
Today We Clear the Way for Student Leadership in the Cedar Valley

Today is the day - help clear the giving board in just 24-hours and raise $5,000 for leadership opportunities for our students!

Farmers State Bank announced they will match the funds raised on GivingTuesday, bringing the total to $10,000. This provides 200 Cedar Valley students with leadership education for a whole year.

Thank you to Farmers State Bank for your generosity.

Giving Tuesday Challenge.png

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

Donor Spotlight

Leader Valley would like to thank Community Bank & Trust for its ongoing support of students and educators in the Cedar Valley.

“Community Bank & Trust is proud to support Leader Valley. The programs Leader Valley provides support the education and development of the next generation of leaders in the Cedar Valley and are crucial for the economic well-being of our community.”

Kyle M. Baker, Vice President, Community Bank & Trust

Leader Up: Equity & Self Awareness

This month's quick Leader Up lesson nugget is from a Self Awareness & Equity session held with Cedar Valley educators.

Take a few minutes and hear some of the highlights and key information that was discussed during the session.

Leader In Me School Highlight

This month, Saint Edward Catholic School students got to show off their leadership notebooks! Kindergarten through 5th graders had the opportunity to share their wildly important goals and leadership roles with community volunteers.

Thank you to the area professionals who volunteered their time with the students.

We were so impressed by everything these students have accomplished so far this school year!

Annual Report

We would not be celebrating 10 years of impact without the investment of individuals and businesses who believed in the merit of this important leadership work and helped us shift the leadership landscape of the Cedar Valley.

View Annual Report

Support Student Leadership Through

Your Shopping

AmazonSmile is a website portal by Amazon which enables you to access and purchase the same Amazon products while activating an automatic 0.5% bonus donation from all of your Amazon purchases.

The donation is given by the AmazonSmile Foundation to the charity of your choice. Leader Valley is an eligible charity to receive AmazonSmile donations.

Follow these steps to support Leader Valley:

  1. Visit smile.amazon.com and use this website address every time you shop on Amazon.com
  2. Follow the prompt to pick a charitable organization from the list of eligible organizations
  3. Type in "Leader Valley Foundation"
  4. Shop as normal!

Leader Valley prepares Pre-K-12 students for life by providing them with the essential employability or professional skills needed for a life of effectiveness and a competitive advantage in the workforce. 

Leader Valley | www.leadervalley.org

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