
Upcoming Programs

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Whelden Library is beginning our Shared Warmth reading incentive program this Monday, 11/8! Shared Warmth is a program that has been used in other libraries to encourage parents/caregivers and children to read TOGETHER! Sign up ANYTIME beginning Nov. 8. To sign up, all you need to do is come to Whelden and fill out a tiny card with your name. You then receive a free book and a chart for logging your reading time! If you need materials sent to you via email or mail, call us: 508-362-2262! The challenge goal is to read 5 days per week together for 2 months! If you are able to accomplish this challenge, you will receive a free mug to fill with more warmth while you continue to enjoy each other’s company during your new cozy reading habit!

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Ellen's Book Review

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Kids Programs

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Whelden Memorial Library

"Small but mighty!"