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November 2024

Seniors Scene

Enrich your life with us!

Issue 134


WOW! October was such a fun-filled and busy month! We had a blast at our fall musical outing to see Come from Away. What a show! If you have an idea for a future outing, please let us know. We also hosted a floral arranging workshop where we learned tips from the experts on how to make a beautiful arrangement. Disability Tax Specialists joined us for our October Lunch & Learn this month. If you missed out and think you may be eligible, please visit the office for an informative handout. Our annual Holiday Market was another huge success! We had an amazing selection of vendors this year. We wanted to thank all of our amazing 50+ volunteers who dedicated their time to us, all of those who donated prizes for our auctions, and our amazing market committee for their countless hours of dedication organizing this amazing event. This fundraiser helps to fund programs and services delivered to the older adults of our community year round. Lastly, we finished off the month with another intergenerational collaboration with Bright Beginnings Educare. We shared in Halloween activities together, and the kiddos were so cute in their costumes! Intergenerational collaboration builds empathy and strong communities and we can’t wait to offer more of this in the future.

November is falls prevention month! Did you know that falls are the leading cause of injury-related death, hospitalization, and ER visits for older adults in Canada? Preventing falls is a crucial part of improving long-term health outcomes. Headingley Seniors’ is excited to announce that we will be hosting a 3 week Fall Prevention Lunch & Learn Education Series for the month of November. Meals served on November 13th, 20th & 27th will be followed by a presentation related to fall prevention and will be free of charge to attend. Thank you to The Headingley Community Foundation for making this event possible. Read on to find out more about the presentations. Come for 1, 2, or all 3 weeks! Sign up now to secure your spot as seats are limited. You may not think you are a risk, but falls often take us by surprise - Everyone can benefit from preventative education. Keep reading for all other upcoming events, and contact us to learn more about the services we provide.


Take care,  

Kristie & Margo


Good to Know

Did You Know?

Headingley Seniors’ Services offers takeout and delivery options for those who are unable to attend Wednesday’s meals in person.

Let us know the Friday before your desired meal if you require delivery.

Grandparent Scam Alert:

The Winnipeg Police Service warns of increasing reports of the “grandparent scam” targeting seniors. In these scams, fraudsters pose as a distressed family member (often a grandchild) or representative, claiming they need bail money. They create urgency to elicit an emotional response and may send couriers, sometimes ride-share drivers, to collect money from victims’ homes. Variations involve calls or emails claiming a loved one is in trouble.

Protect Yourself:

· Let unknown numbers go to voicemail

· If pressured to act quickly, hang up and call a trusted family member

· Remember, police will never ask for bail money directly; bail is handled through the court system

· When in doubt, just hang up!


Report scams:

RCMP (204) 888-0358

Winnipeg Police (204) 986-6222

For more info: www.antifraudcentre.ca


MHRD is offering an Emergency First Aid & CPR course this month. Every household can benefit from having someone certified in Emergency First Aid CPR C/AED, especially in rural areas! This basic one-day course equips you with lifesaving first aid and CPR skills for the workplace or home, meeting the latest guidelines and provincial/territorial safety requirements.

To register: Call 204-885-2444 or register online at: https://www.mhrd.ca/programs/details/emergency-first-aid-cpr-caed-certificate-course/3453

Did you know that St. Charles Headingley United Church has a Dementia resource library available to members of our community. Please contact Cathy Maxwell at (204) 885 - 6021 for the hours of operation and the best time to come borrow materials. All are welcome. They also have a free educational web series on becoming “Dementia Enabled”. 

Visit OneSmallSeed.ca for more info.

Would you consider attending an informal Dementia support group for caregivers?
If so, what time of day works best for you to meet?
Not applicable
Would you be interested in receiving more education on Dementia such as a Lunch & Learn?

HSS Health & Programs

Upcoming Foot


*Thursday Nov 7th

Thursday Dec 12th

Thursday Jan 9th 


Clinics are run monthly by RN Karen Dingman


Please contact the HSS office for more info or to book your appointment!

*Clinic full - Waitlist available for full clinics.


Flu Shot Clinic on November 15th from 2-7 pm

Headingley Community Centre at 5353 Portage Ave

Clinic is accepting appointments this year.

To book an appointment, call 1-844-626-8222 or book online by visiting:


Walk-ins are still welcome, but to avoid waiting, book ahead.

