November Newsletter 2023

Dear friends and colleagues:

In November, we focus on gratitude, uplifting each other, and the simple act of giving. Let us make space to listen with empathy, learn with curiosity and be kind to each other.

In this issue:

  • Thanksgiving: Remembering Those Who Came Before Us

  • Addressing Disparities During the Holidays: Giving Thanks & Extending Support -- ideas for assisting those in need

  • Get Inspired with "Entering the Inspiration Zone" Podcast (ETIZ)
  • Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  • Leverett Wing

  • View photos from Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE), Women of Color Conference (Strategic Networking 2.0 - Workshop and Book Signing)

  • Give a Gift That Inspires - Strategic Networking 2.0 by Juliette Mayers

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Yours inclusively,

Juliette Mayers (She/her/hers)

CEO Inspiration Zone LLC | DEI Consultant

Host of Entering The Inspiration Zone Podcast

Author of Strategic Networking 2.0: Harness the Power of Connection

and Inclusion for Business Success


Remembering Those Who Came Before Us

As we come together to give thanks, let us also continue our essential efforts to build bridges. Some people use Thanksgiving as an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue and reconciliation efforts between Native Americans and non-Native Americans. This includes acknowledging the historical injustices and working towards understanding, respect, and healing. Learn more about the history of Thanksgiving below.

Click Here

Addressing Disparities During the Holidays

Giving Thanks & Extending Support

During the holiday season, it's especially important to express gratitude for our blessings while acknowledging the unique challenges of those in need. As we give thanks for what we have, let's remember those who may be experiencing adversity. According to Feed America, in 2022, 49 million people turned to food banks and community programs for help putting food on the table. This is a time for empathy, support, and outreach to those who may be struggling. Gratitude should inspire us to be agents of positive change, helping to address disparities during the holidays and throughout the year.

Ways to Give this

Holiday Season

  • Volunteer in your community
  • Host a virtual food drive
  • Donate Thanksgiving food
  • Give to a charity of your choice

Learn More 

Entering the Inspiration Zone is a podcast for business professionals and entrepreneurs seeking positive connections and professional development. Tune in bi-weekly and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform anywhere in the world. Share it with your business network, teams, and resource groups and connect with us. Inquire about sponsorship opportunities at or call 617-328-0953

Get Inspired

Episode 34 "Evolving Leadership" with Rosabeth Moss Kanter, the Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor of Business at Harvard Business School and prolific author.

Listen Here

Episode 35 "Bridging Gaps for Communities of Color" with Leverett Wing, the Executive Director of the Commonwealth Seminar.

Listen Here

Photos from The 4th Annual Women of Color Business Summit, hosted by the Center for Women & Enterprise at Babson College

(Photos from book signing after Juliette's Strategic Networking workshop)

Give a Gift That Inspires

Strategic Networking 2.0: Harness the Power of Connection and Inclusion for Business Success

by Juliette C. Mayers

Purchase Here
Book now for (virtual or in-person) Engagements 

Past Newsletters

Last Month's Newsletter 

October Newsletter

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(617) 328-0953


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Inspiration Zone LLC

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