"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
John Fitzgerald Kenned
In The Kitchen with
Villages of Westcreek
Homemade Apple Pie
Double-Crust Pastry
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 8 cups thinly sliced peeled tart apples (8 medium)
- 2 teaspoons salt butter or margarine
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (175 degrees C). Prepare Double-C
- Mix sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a large bowl. Stir in the apples. Turn into pastry-lined pie plate. Dot with butter. Trim overhanging edge of the pastry 1/2 inch from rim of plate.
- Roll other round of pastry. Fold into fourths and cut slits so steam can escape. Unfold top pastry over filling; trim overhanging edge 1 inch from rim of plate. Fold and roll top edge under lower edge, pressing on rim to seal; flute as desired. Cover edge with 3-inch aluminum foil to prevent excessive browning. Remove foil during last 15 minutes of baking.
- Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until crust is brown and juice begins to bubble through slits in crust. Serve warm if desired.
From the Community Manager's Desk
Happy November Everyone,
The holidays are upon us and with that comes the delivery of packages, school holidays, longer nights, and unfortunately higher rates of criminal incidents. Here is a short list of things you can do to help you stay safe and keep your house safe during the holidays
Don't post your travel plans on social media
. It's hard not to humble brag about an amazing upcoming vacation on Facebook, but even with a private profile, you never know who is checking to see if your house is empty. Save the status updates for after you return home.
Double check holiday lights and wiring
Christmas lights look festive both indoors and out, but faulty wiring or overloading an outlet can be a fire hazard. Be sure to look for frayed wiring and unplug lights when not in use.
Invest in a timer for lights
Setting lights on a nightly timer deters thieves by giving the illusion that someone is home
. Have a friend drop by to check for delivered packages and store them somewhere more secure than the front porch.
. Keep the curtains slightly closed and before you leave, take a minute to look in your own windows from the street and check if valuables are easily visible. If they are, consider moving them somewhere inconspicuous.
Unplug your automatic garage door opener to keep thieves from opening it with a universal remote. Make sure that windows are locked and not easy to see through.
Low temps
I know that freezing temps are a rarity here in Texas but, it does happen. If you will be traveling for an extended period of time make sure to check the weather for the time you're gone. In the event of a cold snap, make sure exterior water pipes are insulated and keep the heat on low. A cold snap can freeze the pipes and cause them to burst if precautions are not taken.
Lose the hidden key
. If you have a hidden spare key placed near an entrance, take it with you while you're gone (or store it safely inside your house). Chances are a thief can easily find it and walk right in the front door.
Lock up jewelry and small valuables
. You might consider putting jewelry and important paperwork in a safety deposit box at the bank while you're on vacation.
Double check your door and window locks
. It's easy for you to overlook the lock on a spare bedroom window, but thieves usually enter a home through an open door or window.
Invest in a monitored or unmonitored security system
. Monitored systems are more expensive, but they provide the added benefit of the alarm company contacting emergency services on your behalf if they detect a problem. An unmonitored system (like an installed doorway camera you can watch from your phone) is cheaper, but you will need to monitor the camera and call the police if necessary.
12. Newspapers
. This may seem trivial but it can be as much of a sign of an absent owner as no lights on. A driveway full of newspapers lets people know that no one is home. With that being said if you notice that your neighbors have a large number of packages and/or newspapers and you know they haven't left, then you may need to check on them.
The safest neighborhoods all have one thing in common......
Neighbors who watch out for each other
. This does not only apply to the one next door but others who live on your street. We all need to watch out for each other these days.
f you see something that needs attention please email the office at:
Mike Hunsucker
Community Manager-VWOA
For those of you who could not make the board meeting here are some highlights.
The budget was approved and the best part is that due to the diligence of the Board and Community Manager paying very close attention to expenses, assessments will not be raised in 2018. Another awesome note is that we will be retaining more money into the reserves than ever before in the 30 years since the incorporation of VWOA
a whopping $276,000.00!!!
Some of you may be asking what will be done with these funds. Here are some projects that are
Coming soon:
- Washer and Cornhole pits by the dog park
- New parking lot surface for the Sports Park
- New plaster for the pools
- New pool furniture
- Improved lighting for monuments
Here are some projects that we have
Recently Completed:
- Dog Park and horseshoe pit
- New fence for the Baseball field
- Security cameras in the park to increase safety and deter park vandals
- Walking track repairs
- New energy efficient lights for the pavilion
- New energy efficient lights at the Sports Park pool
Another exciting addition to VWOA is the addition of the Coke machines. The Coke machines will be fully maintained by Coke, plus pay the Association a commission on the sales. Thank you to Rannie Bond and Billy Teeter for meeting with Coke to get us these machines. We will have three in the park and two outside of the Community Center. During pool season we will have machines inside the pool area to keep you hydrated during the summer heat.
