Now Online: Updated Delta Plan Performance Measures Guidebook

Now Online:

The Updated Delta Plan Performance Measures Guidebook

The Performance Measures Guidebook describes how the Delta Stewardship Council uses data to track the health of California's Delta and is intended to be a companion tool to the online dashboard. The Guidebook now includes information on new and updated performance measures adopted by the Council as part of a 2022 amendment to Delta Plan Chapter 4: Protect, Restore, and Enhance the Delta Ecosystem. It covers measures related to species, water flows, funding, and more. These measures enable work toward a common vision for a restored ecosystem that is more resilient to climate change. 


Recently Updated Dashboard Content

New data updates have been recently published on the performance measures dashboard. These updates center around several water supply-related performance measures, including urban use, alternative sources, exports, and reliability.

Dive into the dashboard's water section today.

Computer Screen showing map data

Connecting the Dots: Data For Decision-Making

How do we know if conditions in the Delta are improving or worsening? How do we gauge the effectiveness of the Delta Plan? Performance measures provide critical information the Council uses to adaptively manage the Delta Plan and understand whether its policies and recommendations are working as intended.

Learn more on YouTube.

The cover page of the Delta Plan

The Delta Plan creates a common vision for taking on the region's current and predicted challenges. It includes regulations, non-regulatory recommendations, and performance measures to further water supply reliability, ecosystem resiliency, and the unique values of the Delta as a place.

Tracking performance measures is critical to the Plan's implementation and allows those at work in the region, interested parties, and the public to understand how well goals are being achieved.

Council meeting

The Council was created to align Delta decision-making with science. In the face of climate change, this connection is more important than ever. Progress requires bringing the right people to implement timely, science-based solutions.

Delta Stewardship Council
715 P Street, 15-300
Sacramento, CA 95814

Business Hours:
8:00 AM-
5:00 PM

(916) 445-5511
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