November 2024

Upcoming Events!

Love & Logic

Free Virtual Parenting Education Series

Free virtual parenting series!

Tuesday Evenings

November 5, 12, 19, 26 & December 3

6:30PM - 8 PM

For more information, please contact: Anita Rothert

Phone:734-785-7705 x7035


Free Naloxone Training

When: Tuesday, November 12, 2024. 10AM - 11AM

Where: Center for Excellence at The Guidance Center

13111 Allen Rd, Southgate, MI 48195 (Bldg 2)

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Horvath

Phone: 734-785-7705x7361


Youth & Stress

Free virtual workshop about stress and the developing brain.

Starting: Friday November 15th

9:30AM - 11 AM

Register Here: Webinar Registration - Zoom

For more information, please contact: Anita Rothert

Phone:734-785-7705 x7035


Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

When: Thursday, November 14, 2024. 9AM - 2PM

Where: Center for Excellence at The Guidance Center

13111 Allen Rd, Southgate, MI 48195 (Bldg 2)

For more information, please contact:

Lillian Rose-Berry:

Prevention Department

The Prevention Department has started running focus groups to learn what our community needs. In September of 2024, our first focus group was successful with participants from various downriver schools discussing their concerns as students.

If you would like to participate in a focus group, each participate will receive a gift card for their time, and food will be provided.

Please contact Melissa Panter

SUDDs Coalition Updates

The mission of the SUDDS Coalition is to prevent underage drinking and drug use in the Downriver community.

Starting October 2024, the SUDDs Coalition will be combining with the Healthy Downriver Coalition to continue its mission on making the community a healthy and safe place for our youth.

If you would like to get involved or require more information, contact Lisa Horvath:

734.785.7700. ext. 7361

Awareness Month

World Kindness Day is November 13, 2024

Make Kindness the Norm by doing a few simple steps in your daily life:

1) Send an uplifting text to a friend or family member.

2) Let that guy merge into traffic with a smile and wave.

3) Include intentional moments of kindness, laughter, and delight in your day.

4) Go outside your comfort zone to make someone else smile.

5) Give a compliment to a friend or co-worker.

6) Reach out to a someone you haven't spoken to in a while.

7) Treat someone to a cup of coffee (a friend, stranger, or even yourself).

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | World Kindness Day®

November 21st is the Great American Smokeout

About 34 million American adults still smoke cigarettes, and smoking remains the single largest preventable cause of death and illness in the world. Smoking causes an estimated 480,000 deaths every year, or about 1 in 5 deaths.

While the rates of cigarette smoking have declined over the past several decades, from 42% in 1965 to 14% in 2019, the gains have been inconsistent. Some groups smoke more heavily or at higher rates and suffer disproportionately from smoking-related cancer and other diseases. These populations tend to be those who experience inequities in multiple areas of their lives, including those at lower socioeconomic levels, those without college degrees, American Indians/Alaska natives, African American/Black communities, LGBTQ communities, those in the military, those with behavioral health conditions, and others. 

No matter your age or how long you’ve been smoking, quitting improves health both immediately and over the long term. Giving up smoking is a journey, and it can be hard, but you can increase your chances of success with a good plan and support. Getting help through counseling and medications doubles or even triples your chances of quitting successfully. 

Great American Smokeout | American Cancer Society

Find a Therapist
Click the button above to find a therapist near you!

Quarterly Coalition Meetings

Coalition meetings are held quarterly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30PM, in person, at 19401 Northline Rd. Bdlg. 5, Southgate, MI 48195. Zoom links are avilable if needed. For more information on meeting times and links please visit our website:

Next meeting: January 15th, 2025

If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out to the new National Suicide Prevention Hotline: Call 988
[734.785.7700. ext. 7361]  []
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