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!
Christmas is not just about opening presents, as well as opening our hearts. The Villages of Westcreek will once again sponsor the Angel Tree this year. Our goal is to help ensure that all Westcreek residents and New Beginnings Children’s Home have a wonderful holiday. If you or someone you know needs assistance this holiday season, please come in to fill out the registration form starting Wednesday November 1, 2017 at the VWOA office.
Residents wishing to adopt an Angel can visit the office. Simply, choose a tag from our Angel Tree, turn it around and you will see items needed for girls and boys, from tops and bottoms, to personal items. All gifts must be returned to the office, wrapped, no later than Friday, December 15, 2017. For our Westcreek children and families, the gifts brought in can be picked up in the office by the families, or the office staff will deliver the gifts to the homes.
If you would like to nominate a family from VWOA please come by the office to get an Information form. Forms must be returned by December 4th. All personal information is kept confidential, only the child's first name is used.
Please click on this link
These children need some holiday cheer, so please help them by adopting an angel this year. If you have any questions please call the VWOA office at 210-679-8761 or come by the office to fill out the Angel Tree Information Form
Helpful Tips
If I have tenants renting my house, what do they need to do to obtain a VWOA ID card? For a tenant to obtain an ID card, there are a few items that we require:
1. Any form of photo identification for persons 18 and older.
2. A copy of the first and last page of the lease agreement, this will be added to the property's account. Anyone in the house ages 12 and over that are listed on the lease agreement, will be given a picture ID card. For the protection of the homeowner, if a person is not listed, we will not give them an ID. Assessments must be current for the tenant to obtain an ID card.
3. We will also need a letter from the property owner stating that the tenants have Right of Enjoyment of the amenities.
November 10, 2017 Veterans Day Closed
November 23, 2017 Thanksgiving Day Closed
November 24, 2017 Day after Thanksgiving Closed
Please send your check or money order payable to
“The Villages of Westcreek Owners Association”
12395 Military Dr. West.
San Antonio, TX 78253
Make sure you include your address on your check/money order
From The Assistant Community Manager
VWOA is hosting a free
"Bulk Trash Bash at The Sports Park"
This event is free to the residents of VWOA.
A current ID card will be required for entry
There will be two different types of trash dumpsters:
Regular trash and Metal Only
In the regular trash dumpsters the following items are not acceptable for disposal:
Paints, Herbicides, Chemicals, Oils, Batteries,
Antifreeze, Gas, Cylinders, Refrigerators, Freon, Tires, Gasoline, and Flammable Liquids, or items that contain other
Hazardous Materials.
In the metal dumpsters' only metal items will be accepted
From the Communications desk
Just a reminder!!!
The pool hours have now been adjusted for November 1, 2017
Is now closed
changes are as follows:
Early morning swim will not be available until May of 2018
Community Center pool will be open Monday-Friday from 10am - 5pm everyone must check in at the office for entry.
Adult Accompanied Swim. This means that all children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent or guardian over the age of 18 at all times.
Farmers Market
- Every Thursday from at 9:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M.
- The market will be located in the overflow parking lot adjacent to the Community Center.
- Last Day For the Farmers Market will be November 17, 2017
Don't forget
VWOA office is open every second Saturday of each month from 9am-1pm.
Report any suspicious activities or persons to
Bexar County Sheriff's office
If you see
graffiti or vandalism in the Villages of Westcreek
, please report it to the office at
Article X of the CCR’s
General Land Use Restrictions
Paragraph 10.01 b (1)
Not withstanding any other provision contained herein to the contrary, including the right of the Association to amend this Declaration, the following uses shall not be permitted on any lot or on any portion of the property:
- Any use which involves raising, breeding, keeping of any animal or poultry, except (i) domestic pets in reasonable numbers, and for
non-commercial purposes.
- Any dangerous or unsafe acts
- Any industrial uses, including, without limitation, any smelting, rendering, brewing, refining, chemical manufacturing or processing.
- Any mining or mineral exploration or development of any kind
- Any use which may require water and sewer in excess of the capacities allocated to the lot by declarant.
- Any noxious or offensive activity which the Association deems objectionable and adverse to the preservation of property values within the Property.
- Any religious use, except within the special use areas with the written consent of the Association or the Board.
- Any use which violates any statute, rule, regulation, ordinance or other law of any governmental entity, including but not limited to, all rules and orders of the Texas Water Development Board, Texas Water Commission and Edwards Underground Water District, and all flood plain, industrial waste and other ordinances of the City of San Antonio and Bexar County.
