November 2023

    "Promoting German culture, language, customs, traditions, and interests

for the benefit of all Saskatchewan people." 

Your Monthly News & Updates

Welcome to SGC's electronic update! This e-newsletter includes information on activities, events, services, programs, and projects from the German community in Saskatchewan. Readers will also find information and events from SGC member groups.

Please help us to spread the news by re-posting, sharing or forwarding our monthly update.

We will have a different look coming soon.

Multicultural Week

In 1974, Saskatchewan became the first province to pass multiculturalism legislation, recognizing the importance of preserving diverse identities, languages, and traditions. The legislation was revised in 1997 to include a focus on preserving and promoting Aboriginal cultures.

The Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (MCoS) was established on November 22nd, 1975. To support these values, Saskatchewan Multicultural Week, celebrated in the week of November 22nd, highlights the significance of multiculturalism and commemorates the founding of MCoS.

Culture in the Kitchen - Germany meets Ecuador

Join us for a multicultural cooking series where diverse cultural groups come together to share food and traditions. Expert instructors will guide us in preparing regional dishes from Germany and Ecuador, while sharing the history and cultural significance behind the food. Don't miss the event on November 17th in Saskatoon. Only a few spaces left, register by phone: (306) 975-0845 or by e-mail:

Culture in the Kitchen Cookbook

Looking for a unique Christmas gift? Consider our Culture in the Kitchen cookbook, featuring recipes from our Multicultural Cooking Series. This cookbook celebrates the culinary traditions of diverse cultural groups, promoting appreciation and understanding of Saskatchewan's multicultural society. Explore recipes from Germany, China, Norway, Vietnam, Brazil, Nigeria, Saskatchewan, Ukraine, India, Indigenous Saskatchewan, and more.

Follow this Link for more details about this book and our other publications.


2023 Online Advent Calendar

"Exceptional Christmas Markets"

Discover the magic of the holiday season with our online Advent Calendar, themed "Exceptional Christmas Markets". Just 16 days until the launch! Get ready to win beautiful calendars as well as delicious Christmas sweets. Join us for a festive journey!


Until January 24th, 2024

Resurfacing: Exhibit of Mennonite Floor Patterns, Diefenbaker Canada Center in Saskatoon.

November 15, 2023

Skat Day - Join the SKAT Club on Wednesdays at Sports on Tap, 2606 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon.

Starting at 6:30 pm

November 17, 2023

Das Schulhaus - Deutschtreff: German speaking club, open to first language speakers and adults of any level.

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

November 17, 2023

Culture in the Kitchen - Germany meets Ecuador - Come and join us at Massey Place Community Church in Saskatoon, only few places left.

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

November 18, 2023

Chistkindlmarkt Craft Show - Second Annual German Canadian Club Concordia Christkindlmarkt Craft Show.

11:00 am - 4:00 pm

November 20, 2023

Cooking Class - Join Kochlöffel & Nudelholz in Saskatoon for their November Cooking Class.

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

November 25, 2023

Chistkindl Markt - Enjoy the many crafts and beautiful items available at the Regina German Club.

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm

November 25, 2023

Documentary - The Newcomers - Screening and panel discussion with the director, Theresa Kliem in attendance at the Central Library in Regina.

Starting at 1:00 pm

December 3, 2023

Traditional German Advent Celebration - organized by the KulturGarten Saskatoon with German Kuchen, Torten, Coffee & Tea.

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

December 3, 2023

Christmas Concert - enjoy an afternoon of German and English Christmas songs with cake and coffee at the German Club in Regina with the Volksliederchor Harmonie.

Starting at 2:30 pm

For more events

Click here.



Want to become a member?

Join now!

Member Funding Follow Up

Follow up forms for member events must be submitted after the completion of the program, including relevant documentation.

Forms for download can be found below.

Member Follow Up Forms

Submit Your Event

Please submit your member group event to be posted on SGC's social media and in the e-newsletter.

Submit your Event

American Historical Society of Germans from

Russia, Regina

Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club, Regina

Austrian Edelweiss Dance Association, Regina

Austrian Hunting and Fishing Club

CFCR Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc.

Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein

Concordia Brass Band

Concordia Junior Alpenrose Dancers

Das Schulhaus - Regina German Language School Inc.

Department of International Language, U of R

German Canadian Club Concordia, Saskatoon

German Canadian Society Harmonie, Regina

German Language School Saskatoon Inc.

Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc.

Imhoff Heritage Society, St. Walburg

Jagd- und Fischverein “Waidmann’s Lust”, Regina

Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie, Regina

Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian

Koch- und Backstudio

Kulturgarten Saskatoon

Lloydminster German Heritage Society Inc.

Melville & District German Heritage Club

Mennonite Heritage Village, Swift Current

Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Regina German Film Club

Saskatchewan Association of Teachers

of German, Saskatoon

Saskatchewan German Culture Assistance

Fund Inc.

Saskatoon German Heritage Society

Skat Club Saskatoon

Spiritwood German Canadian Club

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Regina

Village of Edenwold

Volksliederchor Harmonie Inc., Regina

Zichydorf Village Association

To learn about each member organization, click here:

SGC Member Groups

Saskatchewan German Council Inc. | Phone 1-306-975-0845 |


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