Is Thanksgiving one of your favorite times of the year? It is for us at
Center Stage Software!
During this wonderful time of year, all of us on the Center Stage Software team wish every single one of our clients, suppliers, and vendors a very Happy Thanksgiving.
We especially want to take time to thank our clients who have given us wonderful suggestions during the year.
One story we'd like to share just happened just this week.
One of our clients, Judy of Theatre on the Ridge, reported that when running reports in Wintix, the reports displayed in a very large font on her monitor, as well as on her printed reports. Later, we heard from another one of our clients, George of Delray Beach Playhouse, that when printing tickets from two of his computers, the tickets printed just fine, but when printing from another computer, the tickets would print in a very large format. Within a few minutes, he emailed saying that he fixed it and all was well. We asked how he fixed it. It turns out it was a Windows issue. Read here how it was done.
When we emailed Judy and she emailed us back, "O.M.G!!!!! That worked like a charm!!! Thank this gentleman profusely for me. After endless hours trying to fix this problem on my laptop for the last few months ... finally a miracle solution!!! I am ecstatic!!!!!"
Thank you everyone for working with us AND EACH OTHER! Enjoy the blessings of this season.
Bruce and Diane also want to thank our contractors who work very hard in providing support services to our clients. Many of you have worked with Peggy, Twila and Troy. There are a few people who work behind the scenes that you may not know, though. We would like to take this time to thank:
- Peggy Dillon, our marketing and communications guru, plus our seating plan builder
- Twila Houseman, our support technician extraordinaire
- Troy Lund, provider of software testing services and online ticketing
- David Hile, new to our team, who is providing us with testing services for Wintix/Webtix version 5 and 6
- Dale Reed, our energetic and multi-talented assistant programmer to Bruce.
- Sarah Duncan, our trusty bookkeeper and sender of invoices, who keeps Diane in line in all things financial.
- Jean Djubasak, also new to our team, serves as Diane's office assistant. She brings to the table her organizational skills and business insights.