Paragraph 10.04: Outside Storage:
Except for temporary outside storage of trash in containers for collection from single family residential areas, no outside storage or operations of any kind shall be permitted unless such activity is visually screened from public view from adjacent streets, lots and buildings in a manner which is architecturally compatible and which has been approved in writing by the ARC.
No boats, trailers, campers, horse trailers, buses, inoperative vehicles of any kind, other recreational vehicles or commercial vehicles of one ton or greater load capacity shall be kept, parked or stored on any lot (or parked on any street abutting any lot), unless property screened from public view in a manner approved in writing by the ARC or unless such vehicle is temporarily parked in connection with services being performed on the lot.
Paragraph 10.12 – Maintenance:
The Owner and Lessee of any lot shall have the duty of and responsibility for keeping the premises, improvements and appurtenances and landscaping in a well maintained, safe, clean and attractive condition at all times. If any such owner or lessee is failing this duty and responsibility, the Declarant, its successors or assigns or the Association may give notice of such fact and such Owner or lessee shall within ten (10) days of such notice, undertake the care and maintenance required to restore said owner’s or lessee’s lot to a safe clean and attractive condition. Should any such Owner or lessee fail to fulfill this duty and responsibility after such notice, the Declarant or its successors or assigns or the Association shall have the right and power to perform such care and maintenance, and the Owner or lessee shall be liable for the cost thereof
Can after-school programs give your children an academic boost
? According to a new study of after-school programs serving elementary and middle school students, the answer is
. Students who regularly participated in after-school programs surpassed their peers in academic performance. They also exhibited notable improvements in work habits and behavior.
“These findings underscore the importance of high quality after-school programs and activities for both elementary and middle school youth,” explains Deborah Lowe Vandell, PhD, Chair of the Department of Education of the University of California at Irvine and the study’s lead author.
It’s no surprise that after-school programs can do much more than keep your children occupied during the afternoon. In fact, after-school activities can help them in a variety of ways. Children develop time-management skills, build self-esteem, and practice goal-setting. While it may be tough to squeeze in after-school activities for your children, the benefits are well worth the extra effort
Time Management and Prioritizing.
Extracurricular activities teach children how to manage their time and prioritize various tasks and commitments.
Exploring Diverse Interests.
The school band, drama club, or any sport may be an activity your children are interested in joining. By allowing your children the opportunity to explore diverse interests, you give them the opportunity to discover what they are passionate about. Once your children find an activity that they enjoy, succeeding in the activity could ultimately build their confidence and self-esteem.
Making a Contribution.
Extracurricular activities allow your children to make a contribution to their school or community, which is an important step in preparing them for life outside of academics.
Building Self-Esteem.
Mastering new skills can help build confidence in children. By participating in after-school activities, they can build their self-esteem in a relaxed setting as their activities provide the opportunity to be successful in something that they are passionate about.
College Applications
Another benefit of after-school activities is that they look great on college applications. In addition to academic performance, many colleges look at what activities students are involved in outside of school as a way to fully understand each student.
Setting Goals
After-school activities present opportunities for your children to develop their goal-setting skills. Most extracurricular activities involve reaching or achieving a goal, whether it be the lead actor in the school play, winning the state championship or coming in first place in the science fair. As a result, these activities help encourage students to work toward achieving those goals, while having fun at the same time.
Sports teams, clubs and activities, like dancing and music, all require children to work together toward a common goal. By participating in these activities, your children develop the skills they need in order to successfully work with others. In addition, extracurricular activities let children to build relationships and socialize with peers who share their interests.
As mentioned previously, recent studies show a correlation between improved grades, behavior and work habits as a result of students’ involvement in after-school activities. Share some additional benefits your children have experienced as a result of their involvement in extracurricular activities.
Angel Tree Begins
November 1, 2017
Community Center
Painting With A Twist
Community Center
November 9, 2017
Starts at 7pm
Cost will Be $30 per person
Yard Sale
November 11, 2017
7am -7pm
Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar
Is coming November 16th for a Q&A with the residents of
Villages of Westcreek at 6pm
From 5:30-6pm, we will be having a light meal for those who attend this event.
Board of Directors Executive Session
Community Center Conference Room
November 16, 2017 @ 6pm
December 14, 2017 @ 6pm
Board Meeting
November 16, 2017 @ 7pm
December 14, 2017 @ 7pm
Community Event Information Line is now live !!!!
If you know someone who does not have access to the internet or use e-mail. Tell them they can learn about our upcoming events, by calling the VWOA Event Information Line at 210-679-7241.
If you have a business that you would like to advertise in this newsletter please contact the office for details at 210-679-8761.