News and Events for Larchmont Residents
From the Mayor
Dear Larchmonters,

We’ve had some uplifting news in the past few weeks…

To start, we have the first female Vice President-Elect in our nation’s history! And no matter each person’s political position, I'm sure we can all agree that the record turnout of all voters is a great thing. The basic underpinning of our participatory democracy was upheld in our ability to hold a free and fair election during a pandemic and time of social unrest. Yay America!

Additionally, there is hopeful news on the medical front with an announcement from Pfizer about a very promising coronavirus vaccine!

On a very local note, all the creative ideas employed by the community for Halloween not only made this holiday safe, but extra special for our youngest residents. Well done!

And finally, Mother Nature has certainly given us all a gift with the amazingly mild early November weather!

Unfortunately, not all the news is good. The coronavirus pandemic is in a third surge throughout the country, with new case levels far greater than in March and April. And while the silver lining is that fatality seems to be less likely now due to increases in knowledge and treatment options, people are still getting very sick and hospitals are being overwhelmed. Here in NY we were able, through our dedication to science and the protocols regarding masks and social distancing, to prevent a second surge in summer… however, numbers are now rising locally. Port Chester has been declared a yellow precautionary zone and we currently have infections in 4 Mamaroneck district schools, requiring groups of students and staff to shift to virtual instruction.

As we move into the winter and it gets harder to live life outdoors, we could see increasingly high infection rates and illness. Infectious disease specialists warn that an outbreak this winter could very well be worse than anything we’ve seen so far. But the outcome is not pre-determined! Much of this is in our control. I know that we are fatigued – and entering the tenth month since the coronavirus pandemic arrived in our community. The emotional, social and financial repercussions are undeniable. However, we each need to dig deep and find the resolve to get ourselves and our community safely through the next 4-5 months. We cannot slack off now – we know what to do, so let’s do it!

·      Wear masks in public
·      Maintain social distance
·      Keep your social circle tight
·      Don’t travel unnecessarily
·      Get a flu shot

Of course, adding to the challenge is the upcoming holiday season with college students coming home for break and families wanting to get together to celebrate. There is nothing I would like more at this point than to have my whole family gather together for a Thanksgiving meal, but we have made the difficult decision that it would be too dangerous. It is recommended that we not travel out-of-state because COVID rates are higher in most other states. We are also discouraged from gathering indoors with friends and family who have been outside our regular social group, since it seems that small indoor gatherings, like weddings and birthday parties, have been significant sources for the spread of COVID.

Governor Cuomo has instituted a procedure for all in-person-instruction SUNY students to follow before coming home for Thanksgiving. He is also recommending that private universities follow this model. It requires a negative COVID test result prior to leaving campus. I highly recommend that anyone who is having family home for the holidays consider using this method as well. Specifics can be found HERE.

Envision this letter as a sandwich with bad news filling and good news bread, because, in a community like Larchmont where people care about each other, our business owners and our environment, there is always some good news to be found to finish things up.

Planning for winter street dining is underway – all around the Village there will be various structures, from igloos and greenhouses to tents and wooden enclosures. It will be a winter wonderland! As with the original June set up, please be patient. This has been much more complicated and we expect that some things may need to be adjusted as time goes along. There are many people working behind the scenes to make our downtown as successful as possible this winter. Thanks go to Melissa Manice of One Larchmont who is an invaluable partner in the winter version of Larchmont al fresco. One Larchmont is providing igloos and greenhouses, helping arrange for a village-wide cleaning service and test-marketing some wooden barriers and platforms which may be used for al fresco going forward! Thanks also need to be given to LFD Chief Caparelli who is reviewing all street use permits and working one-on-one with businesses to find workable solutions. And finally, to Larchmont Nurseries who will be switching the greenery from summer to winter-appropriate plants.

Our Chamber of Commerce is working hard on holiday shopping events. Please commit to shopping local as much as possible during this coming holiday season! A list of downtown holiday events will come out in a separate email soon - Watch for it!

I had the pleasure of cutting the ribbon at our newest restaurant Christopher’s by Chef Joe at 2382 Boston Post Road. What lovely people! They provided a small lunch, outside, where we sampled several dishes – I highly recommend a visit! We will be cutting ribbons at several other new businesses in the coming weeks, including this Friday at Zue Zue Boutique on Larchmont Avenue.
Construction on 1912 Palmer Avenue is set to resume and the development of Centro at 108-114 Chatsworth Avenue has been approved by the Board of Trustees and is in the final stage of seeking approvals from the Planning Board. We look forward to having both of those properties completed, as they will be vital and attractive additions to our Palmer Avenue downtown.

Lastly, another thank you to Larchmont Nurseries for planting the newly-created Turtle Park intersection as a gift to the Village.
As I wrote back in July, we all manifest stress in different ways and that, as difficult as it may sometimes be, we should try to be more understanding of each other. That is even more true now.
Best wishes for a happy, safe and healthy Thanksgiving,
Mayor Lorraine Walsh
Village Notes

Garbage pick-up: Reminder that there is no recycling tomorrow November 11 for Veteran's Day. Curbside pickup only continues. Please be sure to abide by the L-M Sanitation Commission rules and place all trash in bins or cans to prevent spreading by animals (no loose trash bags are allowed). Trash and recycling may be placed at the curb either the evening before your scheduled pickup or before 6AM the morning of your pickup.

