Issue 388 | Nov. 2, 2023
November Word of the Month: Integrity
This month's value is integrity. We're taught at a young age that integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. Demonstrating this is Laura Didden, a business services manager in our dental school's research program. Learn more about Laura, her role, and how her integrity is central to her program's success year after year.
UConn Indoor Air Quality Initiative Aces EPA Tests
The Environmental Protection Agency validates what we've been reporting for the last two years — that you can drastically reduce airborne viruses with about $60 worth of materials and a half hour to assemble them into a Corsi-Rosenthal filtration box. It's an idea our cross-campus effort led by Marina Creed has been championing, while engaging Connecticut elementary school classes to build the DIY air purifiers as a hands-on STEM lesson. EPA scientist recently came to Connecticut to announce their findings, joined by a special guest.
Spotlight on Services: Our Ophthalmology Techs
The (eye) doctor will see you, but usually not without at least one of our 18 certified ophthalmology technicians seeing you first. Their clinical coordinator describes these specially trained clinicians as "the core of the practice." Learn more about our ophthalmology techs, in advance of Allied Ophthalmic Personnel Week.
Dr. Laurie Caines: Woman of Innovation
Congratulations to Dr. Laurie Caines, among this year's Connecticut Technology Council Women of Innovation® honorees! Dr. Caines was recognized as an awardee of an innovative grant from the National Board of Medical Examiners to create a clinical reasoning assessment for medical students. Read more about this honor and her reaction to receiving it.
I was recently informed the waitlist for Area 1 parking is near 500 names long and that it will take a few years before I would be able to park there. However, it appears the garages with Area 1 parking have many open spots. Is there a plan to get people off the waitlist at a faster rate?
Thank you for your question, which I’ve shared with Allan Peterson, who oversees our parking and transportation. He reports that with an average of just over 20 new Area 1 hang tags offered per month, someone who signs up today can expect a wait of 20 to 24 months.
It’s important to understand, we have people coming and going throughout the day, so while there may be times we see open spaces in the garages, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a greater capacity for Area 1 parking. Allan and his team are constantly analyzing the parking metrics and they make adjustments when appropriate to maintain the balance necessary to support our overall parking system.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Have a question for Dr. Liang? Just find his smiling face on UConn Health Express and click “Ask Dr. Liang a Question.”
Seasons of Gratitude: November
This month we recognize some of the professionals who make our exceptional work possible:
  • Medical-Surgical Nurses Week, Nov. 1-7
  • Allied Health Professionals Week, Nov. 5-11
  • National Patient Transport Week, Nov. 5-11
  • National Radiologic Technologist Week, Nov. 5-11
  • Allied Ophthalmic Personnel Week, Nov. 6 -10
  • National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week, Nov. 6-10
  • National Nurse Practitioner Week, Nov. 12-18
  • Perioperative Nurse Week, Nov. 12-18
Please take a moment to share your thanks and encouragement with these colleagues in November. It's all part of our Seasons of Gratitude.
Dr. Linda Sprague Martinez Joins as HDI Director
We welcome Linda Sprague Martinez, new director of our Health Disparities Institute! Dr. Sprague Martinez comes to us from Boston University, where held a leadership position in the school of social work and co-directed the medical school's Clinical Transnational Science Institute Community Engagement Program. Learn more about Dr. Sprague Martinez.
On CPTV: Hearing Aid Advice
Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic conditions as we age and is linked with increased risk for dementia and depression. Despite that, only one-fifth of adults with hearing loss actually seek intervention. As audiologist Hillary Marquis explains, in the latest UConn Health Minute on CPTV, hearing aids can keep you socially connected and improve quality of life. They’re now available over-the-counter as well as through a health care provider, but there are some important differences you should keep in mind.
Medical School Annual Report: Made at UConn
Every day at our medical school, we are making doctors', surgeons', scientists', and public health leaders' dreams come true, clinical innovations, research breakthroughs, a difference, and an everlasting impact upon Connecticut and its people. Our public service and production of the state’s future health care workforce are unparalleled. From Hartford to Africa, our school’s people are performing powerful academic training, medicine, and scientific research to fulfill more dreams, restore hope, and save patient lives. Find out what UConn Med is made of!
It's a UConn Health Halloween
We've compiled a gallery of costumed colleagues! See how many you recognize?
Got a story idea for The Pulse? Email us at [email protected].
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