Pastoral Reflection
Evergreen Presbyterian Church has been in the midst of a preaching series on the book of Esther. We've approached it as comedy in the classic sense and noted that the inherent threat in the book doesn't conjure up the same amount of despair when seen in the light of the book's irony, reversals, miscommunications, and exaggerations. The comedy of it helps the reader lean on the reliability of God's promises to his people.
This last Sunday, our text included the famous quote from chapter four: "Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.”
The question is, how do we then relate the lessons of Esther to the Church today, particularly post-election?
I believe our conversations matter. We have a choice in the coming days and weeks on how we conduct ourselves in the public square, just as Mordecai was visible in the public square in Esther's story. Not that our current events don't deserve a response, but rather, it's the tone that's important. In a recent email to the Presbytery, Joey Lee said, "I pray that our congregations would be reminded that we are not left or right, red or blue, donkeys or elephants, but that we are the body of Christ, children of God, called to be salt and light to the world." I would encourage us to be mindful of our speech and the effect it has on others.
May we live into our calling as the Church to be salt and light, as we are here for such a time as this.
Rev. Dr. Jennifer Bales
Director of Communications
Presbytery of San Jose