LeBoHA November 2023 Newsletter
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Friday, October 6th marked the official opening of LeBoHA's Postgraduate Academic Center. The newly constructed facilities will allow for expanded teaching and learning, and receiving additional students, residents, and visitors. LNBS captured the event:
Want to watch more? Click these links to watch part 1 and part 2 of the Facebook livestream recordings, or keep reading for highlights!
The ceremony boasted impressive attendance! From the Left: The Principal Secretary for Health, Mrs. Maneo Ntene; Dr. Banda, Lesotho WHO Representative; Dr. Letsie, Director General Health Services, MOH; Dr. Malope, Director Family Medicine Specialty Training Program, LeBoHA; Mr. Takama, LeBoHA advisory board member; Hon. Limpho Tau, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office; Her Excellency Maria Brewer, US Ambassador; Hon. Selibe Mochoboroane, Minister of Health; Justice Nthomeng Majara, Acting Prime Minister, Government of Lesotho; Dr. Jack, President of LeBoHA; Hon. Lejone Mpotjoana, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations; M'e' Elizabeth Nkholongo, Executive Director, LeBoHA.
Programme Speakers
Hon. Selibe Mochoboroane, Minister of Health, affirmed that the opening of the doors of the Academic Center for Postgraduate Medical Training indicates forward momentum toward the establishment of a medical school for Lesotho to train its own doctors. Until now, this long-established goal lacked the support of material resources such as the Postgraduate Center. 

"This academic center of postgraduate medical training will serve as a beacon of hope, a repository of knowledge and a hub of innovation within the healthcare center. It will nurture the next generation of healthcare professionals by giving them the skills to address healthcare challenges. I’m confident that it will also provide a cost-effective alternative to sending students to other countries." 
- Her Excellency Maria Brewer, US Ambassador to Lesotho, pictured next to the USAID plaque
LeBoHA's Executive Director, M'e' Nkholongo welcomed the guests (above) and Mr. Lethunya did a great job MC'ing (top left). Thank you to Mr. Takama, LeBoHA Advisory Board Member for speaking on LeBoHA's impact on the community (bottom left)
Lots of Entertainment!
Boys from the Phelisanong School for Children with Disabilities performed a Liphotha. 

LeBoHA's FMSTP has partnered with Phelisanong in community engagement for the past few years, and it was very special for some students to participate in this celebration!
Performances from St. Mary's School of Home Economics and
Mokhibo, Motebang Hospital
Thank you.
This major milestone would not be made possible without support from USAID, Boston University, and generous donors like you. Thank you for your continued support!
Looking to the Future...
There are now specialist Family Physicians trained in the country in 7 of the 10 districts. These are Basotho doctors who speak the language, know the cultures -- and are dedicated to caring for their people, and serving their communities and the nation. It is clear the young doctors now have something to return home to – and they are! None of the graduates have left the country.   

With the success of the FM program, 4 years ago, the MOH asked LeBoHA to organize and run the National Medical Internship Program. These young doctors train for 2 years rotating in 5 hospitals and clinics across the country. 177 young Basotho doctors who have enrolled, with 112 graduates to date, and 60 still in the program. Remarkably, over 90 percent of graduates have remained in the country. They are trained and motivated to transform primary health care in Lesotho!  

Now, when the LeBoHA-directed Postgraduate Family Medicine Specialty Training Programme and the Internship Programme are combined, there are now more doctors trained in these programs than were in the entire country in 2005.  

This is a very good story to tell for -- and Lesotho should be proud! People need to know the good things happening in the Mountain Kingdom! 

I want to especially thank the local government for the use of this beautiful land. In the near future, we have plans to carry out landscaping of the campus and it will look beautiful, and as part of that, we will build space for meetings of the local community, a playground, and sports facilities. We are humbled and grateful for the use of this community land" 

- Dr. Jack, President of LeBoHA
Your Support is Essential and Deeply Appreciated!

Visit the Global Primary Care Website, our Boston based 501(c)(3), to make a tax-deductible donation to LeBoHA or your check can be mailed to:

P.O. Box 181084, Boston, MA 02118

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