News and Events for Larchmont Residents
From the Mayor

Dear Larchmonters,

Are you ready for the Holiday Season? Personally I’m not, but Larchmont Village is! Decorations are going up in the downtown thanks to our awesome DPW staff, we have some fun community events planned and we’re looking forward to another festive season of outdoor dining and vibrancy in our business district. 

Here is some of what’s going on in Larchmont:

Village Officials
·      Our first ever November Village elections took place on the 2nd and, consequently, I will be swearing in newly-elected Trustees Brigid Brennan and Dana Post and re-elected Justice Thea Beaver on Monday, December 6.
·      Larchmont has a new Deputy Mayor! I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Trustee Sarah Bauer to this position.

December Notes
·      Light Up Larchmont is coming on December 4th and the whole village is getting into the spirit! See the News section below for all the details. And Don’t Forget to Shop Local!
·      The Down to Earth Farmers Market will be staying in Larchmont this winter! The last day for 2021 will be December 18 and they will come back to Lot 3 on January 8, 2022.

Fall Recap
·      Larchmont Arts Festival 2021 was a great success! Held for the first time in the newly-renovated Constitution Park on a beautiful October day, the vibe was perfection. Our thanks to the Larchmont Arts Committee for planning this event and bringing together artists, crafts people, and musicians with our community in this special way.
·      The annual Ragamuffin Parade came back after a one-year hiatus and it was clear, by the excitement and turnout, that people really needed this! About 1500 people strolled down Larchmont Avenue in their costumes to end at Constitution Park and Village Hall for the traditional hot dogs and music. Thank you to the Volunteer Events Team, led by Trustee Fanelli, for cooking and handing out the dogs, and to recreation director Joyce Callahan for helping make this such a fun day.
· How lucky are we that Salvatore Di Vittorio, Music Director of the Chamber Orchestra of NY, is a Larchmonter? Not only did the orchestra perform during Larchmont Weekend in September, but Salvatore wrote a piece entitled Larchmont Harbor, dedicated to Larchmont’s 130 anniversary! He then presented the Village with the bound, published orchestral score and parts for our archive.
Village Business
·      We are working with the Town of Mamaroneck, our partners in the Joint Sanitation Commission, on ideas for a new structure to improve the flexibility and efficiency of this important service. Our monthly work sessions are open to the public and can be found posted on the Village website calendar.
·      Larchmont’s DPW, always hard at work, is busy now with leaf collection and getting our equipment prepared for winter. They’ve also been replacing the Village streetlight fixtures with LED versions. This change is an important part of our commitment to sustainability and is about 80% completed. LED fixtures provide better light and use much less energy than conventional lamps.
·      Sidewalk repairs will be ongoing for the next few weeks around the Village. This year we are employing a new grinding technique to remove known trip hazards without needing to replace entire sidewalks that may otherwise be in good condition. If successful, this process will enable the Village to perform repairs more quickly and at a significant savings to the Village and property owners.
·      Progress on the two new buildings downtown continues. 1912 Palmer, which burned down in November of 2016, is almost complete. The exterior should be closed up soon and the sidewalk and parking will be reopened. This week the Board was given a tour of Centro and it’s looking great. We’re excited to see this rejuvenation of the Chatsworth/Palmer area and look forward to completion of both sometime in the spring.
·      The Village’s auditors are in the final stages of completing our Financial Statement for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2021 and I am happy to report that, despite a difficult and unpredictable year, our finances remain sound - thanks to the efforts of the Board and Village staff.
·      The Village will be receiving a total of approximately $635,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds this year and next. Recently, the Board voted to apply this money to capital improvements in the sanitary sewer system to help reduce inflow and infiltration (I&I) of stormwater into the sewers.
·      COVID numbers in Larchmont Village have been fairly steady for the last 3 months, averaging about 1 new case/day. Let’s keep moving in the right direction towards an increasingly “normal” existence, so please continue to follow CDC recommendations for mask wearing in public indoor spaces and check with Vaccine Information for information on locally available vaccines and boosters.
I wish all Larchmonters and their families a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!

Mayor Lorraine Walsh
Village Notes
Lot 3 (Upper Parking Lot at the Train Station): The Down to Earth Farmer's Market is held every Saturday in Lot 3 (and will continue this year through the winter), so please be sure if you park your car in Lot 3 on Saturday or overnight Friday into Saturday, to please park at the far end by the elevator to avoid be ticketed or towed.

