
I'm offering you one more reminder and opportunity to take huge steps now to move your rental property business forward! Whether you own between one rental and 100, here is your final opportunity to save $100 and get the early bird price for our upcoming Landlord Convention. And more importantly, NOW is the time to move your rental success forward.

-> Now is the time to significantly increase your net rental income!
-> Now is the time to reach and appeal to higher quality applicants.
-> Now is the time to be made aware of the most costly mistakes landlords are making!
-> Now is the time to manage more of your business virtually.
-> Now is the time to stop doing everything yourself in your rental business.
-> Now is the time to learn more ways to buy properties from the overwhelming number of motivated landlords.
-> Now is the time to collect money from former residents who owe .you
-> Now is the time to better protect your assets and get your estate planning in order.

If you are now ready to move your rental property business in at least one or more of the above areas, the time for you to do something about it is NOW! This year's Landlord Convention is for you. If you are ready to stop procrastinating, I invite you to join other like-minded landlords at this year's Landlord Convention.


Let's stop talking about doing these things (or worse, merely complaining). Come and let this year's Convention give you the inspiration, instruction and tools to do it now.

We are bringing together top national real estate instructors, mentors and succesful landlords from across the country to help you and all of us to go beyond Covid and to teach and brainstorm the above 8 critical areas of rental property success. The entire focus of the Convention will be to help you and I do those things we know we need to do now (that are greatly affecting your net income and yes, even your quality of life). When I say now, not one year from now, not three to five years from now, but let's do it NOW. Do not let any more time go by. Both you and I know that what you do NOW will have a BIG impact on your wealth, for your entire family and for generations to come.

Seating is limited and like last year, will sell out. Join 200 landlords who are serious and who are now ready to increase their success. Each year our Convention takes place in a different city and this year will be held in St. Louis, MO. The dates will be June 2, 3 and 4, 2022 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday). Call 1-800-950-2250 to reserve your seat.

Renaissance St. Louis Airport  will be the host hotel. Watch and listen to one example of how the ideas and connections at our Convention over the years have literally changed the rental businesses of thousands of landlords. For both small and large rental owners, there's no other interactive National Landlord Convention that compares and participants mastermind together. Join us in St. Louis this June 2-4, 2022, where iron will once again sharpen iron! Let's join forces, brainstorm together and help each other succeed.

I so appreciate the review one landlord once shared, who is coming again this year:

“If you are on the fence about attending the Landlord Convention this June some reasons Pookie and I are glad we’ve gone to the convention since 2011: We learned how professional landlords operate, screen, and stopped “just filling our places with any warm body”.* We met tons of wonderful like-minded folks that talk like us... Our family has never been happier since our cashflow is up and our stress level is WAY down... (Click here to read more of this review)

Like last year, the early bird price for Convention is $299 for primary attendees (save $100) and $199 for guests. And if you came to the Convention, Bootcamp or Retreat last year or you are a subscriber, you can save even more. Call if you're ready to do what you know you need to do now, 1-800-950-2250. You can also click to reserve your seat online.
Helping landlords who are ready to move beyond Covid and who are ready to make changes and do what they know they need to do now!
Jeffrey Taylor

P.S. When you call our office, please let us know if you are a current paid newsletter subscriber, or if you came to last year's convention. If so, you qualify for an additional 10% or 20% discount off our primary attendee rate. We only have a limited number of the extra discounted seats available, and this is the last opportunity to hear from you right away:)

P.P.S. For those who have already registered for this year's Landlord Convention, I look forward to seeing you in June to add to your success! And if you or your company have a service or product that can benefit landlords, email me and let me know that you would like to be a sponsor or vendor for this big event.
All the Keys to Your Landlording Success