A Note from Dean Cavalieri
The holiday season reminds us to be thankful for all the gifts we have received throughout the year and for those people whose presence enriches our lives. I hope to see many of you on December 14 at our annual Unity Tree Lighting ceremony and at the luncheon that follows. And please consider a donation of non-perishable food or an unwrapped toy to support our annual collections to help our less fortunate neighbors in the communities around us.
My best,
Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, MACOI, FACP
Fall Inter-Professional Grand Rounds Tackles Diabetes Management
Students, faculty and staff from the Stratford and Glassboro campuses gathered last month for an interdisciplinary discussion of diabetes management at the Fall Inter-Professional Grand Rounds. Panelists included Dr. Rebecca Moore, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, SOM; Dr. Elizabeth Helfer, Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine; SOM; Dr. Christina Riccardo, Nutrition Clinical Coordinator, Department of Health and Exercise Science, Rowan University; and Dr. Robert Brecher, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, RA Pain Services. The panel discussion was followed by a question and answer session.
The Inter-Professional Grand Rounds program invites panelists form a variety of health care fields to discuss their role in a patient's comprehensive care. The program provides an opportunity for students to learn about how collaboration can help ensure optimal patient care.
Sheila De Young '20 Named SOM's 'Student DO of the Year'
A committee of peers selected fourth-year student doctor Sheila De Young as SOM's Student DO of the Year. The selection is based on several criteria, including leadership, commitment to community service, professionalism and embodiment of the osteopathic philosophy. Student Doctor De Young will be SOM's nomination for the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine's (AACOM) 2019 National Student DO of the Year.
Alumni Gather for Reception at ACOI
SOM alumni gathered last month for a reception at Marriott Orlando World Center during the American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI) conference.
Community Service Highlights Annual Board Retreat and Meeting
Members of the SOM Alumni Association Board, along with current student leaders, performed community service as part of their annual board retreat and meeting on November 3. Board members and students collected essential items for donation to the Vineland Veterans Memorial Home's on-site store for residents. Additionally, alumni and students wrote more than 200 letters addressed to the home's resident veterans, thanking them for their service. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Megan Reilly '97 for helping to coordinate the activity and donation drive.
Vigil Honors Lives Lost in Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre
SOM student organizations, IDEA Council and Jewish Osteopathic Medical Association, held a vigil to remember the lives lost during the tragic attack October 27 on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. The candlelight vigil was held as a sign of support for those in the Jewish community, while encouraging healing.
Students Mingle at Mutter Museum Mixer
A group of SOM students joined fellow medical students from the greater Philadelphia area at a mixer held at the city's Mutter Museum on October 30. Networking guests enjoyed dinner and activities, including a live mental health survey, interactive "post secrets" exhibit about mental health topics, and a scavenger hunt.
25thAnnual Unity Tree Celebration
Friday, December 14
12:00 pm
Academic Center
Please join Dean Cavalieri and the Administration immediately following the Unity Tree Celebration for a festive lunch reception in the Multipurpose Room. Lunch will be served in two seatings: 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm.
Food donations for the South Jersey Food Bank will be accepted during the Unity Tree Celebration.
Please RSVP to Jane Elliott at elliottj@rowan.edu by December 7.