Free Programs to Enjoy:

Helping Hands Social Club:

Knit, crotchet or play scrabble. All items made are donated to

organizations in need.

 Mondays 1-3 pm

Held in the Multipurpose Room, Headingley Community Centre

Cribbage & Coffee:

Drop in to play crib with other folks and enjoy a coffee & cookies

Thursdays from 1-3 pm

Held in the Multipurpose Room, Headingley Community Centre

Urban Pole Walking & Coffee:

Poles available for those that want, or feel free to walk without. Stay after for coffee & socialization in the boardroom.

Fridays at 10 am

Held at the Headingley Community Centre

Recipe of the Month

Did you have a little one who enjoyed the free gingerbread cookies we were giving out to kids at the Holiday Market? Good news– here is the top secret recipe! This recipe is sure to delight folks of all ages.

Perfect for that Holiday baking next month!

Headingley Holiday Market Gingerbread Cookies:



2/3 cup vegetable shortening (Crisco)

1/2 cup brown sugar packed

2 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp ground cloves

1 egg

2/3 cup molasses

3 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp baking powder



Preheat oven 375 degrees. In a large bowl, cream shortening until soft and smooth. Add brown sugar, egg and molasses. Mix well. In a separate bowl, mix flour, ginger, cinnamon, salt, cloves, baking soda and baking powder. Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well. Wrap in a plastic wrap and chill for a half hour. Roll out dough cut out cookie shapes and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake 7.5-8 minutes.

Cool. Decorate. Enjoy!

Submitted by Holiday Market committee member Joan Spice

Upcoming Events

We are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting a catered holiday luncheon this December.

Further details and menu to follow.

Tickets will be available soon.

Mark your calendars!

St. Charles Headingley United Church

Home Made Pie Raffle

Win One Home Baked Pie per month for 12 months!

(starting Jan 2025)

Tickets $2.00 or 3 for $5.00

Proceeds to The Children’s Rehabilitation Center– Early Essentials Equipment Program for Infants

(Draw will take place Sunday December 8th)


Contact Darlene 204-255-1123 or Carol 204-895-9179 for tickets


This event is for all ages. Seniors in the community are invited to attend!

Delivery can be arranged for any seniors who cannot attend in person.

Please notify Headingley Seniors’ Services one week before event if you require delivery

(204) 889-3132 ext 3 or seniors@rmofheadingley.ca


Café BREAK- Weekly Meals


Orders must be placed the Friday prior to the desired meal.


Available on a week-to-week basis within Headingley and provided at no additional cost.


In-Person on Wednesdays

at 12:00 pm.

Headingley CC

5353 Portage Avenue.



How to Order:

Call: (204) 889-3132 ext. 3

Email: seniors@rmofheadingley.ca

Café BREAK Menu

 Nov 6: Breakfast for Lunch

*Nov 13: Delicious Chicken

*Nov 20: Pork Tenderloin

*Nov 27: Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie


* Event / Lunch & Learn Booked

*Please note:

No cost for

Nov 13, 20, or 27th lunches when attending presentations in honor of

Fall Prevention Month



Just For Fun!



The New York Times

Have you solved the WORDLE today? Visit this page every day to guess the WORDLE in six tries. Each guess must be a valid five-letter word.


Ready for a new Challenge? Try Waffle!

Rearrange the letters into the correct words. You will earn stars for every puzzle solved and you can learn the definitions of all words featured in the game. Enjoy! 


Printable Fun Pages


Joke of the month:

Why did the snowman look forward to winter?

 Because he knew it was his time to chill....

Do you have a silly joker in your life? 

Email us their joke along with their name and age to


See what's coming up in your community!

Macdonald-Headingley Recreation District offers a wide variety of sports, recreation, fitness, arts, crafts and special interest classes to keep you on your toes all year round. We strive to offer you fun, exciting and quality activities through trained and certified instructors. The Program & Community Resource Guide is the perfect resource for events, activities, and celebrations going on in your community. Stay connected with this easy read that has something in it for everybody!

Are You Looking for the Printable Newsletter?

If you prefer a printable version of the newsletter and calendar, click the button below. 


Our Mission is to encourage individuals to maintain independent living and improve their quality of life by providing education, recreation, health and social opportunities.

Located in:


5353 Portage Avenue

Headingley, Manitoba

R4H 1J9

(204) 889-3132 ext. 3



Office Hours


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Please note: office hours are subject to change

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