Newsletter-October/November 2019
The latest news & opportunities from RI C-AIM
Above: Undergraduates Mikayla Dubis, Jessi Florendo, Sebastian Rueda, Devyn Barraza, and Raymond Turrisi presented their SURF research at the 2019 NSF EPSCoR Conference in South Carolina, Oct. 28-30.
The RI C-AIM team traveled to Columbia, SC, to participate in the 2019 NSF EPSCoR National Conference. We thank Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti, Vice-President for Research at the University of South Carolina, and his team for their hard work hosting the collaboration- and idea-generating event.
Submit a project proposal and become a 2020 SURF mentor!
If you are a faculty member or graduate student at one of RI C-AIM's eight partner institutions and conducting RI C-AIM-related research, submit your project and host an undergraduate for 10 weeks of full-time scientific research.
Above: 2019 SURF and URI undergraduate Gabby Pantoni

For more information, contact SURF Coordinator Jim Lemire at [email protected]
Student Spotlight
Brown's Abigail Bodner
Brown University Ph.D candidate Abigail Bodner , who has worked on RI C-AIM research in ecological modeling under Thrust 2 lead Dr. Baylor Fox-Kemper , talks about developing mathematical simulations to better understand ocean dynamics as a GoMRI Scholar , as well as connecting people's lives to the complex science she's researching.

Upcoming Events
Dr. Bernard Munge @URI's Amgen Seminar
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2019
12:45-1:45 p.m.

RI C-AIM investigator Dr. Bernard S. Munge , Professor of Chemistry at Salva Regina University, will be giving a talk titled, 'Nanostructured Electrochemical sensor for Detection of Seawater Nutrients.'

The talk will be held at URI's Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall.
2020 RI Microbiome Symposium @URI
Jan. 16-17, 2020

Supported by RI-INBRE , URI's College of Pharmacy and others, the inaugural RI Microbiome Symposium brings together investigators conducting microbiome research. Sessions on biomedical and marine microbiomes will be held.  The registration and poster abstract deadline is Sunday, Dec. 1. 

Physical Oceanography seminar @URI GSO
On Friday, Nov. 22, 10:30-11:30 am, Dr. Xiaozhou Ruan (MIT) will give a talk titled, "Oceanic bottom boundary layers and abyssal ocean circulation." The event is free and open to the public.

Upcoming Opportunities
Blue Innovation Symposium @Salve Regina University
January 14-16, 2020

The  Blue Innovation Symposium i s the premier event in New England for connecting the marine technology industry for education, networking and facilitating partnering opportunities. This year's theme is "Sensors and the Next Wave of Data"

Call for presentations and flash talks due Nov. 20 & Nov. 27, 2019, respectively.
Job Opening: Assistant Professor of Oceanography, Ecosystem Modeler

URI's Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) is accepting applications for a tenure-track  Assistant Professor of Oceanography, with a start date of Sept. 1, 2020. Candidates will specialize in modeling the ecology and/or biogeochemistry of marine ecosystems to understand ecosystem response to both natural and anthropogenic stressors, including climate change.

Application Deadline: Monday, Jan. 6, 2020
The News
Read the latest Current!
In this issue

  • The Simulated Bay (Page 4) A new ocean modeling program will help researchers at Brown and URI understand the complex dynamics of Narragansett Bay’s ecosystems.
  • Film Study (Page 7) Faculty and students at Bryant, Salve Regina and URI working to halt march of bacteria interfering with marine data collection.
  • Semester Science (Page 14) URI’s Erin Tully takes summer SURF experiences into new year.
...And More!
News from RISD's Nature Lab
Check out some of the great events and news from RI C-AIM core facility the Edna Lawrence Nature Lab , including a recap of their 6th Biennial Design Science Symposium and work on science and data visualization!
Dear Colleague Letter-NSF, China partner to tackle environmental sustainability challenges
NSF and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) are partnering to encourage joint research by U.S. - China teams collaborating on fundamental research that addresses critical environmental sustainability challenges. The proposal theme is
"Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems"
Don't Forget
NSF Deadlines: Be sure to consult upcoming funding/project due dates for faculty and students alike from the National Science Foundation through their web portal .
Grad Student Assistance: If you are a graduate student working on RI C-AIM research, be sure to contact our liaison Alexa Sterling for questions about programming and opportunities.
C-AIM Newsletter Archive: Looking for info from a past C-AIM newsletter? Check out our archived newsletter page !