The Tactical Edge
The Fall Issue is Here!

Please read our latest issue of The Tactical Edge with a wide array of topics, including a special tribute article on the life and legacy of Charles "Sid" Heal, written by NTOA Director Emeritus Phil Hansen.

Take a look at a list of articles offered in this issue.
Members: Read the entire issue in our members-only dashboard.

Not a member? Join now to read online.
Educational Scholarships
Our 2023 James Torkar Educational Scholarship application is now open!

This scholarship provides college funding for dependent children of individual NTOA members for tuition and other eligible expenses.

Application period: Nov. 1, 2022 - April 1, 2023

Scholarships: Two, $1,500 scholarships in each region - Eastern, Central and Western

Questions: Contact
The NTOA’s Law Enforcement Leadership, Education and Development (LEAD) event is back!

We are pleased to announce that LEAD Week 2023 will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Milwaukee, WI the week of May 8-12, 2023.

This event will provide an array of our most sought-after leadership courses, led by some of the nation’s best law enforcement instructors.

Attendees will hear from several instructors during their courses, and will also sit in on critical incident debriefs.

This event is intended for patrol, tactical, CNT and command personnel.

Courses offered:

  • Managing Critical Incidents
  • Supervising Patrol Critical Incidents
  • SWAT Command Decision-making and Leadership I
  • SWAT Team Leader Development
  • Tactical Mission Planning and Briefing
  • Training Management and Risk Mitigation

Hotel: The Hyatt Regency - Milwaukee is offering special discounted rate.
NTOA Board of Directors Election Results
We are pleased to announce the results of our 2022 election for NTOA Board of Directors for a three-year term (2023-2025).

M/Officer Steve Mescan
Pittsburgh (PA) Police Department

Sgt. Dan Wesolowski (ret.)
Milwaukee (WI) Police Department

Sgt. Jason Mudrock (ret.)
Unified PD of Greater Salt Lake (UT)
Our instructor-led online curriculum includes some of the NTOA's most sought-after courses, taught in real-time.

TAC Talks webinars feature a wide variety of law enforcement and fire/EMS related topics, led by some of our nation’s leading subject-matter experts. Webinars are offered both live and on-demand.
Upcoming online training and webinars:

  • Law Enforcement Response to Suicidal Subjects - Legal Realities and Options
  • What is an NTOA Team Review? (Webinar)
  • Basic Crisis Negotiations
  • SWAT Command Decision-making and Leadership II
On-Demand Webinars:

  • Active Shooter Incident Management (ASIM) Checklist
  • Tactical Mission Planning
  • Operating at the Speed of Trust: Angles, Allies and Advantages of Elite Units
  • Breaking Down the NTOA's Position Paper on No-Knock Warrants
  • Building Tactical Command Competency: Preparing to Function Effectively in Chaos
  • Asset Protection for Law Enforcement
  • Drone Programs and SWAT Capabilities
  • Rescue Task Force:Public Safety's Current Jedi Mind Trick
  • Leadership Principles for the Next Generation
  • Concepts of Nonlethal Force and Policing in Today's Environment
  • and many more...
Do you know your NTOA member number?
Your NTOA member number is your key to accessing all the benefits and discounts available to our members!
  • Discounts on training
  • Free webinars and over 30 on-demand webinars
  • Access to your training certificates
  • The Tactical Edge - access to over 2,800 articles
  • Member-tested database
  • and much more..
Please save your member number and use it to access your member portal and to register for training or webinars. (Members receive their member ID and password via email when they join the NTOA.)

Forgot your member number? Click here to look it up using the current email address used by NTOA to contact you.
Call for articles!

Write an article for our award-winning journal, The Tactical Edge! If you have an area of expertise or would like to write on a particular topic, please contact

In case you missed it, our Summer 2022 issue is available online!
The NTOA Academy takes the professionalization of SWAT to the next level by providing for the certification of SWAT team leaders and commanders. The curriculum consists of online education, residency courses and capstone project requirements.
Renew your membership!

Renew online so you don't miss an issue of The Tactical Edge.

Check out our Hero Workout! These workouts are extremely challenging by design. The NTOA physical fitness section encourages you to use discretion in modifying or scaling the repetitions and weight as necessary. Read more..
Nominate a Hero: The Hero Workout honors operators who are killed in the line of duty while serving in a tactical capacity. Based on input from the family and friends of the fallen hero, the NTOA will develop challenging workouts that pay tribute to the courage, selfless service and heroism of the operator who was killed during the performance of their duties. Submit nominations to

The NTOA training program is one of the most credible, cost-effective programs in the country.

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