Did you know that we're almost two weeks out from #GivingTuesday?
#GivingTuesday is held each year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (December 3, 2024). Everyone has a part to play in working to end domestic violence on #GivingTuesday and every day throughout the year.
Planning on giving this #GivingTuesday? Here are some tips to maximize your donation:
➤ Find out if your employer matches donations! Search for your company using the Double the Donation plugin on our website or on our donation form.
➤ Turn your Giving Tuesday gift into a monthly donation! Giving monthly impacts daily and is one of the easiest ways to make a meaningful impact.
➤ Adopt a Family! For our Adopt-a-Family Program, our primary focus is providing gift cards for our families. Holiday Wish List donations are also appreciated!
➤ Encourage your community to participate!
Please consider giving a gift in any amount and #GiveForDV!