Menorah Lighting: Please join us in lighting the Menorah in Constitution Park on Sunday, December 5 at 4:45!
Join us for Light Up Larchmont on Saturday, December 4!

Special thanks to the LPFFA and LPBA for the events in Constitution Park and to the following sponsors for the activities in the Business District: Apiary, Catizone Engineering, Clarke, Fit by Burke, GC Insurance Group, Houlihan Lawrence, Julia B Fee Sotheby’s, Larchmont Nurseries, Tequila Sunrise, The Flower Bar, and The Larchmont Music Academy.

In addition, the following restaurants will be offering take-out specials for the movie in Constitution Park: Apiary, Frost Frozen Yogurt and Tequila Sunrise!

For more information on the events in the Business District, visit the Larchmont Chamber's website.

For the Friends of Larchmont Library's cocktail party no tickets or sign-up needed. Just stop by and enjoy a glass of wine or Light Up Larchmont cocktail!
Committee and Department Updates
Larchmont Environmental Committee

This year, during Larchmont’s fall clean-up period from October 15 through December 15, both gas and electric blowers are permitted in order to give residents and professionals time to shift to new leaf management methods before Larchmont’s full ban on gas-powered leaf blowers takes effect on January 1, 2022. This transitional season gives everyone the opportunity to try new ways to manage their leaves without gas-powered blowers. 
The best option for wildlife is to rake leaves into flower beds where they will shelter animals and insects and decompose to nourish the soil. For properties that need more leaf maintenance, mulch-mowing is recommended as an efficient, cost effective and sustainable way to manage leaves. Mulch-mowing is simply continuing to mow a lawn through fall. In spring and summer, the mower cuts grass. In fall, the mower can mulch leaves. The resulting mulch can be left in place on the lawn to naturally nourish the soil and grass, or it can be collected in the mower hopper to distribute in beds or pile in a compost area. For most hardscapes, leaves can be swept or raked or electrically blown onto the lawn to be mulched.
Mulch-mowing takes the same time and uses basically the same equipment as grass mowing. (Some mowers mulch as they are; others require an inexpensive part called a ‘gator’ that is attached and detached as needed.) In many cases, mulch-mowing eliminates the need to rake, bag, pile to the curb, or otherwise dispose of masses of leaves, saving considerable time and money for property owners and municipalities. And mulching does not generate the loud noise, higher levels of air pollution, and environmental degradation that blowers do.
Try mulch-mowing yourself, or ask your landscaper to try it; we bet that you, and your neighbors, will like it!
See our village website and visit these sites for helpful information:
Larchmont Fire Department

These helpful tips will help keep your family safe this upcoming Thanksgiving! It can get chaotic with preparation for meals and visitors stopping in, so pay careful attention when you are cooking in the kitchen. The greatest number of home cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving Day with 34 percent of accidents happening because of unattended equipment. Please keep an eye on the stove and keep children away from that area while you cook.

Fried turkeys are popular on Thanksgiving, so use the fryer carefully and use it outdoors and away from any structures. 41 percent of fires involving turkey fryers happen on Thanksgiving.

These precautions can help make cooking with a turkey fryer safe:
•    Make sure the turkey is completely thawed out – ice and water that mixes into the hot oil can cause a flare up
•    Use the correct amount of oil
•    Keep kids and pets at a safe distance
•    Keep a grease-rated fire extinguisher close by
•    Never operate a fryer outdoors in the rain or snow
•    Choose a smaller turkey for frying – 8 to 10 pounds is best
Lastly, if a fire does occur, even if you think it is extinguished, Dial 911 to ensure everyone’s safety!
Larchmont Police Department

Be sure to join our officers for Coffee with a Cop on December 2 at Sunshine Coffee from 10-12!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Village Board!
Village Calendar

11/1 Board of Trustees Work Session
11/2 Village Hall Closed - Election Day
11/3 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
11/9 Larchmont Environmental Committee Meeting
Traffic Commission Meeting
11/11 Village Hall Closed - Veterans' Day
Parks and Trees Committee Meeting
11/15 Board of Trustees Meeting
11/16 Board of Trustees/Town of Mamaroneck Board joint Work Session
Planning Board Meeting
11/25 & 26 Village Hall Closed - Thanksgiving
11/29 Board of Trustees Work Session
11/30 Architecture Review Board Meeting

For times and locations of meetings, please visit the Village Website.

Minutes for previous Board of Trustees meetings can be found HERE.