Hello friends,

Now that we're back to regular newsletters, I'm excited to share some of the new content we've been sharing.

In November, we shared insights into what each Motivator would feel most rewarded by in their job and at work. As a High Theoretical, I've shared mine below. You can find the other five motivators on our LinkedIn.

We also shared the guide for "a new normal" of workplace culture for you to consider in all the spaces you work and lead in.

If you're considering ways to enhance your workplace and plan for success in the new year, you may want to consider 360 Degree Feedback. We revisited an oldie, but goodie Wake Up Eager podcast episode with Greg Gregory discussing this powerful tool.

I'll be back in your inbox next month with our insights from December. Until then, happy holidays from me to you!

The Priceless Catch-up

Creating Job Fit with Motivators

Part of job fit is about ensuring that what the job rewards is also what rewards our natural drivers!

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Workplace Motivation

If you and your team are frustrated and have low workplace motivation, take it from us: it’s not normal!

Create a new normal using the simplest three actions:

① Create Clear Guidelines

② Check-In Often

③ Provide Support

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Discover 360 Degree Feedback

If you’ve ever thought, “360 Degree Feedback is not for me or my team.” Then this episode is for you!

In Episode #8 with Greg Gregory, Suzie uncovers why Greg said he’d never use it, what changed his mind, and how to debrief a 360 Report.

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