Village Playgrounds: While our playground equipment is open we are asking everyone to please ensure they follow all posted rules, including wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.
Committee and Department Updates
Parks and Trees

We are excited to announce our new volunteer committee members, Alex Gatti and Brooke Brandt, to the Village Parks and Trees Committee. If you are interested joining our active committee, please reach out to Trustee Carol Herman ([email protected]) or Mayor Walsh ([email protected]).
Slowly, some of our stately trees are coming to the end of their lifecycle and you will notice historical and special landmarks being removed when they are no longer safe for the community. This is the perfect time (Fall and Spring) for residents and property owners to replenish our declining tree canopy and plant large and medium sized trees on your property. The Village of Larchmont continues to replace street trees, but are limited due to wires and narrow strips available for planting. When it comes to increasing our tree canopy, it takes a village!! A special thank you to a generous donation by Larchmont Nurseries, you will notice more tree plantings in our parks this fall. 
Some Tree Notes!
- If you need a resource to help choose a tree for location, The Arbor Day Foundation website contains a variety of useful information including identification of species, tree planting how-to’s, and maintenance and pruning tips. Click HERE for more information.
 -The Village of Larchmont website includes a list of native trees common to Larchmont. Click HERE for more information. 
- If you notice any of the green “Gator Bags” being empty at the base of a tree, please fill it with water to help our Dept. of Public Works keep our trees thriving. 
- And if there is a spot in form of you home that is in need of a new "street tree”, please send a note to the Village Clerk and we will do our best to plant a tree within the coming year.
Larchmont Environmental Committee

Love the autumn but dread the noise and mess of leaf cleanup? This fall, why not try mulch mowing leaves in place for a simpler, healthier and more beautiful method of yard maintenance. Mulch mowing returns natural nutrients to the grass by finely chopping clippings and scattering them over the lawn. Mulch mowing combines the three key steps of any lawn care regime – mowing, disposing of the cuttings and fertilizing – in a single step. This is as simple as running over leaves once or twice. Leaf mulch can be left on the grass, or collected in the mower bag and spread on beds or a compost pile. Fall leaves are a valuable resource that many homeowners waste by having them blown into the street for village pickup. 

The benefits of mulch mowing include:
  • A healthy property: Mulching leaves recycles nutrients back into the soil to feed lawns, reducing the need for fertilizing; protects plants by keeping soil warmer in winter and cooler in summer; keeps weeds at bay, reducing weeding or the need for herbicides; retains moisture, lessening irrigation needs; stops erosion; and contributes to topsoil.
  • Saved time and effort: Mulching leaves in place is easier and faster than raking or blowing leaves to the curb.
  • Consideration for your neighbors: With everyone working and studying from home, be kind to your neighbors--give up leaf blowers with their noise and air pollution, and start mulching.
  • Savings for the Village: Transporting and disposing of leaves left near curbs requires the Village to budget for leaf collection equipment and man hours. Mulching saves that money for other programs.
  • A better environment: Mulching leaves provides winter habitat and sustenance for insects and their eggs, small creatures and dormant plant seeds. In contrast, blowing leaves desiccates the ground and destroys habitat. Leaves piled along the street attract trash and animal feces, block streets and traffic, clog storm drains, and result in excess nutrient runoff (phosphorus & nitrogen) polluting our waterways.

Learn simple, healthy and beautiful methods of maintaining your property HERE or talk to your landscaper today about mulch mowing!

The Village of Larchmont Board of Trustees unanimously banned gas-powered leaf blowers effective January 2022. The Board has also limited electric leaf blowers to spring clean up in the month of April, and fall clean-up October 15 through December 15, with temporary allowances as determined by the Mayor for extreme weather events. Until the January 2022 ban takes effect, gas blowers are limited to these clean-up periods and mulch mowing is the recommended alternative. Try mulch mowing your lawn this Fall.  
Larchmont Volunteer Fire Department

The Larchmont Volunteer Fire Department is in need of fire fighters! The Larchmont Fire Department Volunteer Application is now on line! If you are interested in becoming a future volunteer fire fighter fill in the application. Don't delay do it today. For more information, call Bubba Fanelli: 914-403-2387.
Help For Our Local Businesses
Please remember to eat and shop local to help our local businesses and ensure that we continue to have a vibrant downtown. Check out the One Larchmont website HERE to see how you can help today.
Larchmont Library

The Library onsite services are open on a limited basis. Please check the Library website for details.
If you need help with managing your account or anything else, Reference staff is ready to assist you. Email any time at [email protected]. If you want a real live person, call 914-734-5362 any weekday between 10am and 4pm.
In the meantime, the Online Library is always open for business.
Winter Wonderland Drive-Thru

The NEW Westchester's Winter Wonderland Drive-thru Holiday Light Extravaganza Opens at Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla on Friday, Nov. 27.
For more information and to reserve your time-slot click HERE!
Village Calendar

11/2 Board of Trustees Work Session
11/4 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
11/5 Larchmont Environmental Committee Meeting
11/10 Traffic Commission Meeting
11/16 Board of Trustees Meeting
11/17 Planning Board Meeting
11/25 Architecture Review Board Meeting
11/30 Board of Trustees Work Session

For times and locations of meetings, please visit the Village Website: