Business Source Complete is an EBSCO database containing over 2,000 active, business-related periodicals (including over 1,200 that are peer-reviewed), covering topics such as management, economics, finance, accounting, marketing, banking, and international business. Includes:
- Full text of management journals including Harvard Business Review
- Searchable cited references for more than 1,200 journals
- Indexing and abstracts for the most import business journals dating back to 1886
- Country economic reports from the EIU, WEFA, ICON Group and CountryWatch
- More than 77,000 videos from the Associated Press (1930-present) on a wide variety of business topics
- Company information for more than 1.1 million of the world's largest public and private companies, including financials, subsidiaries, products, employees, industry information, and more
How to access: if you're using the RHEC network, via wired connection or wi-fi, you automatically have access. If you would like to use this database at home, you may create an account by clicking the Sign In link at the top while connected to the RHEC network. Sign in with your account at home to have full access!