Howdy Folks
First, THANK YOU for attending classes this year. You came from around the world and this amazes me. Hopefully, you received information to help improve your life. That was the plan.
We will likely continue the classes ~starting in April of 2025. Dates will be on our website sometime after January 1.
The interviews have been good. The one with the Tucson Dowsers seemed to go well. You still sent some nice comments. THANK YOU.
There were questions on clearing energy in schools and I addressed them as best I could.
Am encouraging people to get involved keeping schools safe.
My film 'Change Energy~Change Your Life ‘ makes it very simple and easy to create a better school for your kids.
I also talked about changing the frequency of music that kids hear.
*Click button below to hear the interview*
Did you ever think that maybe some of your body parts were smarter than your brain?
Did you wonder why you didn’t get along with your boyfriend, even though he was a nice fellow?
Here are a few things that may make you think a bit differently. I didn’t set out to prove anything, just kinda stumbled onto this information while working to help people with problems.
Each atom has a nucleus and there are positive and negative charges of electricity called protons and electrons revolving around the nucleus.
There is a lot of space between these protons and electrons and it was previously believed to be empty space. Some years ago, the scientists found the space was not empty, it contained energy.
When hearing this, I investigated further with a method known as ‘dowsing.’ I have been practicing and teaching dowsing for over 30 years and am continually learning what can be done with it.
After receiving the information about each atom containing energy, I found the energy had intelligence and then found the intelligent energy responded to human thought.
It started getting interesting since atoms compose cells and cells compose tissue and tissue compose body parts. All these combined, form a human body.
It seems that any body part that has been injured, abused, operated on, insulted or made fun of carries this memory for a lifetime.
99% of my clients are women. Among the things women ask me to work with them the most, is childhood sexual abuse. It seems the body never forgets this. However, experience has shown that when the victim ‘goes back in time’ and re-lives the situation, creating a better outcome, the trauma is lessened and sometimes disappears.
[Some have actually experienced physical body changes. If the woman was physically capable of defending herself, then I talk her through the experience. In the case of a child, who could not defend themselves, I ‘mentally project’ into the scene and do it for them.]
I learned that we can trick the sub-conscious mind into believing a scene we have created in our mind and over-ride the actual experience.
This is certainly not limited to sexual abuse but that seems to be the most common problem am asked to help with.
Another problem is~~ not getting along with boyfriends or husbands.
The reason for this could be that your brain likes him but your body doesn’t.
With the use of dowsing, it can be determined to what degree your body, mind and soul likes him and how much he likes you. Sometimes this can be corrected and sometimes not.
Use of this method can help you in checking out potential mates as well as business partners and employees. You can also use this to test which foods, drinks, supplements and treatments your body wants.
The more we know, the more problems we can solve and the easier our life will be.
I have not filmed or written about this information any more than is given in this article.
Am getting overrun with people needing something~~so am only responding to those whom it seems I can help. It's not fair to take money from people when there is strong doubt that I can help them.