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Bringing your best self to work means being able to express how you feel. But complex emotions can be equally complicated to talk about. When you can’t find the words to express how you’re feeling, it can lead to bottling things up in an unhealthy way. This month, take Just One Step to express your emotions!

Your One Step This Month:

Put Your Emotions into Words

Kids tend to think of emotions in pretty broad strokes—feelings like happiness, anger or sadness. As we get older, we begin to understand that our feelings can be a little more complicated. Words like “bittersweet” help us to articulate some of those difficult emotions that can catch us off guard.

But sometimes we just don’t have the words to explain how we’re feeling to others. When that happens it can leave us feeling frustrated, or even isolated from the people we might normally confide in.

That’s what makes The Feeling Wheel such a great tool. At the center of the wheel are a few simple emotions, such as sad, scared and joyful. But as you move further out you encounter words that convey more complicated, subtle shades of feeling. Whether you’re speaking to a loved one, therapist or counselor, having this vocabulary at hand can help you express how you feel.

It's also a great tool for having difficult conversations with others, from helping a loved one struggling with substance abuse to discussing tough topics at work. Personally and professionally, we can all benefit when we take the time to put words to our emotions!

Discover how expressing emotions helps create a workplace where everyone belongs.

One of the keys to creating a sense of belonging in the workplace is to understand that everyone expresses emotions in different ways. Often, these are influenced by the cultures and communities people grew up in. By working to increase your own emotional intelligence, you can help others feel accepted and included by treating their feelings as valid and important. Learn more.

Make time to talk to a professional.

Perspectives, our employee assistance program, can connect you and your loved ones to a trained counselor who can help guide you through difficult times. Whether you're concerned about substance abuse, relationships, work, financial matters or you simply need someone to talk to, Perspectives can help you navigate the emotional challenges. You can also find great resources on the Perspectives website, like their recent webinar on helping your loved ones deal with addiction. Watch the webinar here.

Perspectives EAP Login Credentials

THG, HC+M, Envita & HES

Access code: THG500

Password: perspectives


Access code: MON501

Password: perspectives

Don’t Forget to Sign Up

for Benefits During Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment continues now through November 10! If you haven’t already signed up for your plan, make it a point to do so this week so that you’ll continue to have access to wellness benefits and resources that support your mental and physical health.


Click the button below learn more, and find resources that can help you make your enrollment decisions!

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