November 2021 Newsletter
- November News
- November Worship
- Designated Term
- Olde Redding Express
- Sustainability Work
- November Programing
- Food Pantry Collection
- Collector's Notes
- Gratitude
- Ministry Reports
- Dates to Remember
There is an ancient thin space between the days of late October and early November. The Celts called this Samhain. In Mexico, they call it Dìa de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. The early church called it the Feast of All Saints and All Souls (and All Hallows Eve before the feast day on November 1).
In this thin place, we feel closer to those who have gone before us. This year we celebrate All Saints and All Souls during worship at 10 AM on Sunday, November 7th. Of course, a year and a half later since the pandemic began, we’re reminded of anniversaries where we couldn’t say goodbye and couldn’t celebrate the lives of saints of our own community.
To honor our grief, celebrate those saints, and create a space of lament, there will be a special Lamenting COVID - Honoring our Grief worship service on Sunday, November 14th at 2 PM in the Sanctuary and on Zoom with the Handbell Ensemble. It’s important for us to remember, lament, and name our loss just as much as we honor the memories of loved ones in this particular season of our lives.
Melanie DeMore has a song called “I am Sending You Light” and whenever I hear it I often imagine the various saints in our lives who have gone before us. The lyrics include a type of chant sung over and over:
I am sending you Light,
To heal you, To hold you
I am sending you Light,
To hold you in Love
Interspersed with verse like:
No matter where you go
No matter where you’ve been
You’ll never walk alone
I feel you deep within
I walk the path with you
Go slow dear one don’t hurry
I’ll go just like you need to go
There is no need to worry
You can watch a video of Melanie DeMore performing the song by clicking on the video below:
In the spirit of this thin space season, may we hear the songs of the saints of our lives encouraging us, sending us light, and offering the tender places in our spirits a place to rest and thrive.
All worship services are in-person and online. You can participate online by signing on to Zoom or Facebook Live using the link sent out on Sunday mornings. Please wear a mask while attending worship in-person.
November 7 at 10 AM - All Saints & All Souls, Communion Sunday, and Celebration of the Baptism of Addison Potcner
November 14 at 10 AM - Guest Preacher
November 14 at 2 PM - Lamenting COVID: Honoring our Grief Worship Service with Handbell Ensemble
November 21 at 10 AM - Thanksgiving Sunday with Handbell Ensemble
November 28 at 10 AM - First Sunday of Advent & Intergenerational Advent Workshop after worship
Can’t make it? Worship will be live streamed and posted online by 12 PM on Sundays!
Property Note
Last Saturday afternoon (10/23) a water leak was discovered in the side of the building of the 1959 addition by the bathrooms. We are still investigating the source of the leak, but in the time being, we are asking all visitors to the building to please use sinks and bathrooms only in the old part of the building (ie the kitchen and bathrooms on the lower-level by Guild Hall, and the bathroom next to the sanctuary on the driveway-side of the building).
Thank you for your patience last weekend as the Property Team and Rev. Emelia quickly got to work in identifying how to resolve the issue, including canceling in-person worship. Some did not receive the email announcement Saturday night or Sunday morning about the cancellation, and for that, Rev. Emelia offers her sincere apologies. All in-person activities have resumed this week and will continue unless otherwise announced. We are currently working with insurance and a plumber to reconcile the issue and any water damage and mold prevention. Prayers and abundant patience are needed and welcomed for our hardworking Property Ministry and church staff.
Designated Term: Discernment Team & Process
On October 3rd, we called a “Discernment Team” to do discern on behalf of the congregation about next steps as our Designated Term comes to an end in 2022. The team is currently meeting to prayerfully assess where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going. The team assembled includes:
Barbara Philbrick, Beverly Erickson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kerr, Ann Taylor, Lindsay Baker, Hazel Piper, Rob Gibbs, and Lisa Gibbs
In 2019, the church decided to move forward with a new kind of pastoral model seen across the United Church of Christ called “Designated Term Minister.” Rather than calling an interim, the church and the minister enter into a new season - a designated term - with certain goals in place. For each church, there may be a different length of time and a different set of goals to focus on during that season. The Discernment Team will assess what we’ve learned about our church in this season. After doing so, they will discuss how we might envision moving forward. They may select one of the following options as a path forward:
- Decide that we should extend the Designated Term to complete the goals that were established for the first 3 years. The term may be extended for whatever period of time it takes to accomplish any goals necessary (in which case, the team will recommend that the church extend the call agreement and term with Rev. Emelia Attridge to a specified date);
- Offer Rev. Emelia Attridge a settled call to serve the church as pastor and teacher (and officially ending this "Designated Term" season);
- Having assessed the church’s needs, the team may decide that it is time we search for a new minister (perhaps with specific skills, experience, etc.) and recommend the church begin a search process for a new settled minister.
