November 2020
The arts and support are here!
The time is here to join with Arts Alive! and help us work to keep the arts and culture of this region strong. Read below about our current annual appeal to save the arts! Giving Tuesday is Tuesday, December 1!
We have an important survey about arts accessiblity and need your help to share it! Take note of new opportunities to work with us and lead in efforts to rebuild a stronger arts community.
We share news of an exciting new grant we have received as well as a project we have embarked on with Southern New Hampshire University business students. Read two inspiring stories of arts champions who forge ahead with innovations born of the times. And we remind you to make use of the Discover Monadnock Calendar. Make your event stand out!
1.Give to Arts Alive! on Giving Tuesday, 12/1!
Be part of the wave of generosity: on Giving Tuesday and give what you can. Join with Arts Alive Monadnock to help save the arts!
2.Discover Monadnock & Get Listed
Artists and Organizations: share news of your events - virtual or live.
Arts lovers: make sure you subscribe to our Discover Monadnock newsletter to see highlights of happenings!
Get your business listed:
3.Join our team!
Teach, lead and inspire fellow creatives: Arts Alive! is excited to announce an opportutunity to earn some extra cash!
4.Sign up for coaching and connecting
Coaching is a great way to learn: about the resources Arts Alive! has and the connections we can help you make in the community. 45 minutes sessions are free and open to anyone!
free the arts!:
paying the ransom is a group effort!
Maybe you feel like Covid-19 has held much of your life for ransom the last 8 months. The Arts are held hostage too!
Join us in the work of supporting and expanding the role of art in our community, particularly in our new reality. Arts Alive! has the tools, connections, experience, and programs to help arts and culture thrive in our region. Your gift helps us get our resources to artists and arts organizations and communities to make a difference. Let's do this together; the arts need us both!
For every donation of $25 or more to Arts Alive! we will send $5 to support a project called The Art Table, run by Erin Sweeney of Lovely In The Home Press.
The Art Table began in the spring, as a place where community members could pick up free art projects, kits, and supplies to do art at home. Its popularity grew fast. Currently, The Art Table has partnered with Peterborough Town Library to host Curbside Crafts, a pairing of the crafting projects with reading materials!
Our goal is to raise $1,000 for The Art Table by the year's end. That would enable the project to expand beyond Peterborough to other tables full or part time across the region.
join the arts alive! team:
employment and leadership
Arts Alive! has an employment opportunity for artists! We need teachers and activity hosts for our virtual programs in 2021.
There are two different ways to earn and simultaneously take on leadership within the Arts Alive! community. We'd love to work with you:
- Artist to Artist is a program that fosters business skills and knowledge within the arts community. It focuses on artists and creatives teaching other artists and creatives.
- Arts Alive!’s Meetups are events where artists can share their work, their challenges, let loose, have fun, get creative and crafty, and get to know each other a little better.
support for the arts:
multi-year grant will make an impact
Arts Alive! is proud to announce that the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (NHCF) selected us to receive an award from the Community Grants Unrestricted Program. Unrestricted grants support an organization’s general operations rather than a particular project.
Grants such as these allow us to maintain staff and offer programming, coaching, and advocacy that is adaptable to the times. In this year of upheaval it has been essential that we be ready with new programs, knowledge, and efforts to meet new needs of the arts community.
Arts Alive! will receive an award of $30,000.00 over a period of three years. We are incredibly grateful to the Charitable Foundation and its donors for this opportunity.
Leaders of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, the NH Center for Nonprofits, and the Community Development Finance Authority authored this article about the importance of giving to nonprofits this holiday season.
The NHCF is New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation, founded in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire. The Foundation manages a growing collection of 2,000 funds created by generous individuals, families and businesses, and awards more than $40 million in grants and scholarships every year. The Foundation works with generous and visionary citizens to maximize the power of their giving, supports great work happening in our communities and leads and collaborates on high-impact initiatives.
stories from the pandemic:
innovation and inspiration
These are unprecedented times and artists are finding strength in community and creativity. We collected two stories in November.
In this account, we hear from Taryn Fisher. You may recognize her name - we’ve featured her before. Taryn ran the League of NH Craftsmen store on Central Square in Keene, which closed down operations this past April. Well, she’s back! Read on to learn of her new venture, New Leaf Gallery, with master printmaker, Matt Brown.
We heard from WakaDoodles. This company was started with the vision to be a community art studio space. It is now defined as ‘traveling art instruction for children and adults.’ At Arts Alive! we know that bringing art to folks in a rural area can sometimes mean going to them instead of expecting them to come to you. WakaDoodles has built a beautiful practice of going beyond its original vision to be accessible to a wide variety of folks who want to make art together. Read on!
plugging into the arts:
will you help us and share our survey?
Arts Alive! has partnered with Antioch University New England to examine our community’s participation levels in the arts, the common barriers to participation, and how participation and arts engagement impacts loneliness and connection. The Center for Public Health is partnering with us to share the study and review the data.
Because wellbeing and community connection are keystones of so many arts organizations in our region, the data from this study could give the community another strong, research-supported reason to invest in the arts. Arts Alive! would share the data to with local arts organizations to inform best practices and to create helpful community programs.
A survey is our first step - later, the study will include other interactive elements. The time feels really ripe for this as we go into an uncertain winter - how will we emerge from the pandemic and reconnect with our communities? The arts can and need to play a key role!
Will you participate in this worthy cause by sending this survey to your community’s email list? If so, please respond by December 7. We want to cast a wide net throughout the communities of the Monadnock region.
launching ambassadors
connecting students to business
Arts Alive! is excited to be pairing with three Southern New Hampshire University students this year. They are in the Bradley Honors Program for Business Administration and are all excited about the arts!
discover monadnock arts:
is your event on the calendar?
Make your event stand out -
share the news and be found!
Discover Monadnock's calendar is your centralized promotion tool to spread the word about your event. With your help we are making it the go to place to see what great cultural events are happening around our region - the live events AND the virtual ones! Add your event to the calendar today so others may discover it!
arts alive! is supported by:
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Hoffman Family Foundation
Eppes Jefferson Foundation
Savings Bank of Walpole
C&S Wholesale Grocers
Carl & Ruth Jacobs
The Keene Sentinel
The City of Keene, NH
Tom & Babs Putnam
The Arts Alive! Board of Directors
Arts Alive! Members & Creative Businesses
And our greater community of donors!