November Wellness News
Get Up and Move!- It is important to take movement breaks for your mind and's why...
Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, like brisk walking, for at least 10 minutes at a time can produce both physical and mental/emotional benefits.
Physical Benefits
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • Weight control
  • Diabetes control/prevention
  • Easier to perform daily tasks
  • Improved sleep
Mental/Emotional Benefits
  • Reduction in depressive symptoms
  • Reduction in anxiety
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Sense of accomplishment
  • Increased energy
  • Improved mood
Information from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) webinar by Gail L. Daumit, MD, MHS, FACP
Click on the image to watch this 5-minute informative video about why we should incorporate more movement into our days!
To encourage/remind you to get up from your desk and take a break from work tasks, keep track of the breaks you are taking this month with this Break Time Log!--->
Print this log (double sided), keep it by your desk, and check the boxes when you take your breaks and lunch. Keep track of what you are doing this month and see where you can build in more 'you' time!
HHSA Mindfulness Breaks- Learn new mindfulness techniques each week!
Take your 15-minute breaks to learn new ways to relieve stress, re-focus, and help set a positive tone for the rest of the day. 
Different skills will be taught and practiced twice a week by fellow co-workers:
Wednesdays at 10am
Thursdays at 3pm

Add the appointments to your calendar and join when you can!
If you missed the email from Dwayne Green on October 19th, please email Anna B. to be forwarded the email with calendar attachments and the GoTo Meeting link or to facilitate a break.
Lunchtime Yoga Class- Beginner-friendly, light flow yoga class offered once a week.
Yoga Classes are back at Public Health! The classes are taught by Sara Sundquist, Registered Yoga Teacher, from 12:05-12:35pm once a week. Classes are held virtually and in the CCR (some exceptions). Schedule varies monthly. Yoga mats and blocks are provided. Can be done in work clothes.

Email Anna B. if you have not been receiving the monthly emails and would like to be placed on the list to receive the monthly schedule.

Please fill out this waiver if you plan to participate at least once and email to [email protected]
Community Calendar- Check out this calendar to find local events related to health and wellness. Let us know if you know a resource we should add!
Find the most up-to-date calendar on the share drive by going to:

//hipaa/PHShare/GROUPS-Coalitions.Committees.Projects/Worksite Wellness
New Recipe- Thank you Jeannine Gaillardetz for sharing your recipe for homemade focaccia bread!
Jeannine made this beautiful bread using fresh tomato, herbs, and edible flowers from her garden! She likes to modify recipes and create a piece of art with food.
Have a healthy & affordable recipe you would like to share? Email [email protected] to have your recipe featured in an upcoming newsletter.
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