When that team has reached a Spirit-led consensus, it will request Coordinating Ministry to establish a second congregational meeting. At such meeting, the church will listen to the recommendation of the Discernment Team and vote upon next steps. Please feel free to contact members of the team if you have input to share, thoughts or feedback, and of course, keep them in prayer.
Meet our new Church Administrator: Samantha Poland
Samantha Poland is excited to join you as your new church administrator. Samantha grew up in Maine but has lived in the Boston area since the 1990s. She is mom to two wonderful now adult kids who took years of music lessons at Creative Arts for Kids. She loves to bake, knit, and hike in the woods. Her favorite season is fall, and she especially enjoys the fall in Acadia National Park. She is looking forward to meeting you all and learning more about your church.
It’s a Wrap! Faire 2021 Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 version of the Faire/Express! In spite of the Delta variant, we were able to add an in-person component to this year’s event. On Saturday, September 25 there were Puzzles, Jewelry, Baked Goods, Mums and Notecards for sale on the lawn. In addition, visitors could preview selected items from the Silent Auction and pick up their pre-ordered food items. It was just the kind of fellowship kick we needed. And these activities added over $900 to the Faire. The Silent Auction continued for another week, and closed bidding on the following Saturday.
Overall, the Faire events netted $7,483 for missions of FCCR and our community partners, the Reading Food Pantry and Emmaus House. This generosity was the result of everyone who baked goodies, contacted vendors, sorted jewelry, prepared food, checked puzzles for missing pieces, ran orders to the kitchen, harvested mums, updated spreadsheets, stuffed mailings, distributed auction wins, and supported the Faire in so many ways.
Hope continues that we can have an even more in-person faire next year, and encourage more neighbors to attend. For now, we can be proud of our combined efforts and the contributions we have made to our church and greater community.
Sustainability Work Continues:
Space Needs for Arts & Community Survey
The Sustainability teams (focusing on Arts, Building, Capital, and an Executive team) have been continuing their work since they were formed at the Annual Meeting in May 2021. Much has been going on behind the scenes, and we're looking forward to sharing more with the church our progress during the winter months of 2022.
One of the efforts of the Arts team has been to release a survey for artists, musicians, those who support the arts, non-profit groups, community groups, and others for feedback about what kinds of needs we could accommodate.
Here’s how you can help! First, take the survey yourself, and then share it with others! We hope to spread the word wide and get many responses for this survey.
Pressing Pause
A space for quiet, prayer, and meditation
Third Tuesdays of the month from 7 to 7:30 PM
This new weeknight worship service is designed to provide a moment of calm in our busy lives. Each month may offer a different way to pause, such as sitting and listening in the silence, guided meditation, reading poetry, or walking the labyrinth. Please note that this service will not be live-streamed.
If you’d like to arrive early, from 6:30 to 7 PM the sanctuary will be filled with soft lighting, candles, and quiet meditation music. Arrive early for a moment of peace to meditate, light a candle, and just be.
Upcoming dates include:
- November 16 - Labyrinth Walking Meditation
- December 21 - Longest Night/Blue Christmas
Intergenerational Advent Workshop
After Church - Sunday, November 28
The season of Advent is all about preparing. After worship on November 28, the first Sunday of Advent, there will be stations around the church with activities to learn more about and prepare for Advent. Such activities will include making your own Advent Wreath for your home, hanging the greens, and more. This is an all-ages program (and our Sunday School program for the month of November!).
Monthly Hymn Study
This month, the monthly hymn study will be integrated into the Advent Workshop. Do you have a favorite Christmas Carol you'd like to learn more about? Consider leading the December Hymn Study! Contact Rev. Emelia or Rev. Chad Kidd if you're interested.
What’s Book Group Reading?
The Book Group meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM.
