2021 Newsletter
Dear Friend,

The holiday season can be especially difficult for those who are in the initial stages of grief. As the world decorates and celebrates, survivors mourn. Family celebrations and traditions reinforce the absence of our loved ones and often become something to be endured, rather than enjoyed.

As we head into November, please know that we are here to support you through our community forum, social media, and individual and family consultations.

This month, our newsletter features a helpful essay by Jack Klingert, with tips for dealing with the holidays after suicide loss. He has traveled the path of the survivor's journey and has a lot of wisdom to share. You will also find one of our favorite Thanksgiving poems, and several essays that reflect on the survivor experience and provide hope for going beyond just surviving.
As we head into the holiday season, I pray you will find peace in the midst of loss as well as reasons to be thankful. I hold you in my heart.


Ronnie Walker MS, LCPC
Founder and Executive Director
Dealing with Holidays after a Suicide Loss, by J Klingert

Finding hope and happiness can be hard for new survivors during the holiday season. The first Thanksgiving and Christmas - just 7 months after our son died - felt more like an obligation than something we wanted to do. We had lost our voices and...

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A Bereaved Thanksgiving, by Darcie Simms

It doesn't seem to get any better - but it doesn't seem to get any worse either. For that, I am thankful. There are no more pictures to be taken, but there are memories to be cherished. For that, I am thankful. There is a missing chair at the...

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A Stranger in My Own Life, by Alisha Bozarth

My life. Everything is familiar. But everything is strange. I live in the same house. But it doesn't feel like home. I have watched this show. But it now seems different. I've sat at my table a hundred times. But I now feel like a visitor.

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12 Things Helped After the Suicide of Our Son, by M. Gilzean

It's been two years and three months since our son, Adam, died by suicide. I've spent some time thinking about what has helped me deal with the loss. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to capture everything that came to mind. Here are 12...

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Mourning Complicated Relationships from Beyond the Dash Blog

Grief isn't always about lost love. Even the most loving relationships can have complicated moments. The grief you might feel when a tumultuous relationship suddenly becomes one-sided has its own set of complications. Most relationships aren't...

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Our website contains support resources and information on the suicide loss survivor experience. Our online forum operates like a 24/7 support group.
Are you seeking counseling? We offer specialized grief support via Skype and Zoom.
Now, more than ever, the Alliance of Hope is a vital support network for people bereaved by suicide.
visit Alliance of Hope