
November 2021 | Embodying Gratitude Within Our Practice

At the close of the deep relaxation segment of the Kata, we are reminded to "take this opportunity to become aware of the peace and joy of existence itself, the invisible connections that join us with all beings, with the universe, with the miracle of the life we are given." What a powerful way to move into our transformational imaging and meditation!

The pace of our lives can make it difficult to stop long enough to pay attention to the daily miracles we encounter. In this holiday season, a time when we are so often reminded to practice the art of gratitude and giving, it can feel even more challenging to truly embody this state of being.

Fortunately, our practice offers a loving nudge toward gratitude, helping us to return to our center and a state of grounded, relaxed and energized awareness. Zen Buddhist John Tarrant Roshi explains why our practice of GRACE is so powerful within the context of gratitude. "Attention is the most basic form of love. Through it, we bless and are blessed."

This month's newsletter features a number of resources to support a practice embodied in gratitude, for ourselves, each other and the gifts and "hits" we experience each day. We hope the tools below inspire you to approach this transformative journey with a sense of this heartfelt joy. Gratitude truly does have the power to open us to our extraordinary capacities and to nurture the ongoing evolution of our global family. After all, as Brother David Steindl-Rast explains in our featured video below:

"If you are grateful, you are not fearful, and if you're not fearful, you're not violent. If you're grateful, you act out of a sense of enough and not out of a sense of scarcity, and you are willing to share. If you are grateful, you are enjoying the differences between people and you are respectful to everybody, and that changes this power pyramid from under which we live."

As always, thank you for your wholehearted participation in this community. Your support and enthusiasm help to shape and evolve this practice in profound ways.


"We believe that by the very nature of things, each of us carries a spark of divinity in every cell and that we have the potential to manifest powers of body, mind, heart and soul beyond our present ability to imagine."

- George Leonard and Michael Murphy

from The Life We Are Given


Listen to the Recording

Inspiring Words from The Life We Are Given

ITP co-founders Michael Murphy and George Leonard read an inspiring excerpt from The Life We Are Given. Get inspired by the core practices that form the foundation of ITP and help us to be present and grateful to the gifts offered on this transformative path of practice.


Read the Poem

"Messenger" by Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver's poetry draws its inspiration from nature. In describing this sense of wonder she writes; "When it's over, I want to say: all my life / I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms." ("When Death Comes" from New and Selected Poems (1992).) In this poem, Oliver reminds us to be present to the daily gifts writing, "My work is loving the world..."


Watch the Video

Want to Be Happy? Practice Being Present to Gifts and Opportunities

The one thing all humans have in common is that each of us wants to be happy, says Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. And happiness, he suggests, is born from gratitude. To live gratefully is to become aware that every moment is a gift and with that comes an opportunity to stop, look and rise to the occasion.


Reflecting on the Impact of Gratitude

Within your practice of Staying Current, take a moment to explore how embodying a state of gratitude impacts your integral self. Below are a few questions to help you reflect on your experience and ways to cultivate a perception guided by gratefulness.

  • What does gratitude mean to you?

  • What do you notice when you are in that state?

  • What happens inside your integral being - body, mind, heart and soul?

  • What do you feel grateful for in your life?

  • What practices support your experience of gratitude?


Learn More

Practice with Us: Online Weekly Kata

Join us in practicing the ITP Kata together each Thursday, 4:30 pm PT. This online offering, led by ITP teachers via Zoom, is extended to members of our community to provide connection, support and sustenance. Following the guided Kata session, you will have the opportunity to connect with the group for a 15-minute period of personal sharing.

Our aim is to awaken the world to its fullest potential through the discovery and experience of our highest potential and extraordinary capacities of body, mind, heart and soul.

ITP International


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