Tuesday, November 2nd
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to Present by David Treuer
Tuesday, December 7th
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
Women 'n' Stitches (Quilting)
Contact Joann Sanford if you are interested in making quilts for charity. All materials and instruction provided. Dates and times will be determined based on interest from the group.
Yarning to Care
Bring your knitting & crochet projects and questions or start a new project to make a prayer shawl or baptismal blanket! The next meeting is Monday, November 22 at 7 PM in the Parlor. Contact Joann Sanford.
Ways to get involved & give back this November
Fall Clean Up Day: November 20th, 9AM-12PM
Gather with FCCR November 20th from 9AM to 12PM to help clean up the church!
Between putting away air conditioners, raking leaves, and more - there will be tasks for all ages and abilities. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thanksgiving Food Pantry Collective
The Mission Ministry is sponsoring a special collection of food in church on Sunday, Nov. 21, in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. Items collected will be divided between the Reading Food Pantry and Neighbors in Need, a food pantry in Lawrence. Watch for additional details in the E-News. Thank you for your support!
Needed items include:
- juice
- juice boxes
- hot chocolate
- coffee
- tea
- herbal tea
- canned meat and fish (not tuna)
- stew and chili
- canned fruit
- mayonnaise
- catsup
- relish
- salad dressing
- granola bars
- crackers
- cookies
- popcorn
- raisins
- boxed potatoes
- brown and white rice
- cereal (hot and cold)
- canned pastas
- shampoo
- toothpaste
- toilet paper
- facial tissue
- dish and laundry detergent
- bar soap
- sugar, brownie and cake mix
- anything made by Goya
Applications are now being accepted for the annual Adopt-A-Family Program, which provides holiday food for families and gifts for children. We will be matching Donors to Participants starting November 1st, so it is imperative that all applications be turned in as quickly as possible.
This year, we are aware of continued economic and personal challenges because of the pandemic. We want to make sure this program will reach everyone who might qualify, so please let any friends or neighbors in need know about it.
Applications can be found at the Town of Reading website. Email at ReadingAAF@gmail.com. Thank you for supporting this program.
The Care Ministry is excited to be preparing to send or deliver packages to our college students shortly after Thanksgiving. Carol Johnson has been selecting just the right fun things to include, along with favorite snacks. We would love to be able to include home-made cookies. We are inviting folks to bake. If you are able to do so, please contact Carol Johnson.
We would also invite donations to cover the costs of the things in the box as well as postage. If you would like to support this aspect of ministry, we would welcome your monetary gifts. Please make sure to mark them as “care packages” (cash in envelopes dropped off at the church or memo line on checks).
Thank you as always for your continued care for these young adults. We have a dozen or so who will be receiving goodies this year!
Card Donations
We've been getting picture calendars in the mail for some time. Now some of us are receiving Christmas cards in various appeal mailings. If you don't want your calendar or cards, we're collecting them for the Reading Food pantry. They will be delivered before Thanksgiving for distribution, so don’t delay.
Both cards and calendars can be dropped off in the box next to the Pantry basket just outside the Music Room. Thank you!
Donating Altar Flowers
Would you like to donate an Altar Flower arrangement in celebration or in honor of a loved one, event, anniversary, or just to beautify our Sanctuary on Sunday mornings? Email office@churchofreading.org or click the button below to arrange which Sunday you'd like to contribute towards.
Poinsettia Donations
Interested in donating a poinsettia for December? An online order form as well as paper order forms will be created and sent out mid-November. Stay tuned!
December Newsletter Deadline
Online Pledge Payment Now Available!
Go to the FCCR website, churchofreading.org, and on the Welcome page, click the Donate link. When contributing to your pledge online, select “Pledge 2021-2022”. There is a service fee charged: Bank Transfer (ACH) takes out 1% and Credit Card is 2.9% of the total + 3 cents per transaction. If you would like to cover these fees, which would otherwise be paid by the church, there is a button you can click. Whether or not you cover the fees, your basic donation amount will be credited against your pledge.
Looking for the Collector's Mailbox?
Dropping off a check to the Church Office? The new collector's box can be found to the right of the mailboxes onthe counter.
Passing the Offering Plate: Online!
Give a gift online either as a debit/credit transaction or bank transfer on our online giving page on the church website at: www.churchofreading.org/donate.
