November 2018
November is National Alzheimer 
        Awareness Month

C&A brings you some information and personal experience in support of Alzheimer's Awareness Month in November.

HELP! Engaging Leaders

Just as we conduct a need's assessment in the community to determine what is needed to help improve health; the same process should be followed in your organization. To get the best information . . . ask! 

CMS Oversight Increases!
The goal of CMS is to improve quality and safety. The CoPs provide a minimum standard of care for healthcare organizations to implement. Typically, CMS conducted an average of 5% validation surveys. Due to the disparity rate, which continues to be higher than the allowed 20%, CMS has increased validation surveys to 7%.    Read More  

We are so excited to announce our newest program 

C_APPS Membership 

In response to observations and input obtained in the field, this program is designed to help Accreditation and Quality staff with the development of policies and procedures, educational presentations, documentation tools such as competency checklists, tracer tools and more by putting these tools at your fingertips and in your inbox.
Sound interesting? Click Here to learn more.

C&A presents:   CMS & TJC UPDATES. 
Nov 19, 2018, 12:00pm-1:00pm EST  
The Joint Commission® is a registered trademark of Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Courtemanche & Associates has no affiliation with this entity.
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