From the Desk of the NWiR Chair
Jennifer Stone, Johns Manville; NWiR Chair
Christee Holbrook, Graham Roofing; NWiR Membership Vice Chair
2020 by 2020
We are excited to report that membership has been increasing by about 15% per year for the past two (2) years. Help us reach our goal of 2,020 members by 2020 by reaching out to other women and men that could benefit from NWIR.
Webinars, Training and Industry Safety
How do you pick the best footwear for your job?
Michele Pratt, OSEA

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that almost 5% of nonfatal workplace accidents requiring time off are foot related. Before picking out the best- looking pair of boots or shoes there are quite a few questions you need to ask. Read this comprehensive guide to finding the right boots.
Equipping Leaders in a Culturally Complex World
Heather Estes, GAF

A recording of the Nov. 13 webinar, Equipping Leaders in a Culturally Complex World , is now available.

Cultural Competency in a Complex World discussed how to build and encourage cross-cultural trust, improve the current work environment, and how to create effective ways to work together. The recording will be going into the members only archive shortly.
Roof-Wall Intersections Webinar
Ellen Thorp, NWiR Executive Director

Parapet Predicaments and Roof Edge Conundrums: The roof meets the wall at the intersection of design aesthetics, functionality, durability, construction sequencing and maintenance.

This session will provide guidelines to successfully navigate these competing interests and provide project specific strategies for achievable performance through design and specification without compromising the aesthetics with distracting details at the parapet. This webinar qualifies for AIA, IIBEC and IACET credits. Register now!

The webinar is facilitated by Jennifer Keegan (Director of Building & Roofing Science for GAF and NWiR Education chair) and Benjamin Meyer, AIA, LEED AP (Roofing & Building Science Architect with GAF).
If you have educational content to share with NWiR, send it to
Lee Lipniskis, CORE Contractors; NWiR Councils Chair

Our councils have had a busy few months. Check out the association calendar to see what they've been up to! Several days over the past few months have found 2-3 council events occurring in the same day in different areas of the country.
Stories featuring women in roofing and construction.
Women Roofers in North Carolina create WeBuild! Camp
The 20 volunteers from the group Women Roofers hosted a summer camp for girls at Isothermal Community College in Spindale, North Carolina this past summer. They were highlighted in the news as News 13 WOLS' Persons of the Week. Check out this great feature in the Women Roofers group!
Meet Shari Carlozzi
Shari is the WTI Safety Solutions Director for Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance and NWIR Executive Committee Past Chair. She talked with Kim Eckerman, Director of Marketing and Communications for TAMKO Building Products on her experiences in the industry, her involvement in helping found NWiR., and advice on building a career in roofing. Read the full question and answer conversation!
Plans are coming together!
Plans are really coming together for NWiR Day! The venue is booked, mailings have gone out, the webpage is up and populated. Registration info will be posted any day on the webpage. Plan to travel on February 1st as we are starting bright and early on February 2nd in Dallas. Be sure to check the website regularly for more information.
 By Lynn Picone, NWiR Northern New Jersey Council 
Council Update: Turning your Quarterly Meetings into Women’s Workshops
Building meaningful connections is central to NWiR’s purpose (and one of GAF’s core values too), but in working to grow our local council over the last few years, we’ve found that highlighting a specific theme for each of our quarterly events has increased engagement within our network. Read more on ideas for growing your council.
 By Melissa Lee, Marketing Communications Manager at DuroLast 
The Science of Innovation: Moving the Roofing Industry Forward
While the roofing industry as a whole is widely dominated by men, women continue to grow their involvement and make an impact. The Research and Development Team at Duro-Last®, Inc., is a diverse group of both women and men that work to safeguard stringent manufacturing standards and drive innovation to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Four women from Duro-Last’s Research and Development Team share their experiences and thoughts on the technical side of the roofing industry.
 By Valorie Miller, JBS Roofing, Arizona Council
This year NWiR Arizona Council donated a free roof to Avis Lopez. Avis was a social worker who quit her job to care for four siblings who were going to be split up because they couldn’t find a place who would take them. Due to the children’s nationality, they were stuck in the middle of politics and no subsidies were available. Frustrated with the system Avis decided to make a difference and with some help from coworkers and friends started Avis Angels. She has up to 17 kids with little help from the government. Read how Polyglass was involved in this great project.
Elite Roofing Supply
 By Renata Stryczek
Meet Elite Roofing Supply, the newest NWiR Sponsor!
Elite Roofing Supply, an independent distributor headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, was started seven years ago and to date has 16 green field locations in 5 states. Elite branches are run by Managing Partners who are empowered to make their buying and pricing decisions at the local level to provide a high level of service to their customers, and this model is unique in the distribution world. Learn how these values promote growth, mentor leaders and focus on customer satisfaction.
Melissa Walker, Johns Manville; NWiR Mentoring Chair
N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship) Conference Attendee Program:
Based on the association goals of mentoring, education, networking and recruitment, National Women in Roofing is pleased to offer a scholarship program for attendance at NWIR Day and the International Roofing Expo at the 2020 IRE and NRCA Convention in Dallas, Texas. 

The deadline to apply is November 20, 2019. Winners will be notified on December 9th ; announced on December 11, 2019; and travel must be booked by December 15, 2019.
Upcoming Events
The newly created Events Committee is looking for women to join the committee. Please contact Melissa Mulligan if you're interested.
Are you speaking at an upcoming industry event? If so we want to know about it and share that information with our members. Email the information to Communications Committee Chair Anna Anderson .
Ellen Thorp, NWiR Executive Director

Looking Forward to Texas Networking Events in November and December
We've had so much interest from women in Texas who are excited about being able to drive to NWiR Day! To capitalize on this excitement, lay the groundwork for Councils to form leadership launch teams in Austin and San Antonio, and to spend some time with the Houston Council, I am coming to town.

The Houston Networking Reception is scheduled for December 3rd, with San Antonio tentatively scheduled for December 2nd and Austin for December 16th. We are looking for 2-3 NWiR members to serve on the host committee for these events to help arrange logistics and get the word out.

Please contact me, Ellen, if you'd like to serve on the host committee and stay tuned to your email for info on how to register for these events.
Professional Development & Continuing Education
Check out the upcoming webinar on roof-wall intersections referenced above in the education section. When I started in the roofing industry ten years ago, I found it very helpful to watch webinars like this (even if it wasn't specifically related to my job) because it still helped me to learn more about the roofing assembly.
Updates and Additions to Member Services
Over the past year, we have added many additional features and programs to the association’s website. In addition to the already existing member only benefits of the member directory, the mentor/mentee matching program, committee participation, council leadership, and event discounts; we are now adding the mentoring blog, webinar archives, and the content resource library to this members only benefit list. All NWiR members should have received an email on Friday, October 25th with the passwords for these new features; if you don’t receive an email please check your spam folder. If you still don’t see it, then please call the office at 303-450-3150 to make sure we have the correct email address on file for you.
Thank You To Our Diamond Sponsors
Thank You To Our Platinum Sponsors
Thank You To Our Founding Sponsors
Thank You To Our Gold Sponsors