November 4 & 5
November 8 Yankee Candle Fundraiser Order Forms Due
November 15 Return Parent Survey
November 16 SNL at Fort Jesse 5-10pm
November 27 No School Day Program
November 28 & 29 Closed in observance of Thanksgiving
Picture Day Schedule
November 4
Infants and ALL Siblings
(individual and family picture will be taken)
November 5
Toddler/2's and Preschoolers
NAC Re-Accreditation
Katie's Kids has started the paperwork process for applying for NAC re-accreditation. The National Accreditation Commission or NAC requires updating paperwork as well as an onsite validation visit every five years.
This process analyzes individual standards of quality child care such as health and safety, administration, parent communication, curriculum and interactions between staff and children. The accreditation process includes a self-study in which administrators, staff, and parents evaluate the program on these standards. As we work through the self-study process, we will request your perspective and provide opportunities for you to make suggestions.
Please check your child's cubbie as a parent survey asking for feedback and suggestions will be in there soon.
We are asking families to fill out the survey and return it by November 15.
We appreciate your support.