These gifts will count as "Plate Offerings" which means that 85% of any gift made in this method goes to the general fund of the church and 15% goes towards benevolence. Don't worry: you can still send a check if that's preferred.
You can now give to the offering plate via text message!
Send a text message to 781-355-1110, and enter the amount you'd like to give:
Example: Text “$25” or "give $25" to 781-355-1110
From Emmaus
Thank you so much for your generous donation of ham, coleslaw, bean salad, chicken salad, iced tea, fruit punch, and cookies given in September for our programs.
Now we are anticipating an increased need for those households impacted by the end of the eviction moratorium while still struggling with the social and economic challenges they experienced this past year. In-kind donations such as the one you have given this month will allow us to provide the proper care for these most vulnerable citizens and equip them to get back on their feet, reach their fullest potential.
Your continued support and that from the greater Emmaus community is crucial to our mission and we are forever grateful for it. It truly makes the world of difference.
Deacon Meeting
- Attendees - Emelia, Jeannie, Mary Ann, Mark, Meg, Bev, Larry, Chris
- New Deacons - We have 3 new deacons! Mary Ann Higgins, Julie Redard, and Diane Wilson graciously agreed to become deacons.
- Emelia updated the church website for volunteering for Sunday worship. Jeannie will reconcile the volunteers with the Google doc.
- Emelia reported that she's working on the sound issues for those who attend remotely. The wireless mics seem to be the main issue. Note - feedback from Sept 26 service was more positive, less issues with sound.
- We need digital ushers/deacons. This role has primarily been filled by Larry and Jeannie; however anyone in the church can do it.
- We will try to have greeters weekly.
- Emelia encouraged us to write our own offertory prayers; however we can use other sources as needed. Note - Bev printed out offertory prayers and left them on the altar for deacons to use if needed.
- We conducted a walk-through of a typical in-person service, given there are several new deacons and we haven't had many in person services since before March 2020.
Care Ministry
In addition to visiting congregants who are ailing, the Care Ministry has also worked on two other initiatives:
The Card Ministry has will resumed on the third Sunday of each month after worship. Cards, mailing labels and stamps will be available. They may be written at church or taken home for mailing during the week.
College Care Packages are being planned for our young adults who are away at college. See how you can help elsewhere in this newsletter.
Mission Ministry
For October the Mission activity is Trunk or Treat on October 31st which is in the future as of this writing. Six cars will provide something sweet to those donating to local charities.
The November Mission activity is the food pantry collection on Thanksgiving Sunday (11/21/21). Read above for needed items. Mission will be meeting on November 7 to plan allocate your pledge Benevolence funds.
Dates to Remember for November
Monday November 1 -
7PM Coordinating
Tuesday November 2 -
7:30PM Book Group
Wednesday November 3 -
7PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Thursday November 4 -
7PM Discernment Team Meeting
7PM Pastor Parish Relations Meeting
Sunday November 7 -
8:30AM Choir Rehearsal
10AM Sunday Worship
11AM Coffee Hour
4PM Multi-faith Youth Group @ UUCR
Wednesday November 10 -
6PM Care Ministry
7PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Sunday November 14-
8:30AM Choir Rehearsal
10AM Sunday Worship
11AM Coffee Hour
2PM Lamenting Covid: Honoring our Grief Remembrance Service
Monday November 15 -
December Newsletter Deadline
6:45 PM Deacons
7PM Finance Team
Tuesday November 16 -
6:30PM Meditation
7:00PM Pressing Pause - Labyrinth Walking
Wednesday November 17-
7PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Thursday November 18-
1PM Circle 10
Saturday November 20-
9AM-12PM Fall Work Day
11AM UUCR & FCCR Service at Haverhill Soup Kitchen
Sunday November 21-
8:45AM Handbell Rehearsal
10AM Thanksgiving Sunday Worship
11AM Card Ministry
11AM Coffee Hour
12PM Sustainability Executive Meeting
Monday November 22-
7PM Yarning to Care
7PM Sustainability Building Team Meeting
Wednesday November 24-
NO Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Sunday November 28th -
8:30AM Choir Rehearsal
10AM Sunday Worship
11AM Card Ministry
11AM Advent Retreat & Workshop
December Newsletter Deadline
The deadline to submit articles is November 15th to the office.
First Congregational Church of Reading, UCC