time.
It is the day after the election and, like many American's, I'm shocked by the outcome. President Elect Trump was a dark horse from the beginning and never expected to receive the Republican nomination, let alone winning the election.  It reminds me of another election us Minnesotan's have experienced ~ remember when Jesse Ventura was elected Governor?  Now we can see if President Elect Trump surrounds himself with smart people with a lot of experience, as Gov. Ventura did.  

This is really a busy time of year for all of us.  The Fall Aging Conference was a huge hit and received great reviews.  Thanks to all of you who were sponsors and vendors and also to all of you who attended the conference.  Yesterday was the MASWA/SPSWA Joint Public Policy meeting and the election.  There will be no MASWA membership meeting this month because it would fall on Thanksgiving Day.  

We can look forward to the Holiday Get-Together which takes place on December 12th at Schuler's, a bar and restaurant close to our usual meeting place.  There is an announcement regarding this event in this newsletter.  Please come and mingle. There are free drinks and pizza and it is always fun to visit with those we know and fun to meet those we don't know.  I'll look forward to seeing you there.

Enjoy the great fall weather and the upcoming holiday!

Linda Debner

ThankYouThank You 2016 Fall Aging Conference Vendors and Sponsors

Thank you to all who supported and participated in the 42 nd Annual Fall Aging Conference.

With a record number in attendance and vendor support we look forward to next year with excitement and continued appreciation of our members, their companies, and the great work you all do.

A special thank you to our conference sponsor Ecumen, our session sponsors, Arthur's Residential Care, and New Perspective Senior Living.  It is with the support of all our sponsors that we are able to bring quality education to our annual conference.
We invite you to consider joining our Fall Aging Steering committee as we begin work on the 43 rd Annual Fall Aging Conference in the coming weeks.


Volunteers of America and Liberty Oxygen & Medical Equipment, Francis Sheehy



Conference Sponsor: Ecumen



Legacy Care Home, Michelle Nash & Lifesprk, Michele Murray



Pioneer Estates , Christine Rowland & Brookdale Hospice, Layne Rosin


Fall Aging Conference Attendees
Fall Aging Conference Steering Committee: Thank you!
What a conference, until next year...
Sponsorships2017 Meeting Sponsorships Now Available

Attention Members! Sponsor a 2017 Meeting and highlight your business!
Bring treats to a membership meeting and take advantage of a unique opportunity to showcase your company - vendor table, and a short presentation in front of senior workers who can refer to your business.
Contact Vicky Willcox: (952) 697-0607 or Karen Mandile: (952) 345-4405 , MASWA Program Co-Chairs, if interested.

Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association
P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426